Author Topic: Ecconomics 101  (Read 775 times)

Offline pkveazey

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Ecconomics 101
« on: April 06, 2021, 01:19:09 AM »
As you know, I follow the National Debt Clock, the Stock Market, and Precious metals market. I have come to the conclusion that there is a plan to collapse the economy by way of DEBT. We take in 3.3 trillion in taxes and we spend 6.5 trillion. That alone will bankrupt the Country. With that said, we pay 3.6 trillion towards the interest alone and that's more than we take in in taxes. Then we borrow money that doesn't exist from the Federal Reserve all the time. The more we borrow, the more debt we then accrue. That means that the Federal Reserve owns everything. He who owns everything then makes the rules. When Trump was first running for office, he gave a speech that laid all of this out and that demonstrated that he knew exactly how the economy worked. As soon as he took office, he did the exact opposite of what he needed to do to recover the system. Hmmmmm..... Somebody from the Federal Reserve must have set him down and explained the facts of life to him as to just who owns and operates this country. He then spent money like he thought he was OBAMA because he spent just as many trillions as OBAMA did. In order to keep the SHEEPLE in the dark, there has been a massive push to get people to not use currency for purchases. Yep, I'm talking about the digital currency thing that has been rammed down our gullet as CONVIENENCE. Has anybody besides me noticed that every Utility company and Insurance company is pushing you to pay your bill automatically or at least pay them on line. When they get us to fall for it and only use digital currency(Credit Cards, Debt Cards, EBT cards, Automatic bill paying through your bank, all pay set up as direct deposit, etc.) that's when Big Brother will be able to monitor every purchase and place it in a data bank. They won't totally outlaw cash at first but they will investigate cash purchases. Right mow, they have limits on cash purchases that exceed certain limits. If you save up for years and pay cash for an automobile, the dealer must fill out a form and report the purchase to the Government. So much for cash being used for "All Debts Public and Private". The next thing you know, some asshole from the government will show up at your door and accuse you of money laundering if you made a cash purchase. We're already hearing bullshit like "Only criminals use cash". I recently bought a very expensive Zero Turn Lawn Mower that I saved up for and paid cash for it so as to not go in debt for it. I didn't give them any information as to my name or address. Get rid of all debt because in the end it will bury you. Have you noticed that lately you've been getting calls where people are trying to get you to borrow money at low interest rates. Its all part of the scheme. Hmmmm.... What about those benign little money saving cards we sign up for at damn near every store we do business with. You know, Walgreens, CVS, Paneras, Auto Zone, O'Rielys, and a host of others. Do you think those purchases are not sent into the Governments database. Yep, what you bought, who bought it, how much of it you bought, how much you paid for it, what the date and time was. The wife and I are saving up to buy a newer used car and you can bet that when we pay cash for it, the dealer will have to fill out one of those "Suspicious Purchase  Forms" and send it in to the Government. If one of those Government Asshats shows up at my door and wants to ask questions, I'm going to send his ass packing and tell him that he needs to piss away a ton of government money investigating the most boring and law abiding  person in the country. Its their game but I refuse to play along. As far as possible, I'm going to work outside the rigged system. I have tried my best to get my wife to stop using that damned DEBIT card but to no avail. However I have got her saving up cash money for when the SHTF or if we need to make a large purchase. Do I use a credit card. Yep, I buy gasoline and an occasional AMAZON purchase. If I have a breakdown on the road I will certainly use it for towing and repairs. Just try to stay in a motel or rent a car without a credit card and see what a shitstorm that turns into.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2021, 09:33:49 AM »
All good stuff PKv.

Why would 'they' want to crash the economy? In my opinion, The Great Reset, Agenda 21, World Economic Forum - Take your pick.

The USA needs to be taken down to rebuild up the worlds economy. That is why Trump had to go at any cost and chance a rebellion. This is why what ever is going to happen will happen before the November 2022 elections. We do not want the GOP to control both Houses of the Legislature.

Just think, a populous in debt up to their chins is a lot easier to subdue then a population that practices self-reliance.

Freedom Through Self-Reliance TM
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Offline grizz

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2021, 11:42:37 AM »
All good stuff PKv.

Why would 'they' want to crash the economy? In my opinion, The Great Reset, Agenda 21, World Economic Forum - Take your pick.

The USA needs to be taken down to rebuild up the worlds economy. That is why Trump had to go at any cost and chance a rebellion. This is why what ever is going to happen will happen before the November 2022 elections. We do not want the GOP to control both Houses of the Legislature.

Just think, a populous in debt up to their chins is a lot easier to subdue then a population that practices self-reliance.

Freedom Through Self-Reliance TM

Rebuild the world economy? I'm beginning to look at it as world leaders working together (new world order) to control the rest of the planet. The idea of individual countries won't exist as much as a few people working together as they rule their own plot of land. All of them reporting to one person, soros.
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Offline Felix

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2021, 08:21:46 PM »
 pkveazey's reference to wife's continued use of debit cards reminds me of my own home front.  ("All Quiet on the Home Front" - until tomorrow and "She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed", happy wife/happy life comes home from a week of family visits)   Just kidding.   (sort of)
A family is a team (or best be).
How come I don't see any female posters here?  Is Prepping the sole domain of some kind of patriarchy?   
Now don't get me wrong, I come to praise Caesareena, not to bury her.   Just curious... anyone besides me wonder about the "why" prepping comments appear to come exclusively from men?   
Sexist pigs are we?   Will the fairer sex thank us for providing when the unicorns have all gone extinct?  Proven methods of bringing reluctant partners onboard - when to prepare is to acknowledge that something bad actually could happen?

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2021, 08:34:23 PM »

There are quite a bunch of gals here. They just lurk and do not voice their opinions.

I was at a Eater feast Sunday and several ladies approached me to tell me they read and follow UP. I asked one why she does not participate and she said, "to much testosterone. I am afraid to ask the wrong question or comment on a post for fear of being challenged."

Wrong, right or, wrong, I have heard it before from many women. Understand, when you post, male or female, you are helping out many others who read but do not post. UP serves a great number of folks even if they do not participate by posting.   

UP averages about 10K clicks a day, 400K a year. Yet we only have about 800-folks who belong to UP. Somebody must be reading us  ;)

73 & God Bless to you all...
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Offline Jackalope

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2021, 09:07:58 PM »

I was at a Eater feast Sunday and several ladies approached me to tell me they read and follow UP. I asked one why she does not participate and she said, "to much testosterone. I am afraid to ask the wrong question or comment on a post for fear of being challenged."

Seeing that you were at a Eater feast, I hope you weren't eating kids...   So what do Pennsylavanians eat at a Eater feast?   :chuky:

Offline RB in GA

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2021, 09:52:40 PM »
Maybe they had Johnny's canned kids?

Offline Felix

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2021, 10:44:12 PM »
Thank you JM - I am genuinely surprised to hear of both the number of readers _and_ that there are significant numbers of females (lurking?).
Heck, I'd trade a Sasquatch sighting for some threads by a female human here.   :)) :hiding:

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #8 on: April 07, 2021, 12:00:40 AM »
This digital Currency thing is really starting to roll. My credit card company sent me one of the new, "Just hold it near the machine" cards. Today the wife got a notice in the mail that she was going to receive her new, "Just hold it near the machine", debit card. I told het that I knew that the Digital Currency thing was going to be pushed to the limit and I was right. Well, screw 'em. I used my credit card last month for gas only and I always used it at the same gas station. That ought to piss off the Government data trackers. I don't do anything that I'm afraid to disclose but if anything gets disclosed about myself, I'd rather that it be ME doing the disclosure. Some of the people I know use that damned credit card for every purchase they make. If they were buying a pack of Condoms, they would use that credit card. Waaaaayyyy back before all this digital currency thing got started, I used my credit card to buy some ammo. That would not happen today. No way. I'm amazed at people when I discuss the digital currency and they agree and nod their head like a bobble head in the back window of a 1950's car. Then they go right out and keep using their credit card for every purchase. :troutSlap:

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #9 on: April 07, 2021, 08:22:09 AM »
Jackalope wrote, Seeing that you were at a Eater feast, I hope you weren't eating kids...   So what do Pennsylavanians eat at a Eater feast?   

Naaah, we save canned kids for Halloween.  ;)

Ham and home made corned beef was the protein.
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Offline grizz

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Re: Ecconomics 101
« Reply #10 on: April 07, 2021, 07:40:47 PM »
FWIW I'm 57, single and looking for a female to spend the rest of our days together
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