Damn my "unkind" soul if you must... but I look at the coming tribulations with both a mixture of horror and satisfaction.
Though they be the products of forces they did not control nor choose, I still hold people accountable for their attitudes, fears, beliefs.
God gave everyone a brain and even if raw "intelligence" might not have been evenly distributed, we simply cannot excuse refusals of acknowledging right and wrong.
Is it not wrong, in a fatally destructive vein, to refuse looking at the evils being piled upon us and a once great and good society? But refuse they do, the many who still cling to MSNBC/CNN/Rolling Stone type propaganda.
Well, perhaps the "many" do, in their secret places, understand what perils abound, yet find it more comfortable to spend their conscious efforts in denial. Whatever.
But the facts are, accumulating at an increasingly faster rate, going to strip even the most cowardly, ignorant, smug of their hiding places. And then, perhaps only then, they _will_ find themselves "taking sides". I count that as a good thing. For while the blood will flow of it, we will then be solidly on the irreversible path to whatever future awaits.
I only hope and pray that my little part might align with making it a good and better future.