While my general nature is to be Optimistic about things, I am also a realist and can prepare for the worst. Our Local Doctors office is about 4 miles away from my neighborhood and it is Federally funded. That means that when us older folks go to the Doctor, They accept whatever amount Medicare pays and we don't have to pay the extra difference. Recently the Doctors Office also bought the local Drug store which happens to be next door to the Doctors Office and that keeps most of the drug prices lower because that then becomes a Federally funded facility which limits the cost of most medicines. I programmed and gave my Doctor a UV5R and told him to use the MURS frequencies in case of emergencies. Yep, I've made a semi-prepper out of him. When Cell Phone towers get shut down and we all know that when the SHTF the government will limit who gets to use them, I have a plan to circumvent that Bullshit. If they want it, I will spring for installing a UV5R and Base antenna at both the Doctors Office and the Drugstore. Then If the locals need to contact them, they'll just need a MURS radio. Why MURS? Well, I used CB for a long time before I became a HAM and CB ain't worth a shit, 2 meter FM with a good antenna will beat it every time because there won't be any noise and some dumbass in Texas yelling "Skipland, Skipland" all the time. Hmmm..... What about the local EMS and Fire Dept? Well, I programmed and gave the local Sheriff a UV5R and a mobile Mag Mount antenna so I'll have to get back with him and ask them to set it up to monitor MURS in case we need to call for help. Once they get a call on MURS then they can relay whatever the emergency is by way of their Radio system. Yea, I know.... Everybody isn't going to have a Radio but it won't take long for the other nearby neighbors to learn who has Radio capability and ask them to make the call for them. The bad thing is, I'm the one with the great big Antenna system that everyone can see and it will make me the magnet radio station.