Cool beans Brother.
The Monday Bible Studies class last night was canceled so I hit a local HF net at 1900 hrs. local. Then refired up the 590s at a few minutes before 2200 hrs. local. There was a QSO at 3.860 and another one on 3.865. What I was hearing on 3.863 was just splatter from 3.865. The 3.865 NCS was in SW Tenn. and he was picking up folks from TX, OK, AR, MO, KY, and a few others which were hard to hear. Their big topic was, drum roll please.......
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Since this whole Ukraine-Russian drama began, I have never heard so much politics on the airwaves as I have over the past seven days. Very anti-Biden and U.S.A. policy in general.
I will hold off commenting on U.S.A. policy on this Board.