Author Topic: Rant  (Read 28716 times)

Offline Kentactic

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Re: Rant
« Reply #75 on: February 16, 2012, 08:49:15 PM »
Just for the record guys the word "blessing" dosent only relate to religous type stuff... just religion uses the crap out of it so we relate any use of the word to a god given divine intervention type thing.
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Offline rah45

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Re: Rant
« Reply #76 on: February 16, 2012, 08:55:18 PM »
Regarding morality and ethics discussions...there were some over at L&L that blew up rather badly. There was one involving Reaver's unique views on consumption (which blew up, I later learned, based on the fact that his views were somewhat miscommunicated online). There was another about how our morals/ethics would affect us regarding becoming wolves. I believe most of the regulars here were exposed to that conversation. Many more members than were expected pretty much said they would embrace wolfish behavior, though some qualified it by saying they would only prey on other wolves. The meaningful discussions of morality and ethical behavior are present, but they explode and divide so much that I guess we've unconsciously decided to let it be. I'm not opposed to discussion, but member relations can become very strained on very deep levels. Perhaps that's a good thing - testing our relationships with one another. Perhaps it's a bad thing - breaking up our community. It's a scary prospect, either way. Like stepping on a telling what parts of you it's gonna blow off.

Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #77 on: February 16, 2012, 09:01:04 PM »
Just for the record guys the word "blessing" dosent only relate to religous type stuff... just religion uses the crap out of it so we relate any use of the word to a god given divine intervention type thing.
Well Ken when you invent a time machine and go back to see George Washington giving the dedication of our nation be sure to ask him for us all what "god" he dedicated this nation to, and whose "blessing" he was asking for when he did so. Til then what you just said was a bitter assumption at best.
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
Andrew Jackson

Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #78 on: February 16, 2012, 09:12:27 PM »
Regarding morality and ethics discussions...there were some over at L&L that blew up rather badly. There was one involving Reaver's unique views on consumption (which blew up, I later learned, based on the fact that his views were somewhat miscommunicated online). There was another about how our morals/ethics would affect us regarding becoming wolves. I believe most of the regulars here were exposed to that conversation. Many more members than were expected pretty much said they would embrace wolfish behavior, though some qualified it by saying they would only prey on other wolves. The meaningful discussions of morality and ethical behavior are present, but they explode and divide so much that I guess we've unconsciously decided to let it be. I'm not opposed to discussion, but member relations can become very strained on very deep levels. Perhaps that's a good thing - testing our relationships with one another. Perhaps it's a bad thing - breaking up our community. It's a scary prospect, either way. Like stepping on a telling what parts of you it's gonna blow off.
Well said. 
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
Andrew Jackson

Offline Kentactic

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Re: Rant
« Reply #79 on: February 16, 2012, 09:22:25 PM »
Just for the record guys the word "blessing" dosent only relate to religous type stuff... just religion uses the crap out of it so we relate any use of the word to a god given divine intervention type thing.
Well Ken when you invent a time machine and go back to see George Washington giving the dedication of our nation be sure to ask him for us all what "god" he dedicated this nation to, and whose "blessing" he was asking for when he did so. Til then what you just said was a bitter assumption at best.

says you... im simply stating the Definition in the english language of the word "blessing" dosent only pertain to religious interactions. i made the definition clear because they were in a debate on who can give blessings...and the correct answer is anyone can. it does not only fall under the ability of super beings. i dont have to ask George washington i have google. and i said nothing about the word god. the word god wasnt in the quote above given by crudos.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2012, 09:25:38 PM by Kentactic »
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Offline sledge

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Re: Rant
« Reply #80 on: February 16, 2012, 09:49:54 PM »
Bless you!   :)

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Offline crudos

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Re: Rant
« Reply #81 on: February 16, 2012, 10:39:11 PM »
Facts are facts man whether we like them or not. And this nations "founding fathers" weren't even really the guys people often refer to. In fact the Pilgrims were far more our founding fathers than deist like Thomas Jefferson and his occult buddy Benjamin Franklin. I mean Crudos, not to be a dick, because really you seem like a nice guy, but why would I listen to what you or others holding your views have to say? Do you have any idea how much time I've put on to apologetics, theology, and just reading canonized and non-canonized biblical works, world history, Meso-American history and myths, Egyptian history and myths, Sumerian myths, Greek myths, evolution, prophecy, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, astronomy, etc. and etc. There is but ONE true GOD, and the fakes aren't hard to discredit if you know what you're looking for. Truly Crudos, if I'm wrong, I challenge you to study it and prove it in front of everyone here. Make me put my foot in my mouth. I'll tell you right now though, you're not going to find a short answer on the internet, and it's going to take some SERIOUS time. And that right there is the beauty of it. See I could just tell you in so many words how, why, and where you went wrong with your world view on God and Christianity, but you wouldn't believe me if I did. Even if it was undeniable fact. If you see it for yourself though? Well that's a different story.
I'm not exactly sure what you want me to prove here. Your not the only one who has put in massive amounts of time and study on history, and it's ramifications on our world today, and other subjects. I'm not going to prove your One true God is wrong, nor would I ever try. If you believe it and helps you get through life, that is good enough for me, but in my world and spiritual view, I think your enthusiastically misguided. Nor does your one true God have any bearing on my life anymore. You found something that resonates with you, I say go with it, but don't get all in a righteous snit when someone challenges your view. I will not put my personal experiences with spirituality on public display to prove anything, rightly or wrongly. They are mine alone to cherish and reflect upon.

Again, I'm not picking on you WW, but what I read from your writings is the same kind of overbearing, self-righteous, indignation that drove me from my Christian upbringing. There are no absolutes in religion except those constraints put there by men, with all their faults and failings. Jesus put forth some really good ideas, but I will not fall to worship at the feet of mythical, monolithic entity of fear that became modern Christianity. Is it any wonder why the current day Christian church (and all it's related flavors) are struggling to keep the flock intact? I'm glad that I live in an age where it's okay to question the status quo, to find our personal truths, to experience deep meaning and revelations, and not get crucified, nor tortured, nor killed for heresy against a man-constructed temple of corruptible power.

Offline crudos

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Re: Rant
« Reply #82 on: February 16, 2012, 10:53:13 PM »
Sledge and WhiteWolf, there are some other topic that you both broached, and would make equally interesting discussion. If for future reference, when quoting another post, take the emoticon codes out so it makes it easier to follow who said what and to whom. Seems if you leave the emoticon code in the quote, it messes up the formatting. Just saying...cheers, beers, and 'Merica?fuck yeah.

Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #83 on: February 16, 2012, 11:03:12 PM »
Facts are facts man whether we like them or not. And this nations "founding fathers" weren't even really the guys people often refer to. In fact the Pilgrims were far more our founding fathers than deist like Thomas Jefferson and his occult buddy Benjamin Franklin. I mean Crudos, not to be a dick, because really you seem like a nice guy, but why would I listen to what you or others holding your views have to say? Do you have any idea how much time I've put on to apologetics, theology, and just reading canonized and non-canonized biblical works, world history, Meso-American history and myths, Egyptian history and myths, Sumerian myths, Greek myths, evolution, prophecy, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, astronomy, etc. and etc. There is but ONE true GOD, and the fakes aren't hard to discredit if you know what you're looking for. Truly Crudos, if I'm wrong, I challenge you to study it and prove it in front of everyone here. Make me put my foot in my mouth. I'll tell you right now though, you're not going to find a short answer on the internet, and it's going to take some SERIOUS time. And that right there is the beauty of it. See I could just tell you in so many words how, why, and where you went wrong with your world view on God and Christianity, but you wouldn't believe me if I did. Even if it was undeniable fact. If you see it for yourself though? Well that's a different story.
I'm not exactly sure what you want me to prove here. Your not the only one who has put in massive amounts of time and study on history, and it's ramifications on our world today, and other subjects. I'm not going to prove your One true God is wrong, nor would I ever try. If you believe it and helps you get through life, that is good enough for me, but in my world and spiritual view, I think your enthusiastically misguided. Nor does your one true God have any bearing on my life anymore. You found something that resonates with you, I say go with it, but don't get all in a righteous snit when someone challenges your view. I will not put my personal experiences with spirituality on public display to prove anything, rightly or wrongly. They are mine alone to cherish and reflect upon.

Again, I'm not picking on you WW, but what I read from your writings is the same kind of overbearing, self-righteous, indignation that drove me from my Christian upbringing. There are no absolutes in religion except those constraints put there by men, with all their faults and failings. Jesus put forth some really good ideas, but I will not fall to worship at the feet of mythical, monolithic entity of fear that became modern Christianity. Is it any wonder why the current day Christian church (and all it's related flavors) are struggling to keep the flock intact? I'm glad that I live in an age where it's okay to question the status quo, to find our personal truths, to experience deep meaning and revelations, and not get crucified, nor tortured, nor killed for heresy against a man-constructed temple of corruptible power.
Well man, that's straight. I realize you're not picking on me. For me, my faith is grounded, and I'm sorry if you feel it was self righteous, overbearing or anything else negative. If you ever want to question me further about my beliefs or have a question pertaining to the Bible or historical references therein please feel free to ask. In all honesty I didn't start this post to try and prove something to anybody. I didn't even really intend for it to take a religious direction. I really just wanted people to take some time for self reflection. Do I want people to wake up and start to see the world for what it is? Absolutely, but I don't expect anyone here to take a few words typed out on an internet forum seriously enough to convert. Maybe just enough to start looking. Either way man, no bad feelings, God Bless.
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
Andrew Jackson

Offline crudos

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Re: Rant
« Reply #84 on: February 17, 2012, 07:49:00 AM »
Well man, that's straight. I realize you're not picking on me. For me, my faith is grounded, and I'm sorry if you feel it was self righteous, overbearing or anything else negative. If you ever want to question me further about my beliefs or have a question pertaining to the Bible or historical references therein please feel free to ask. In all honesty I didn't start this post to try and prove something to anybody. I didn't even really intend for it to take a religious direction. I really just wanted people to take some time for self reflection. Do I want people to wake up and start to see the world for what it is? Absolutely, but I don't expect anyone here to take a few words typed out on an internet forum seriously enough to convert. Maybe just enough to start looking. Either way man, no bad feelings, God Bless.
+ karma and blessings to you WW.

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Rant
« Reply #85 on: February 17, 2012, 10:09:36 AM »

"Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched.  Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion.  Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must more approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear."    - Thomas Jefferson in a letter to Peter Carr, Aug. 10, 1787

(that's one of literally hundreds within the link above)
« Last Edit: February 17, 2012, 10:16:54 AM by NOLA556 »
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