Author Topic: Rant  (Read 28715 times)

Offline v0dka

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Re: Rant
« Reply #25 on: February 14, 2012, 12:16:30 PM »
I'm a godless fuck and i enjoy being a godless fuck. I don't have any fears of death and i have been in the hospital dying before.
I know i'm a better person then alot of people that believe in god are. whatever awaits me after death I welcome, even if it is hell. If it is then i know i will have good company at the least.
sic luceat lux

Offline Kobalt

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Re: Rant
« Reply #26 on: February 14, 2012, 12:18:21 PM »
Video response inbound.
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Offline crudos

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Re: Rant
« Reply #27 on: February 14, 2012, 12:20:15 PM »
Glad you figured us (the SP community) out and judged us (the SP community) all. Thanks.  [img]

Will post more later, but off to work now.
Ain't judging shit pal. Even said I'd a bare a little humility if needed. And Crudos, .........I wasn't exactly pointing my finger at any individual here and singling them out. Hope you have a good day at work and I look forward to your full response.

Hmmm, I must've mis-read your initial rant then? I re-read it and it still sounds very judgmental towards SP in general to me. You didn't exactly single anyone out, but you sure aren't painting SP in a very good light.

For someone who has this quote/statement in their profile, "If I gave a shit you'd be the person I'd give it 2", sounds a bit hypocritical to be calling for more community-minded aspects to prepping. Then again, maybe I'm missing something.

I'm not even going to get into the religious and political aspects of your rant. I was initially very hesitant to get involved with any kind of online prepper community for exactly the reasons as demonstrated in your rant. Now I'm starting to regret my decision.


Offline sledge

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Re: Rant
« Reply #28 on: February 14, 2012, 12:44:57 PM »
I'm a godless fuck and i enjoy being a godless fuck. I don't have any fears of death and i have been in the hospital dying before.
I know i'm a better person then alot of people that believe in god are. whatever awaits me after death I welcome, even if it is hell. If it is then i know i will have good company at the least.

A man should know himself.  It's good that you do you Godless f@ck.   :) 

Everyone, even a Godless f@ck, can be used by God as a tool.  Here's hoping that bugs the shit out of you.  LOL!

Carry on dude.  We're all in the plan somewhere.   :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline sledge

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Re: Rant
« Reply #29 on: February 14, 2012, 01:32:41 PM »
Glad you figured us (the SP community) out and judged us (the SP community) all. Thanks.  [img]

Will post more later, but off to work now.
Ain't judging shit pal. Even said I'd a bare a little humility if needed. And Crudos, .........I wasn't exactly pointing my finger at any individual here and singling them out. Hope you have a good day at work and I look forward to your full response.

Hmmm, I must've mis-read your initial rant then? I re-read it and it still sounds very judgmental towards SP in general to me. You didn't exactly single anyone out, but you sure aren't painting SP in a very good light.

For someone who has this quote/statement in their profile, "If I gave a shit you'd be the person I'd give it 2", sounds a bit hypocritical to be calling for more community-minded aspects to prepping. Then again, maybe I'm missing something.

I'm not even going to get into the religious and political aspects of your rant. I was initially very hesitant to get involved with any kind of online prepper community for exactly the reasons as demonstrated in your rant. Now I'm starting to regret my decision.


Well Crudos we're glad you're here!   :)  Online and offline the prepper community is made up of a large group of people with a wide range of views and ideas.  Just like any sampling of the general population.  The key is, just as you probably don't associate with or spend much time with people you don't agree with offline, to only click those topics that interest you online.   :)

In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Kobalt

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Re: Rant
« Reply #30 on: February 14, 2012, 02:45:25 PM »
I was going to make a video responce, But fuck it. Im to lazy to read all of this shit.
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Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #31 on: February 14, 2012, 03:16:23 PM »
Glad you figured us (the SP community) out and judged us (the SP community) all. Thanks.  [img]

Will post more later, but off to work now.
Ain't judging shit pal. Even said I'd a bare a little humility if needed. And Crudos, .........I wasn't exactly pointing my finger at any individual here and singling them out. Hope you have a good day at work and I look forward to your full response.

Hmmm, I must've mis-read your initial rant then? I re-read it and it still sounds very judgmental towards SP in general to me. You didn't exactly single anyone out, but you sure aren't painting SP in a very good light. I don't think you misread it. I just don't think you understand it. And really I'm not painting SP in any light. I'm challenging men to better themselves and quit snuffing out real issues that have effected our nation. Stored food, guns, tin foil, and duct tape isn't going to solve the moral and ethical problems of our nation.

For someone who has this quote/statement in their profile, "If I gave a shit you'd be the person I'd give it 2", sounds a bit hypocritical to be calling for more community-minded aspects to prepping. Then again, maybe I'm missing something. Yeah, you missed the part where I tend to be VERY sarcastic. The quote is really against my nature, but it's something my cousin always says to me to snap my head back in the game when I've lost perspective.
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Offline crudos

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Re: Rant
« Reply #32 on: February 14, 2012, 05:35:08 PM »
Thanks for the replies WW, I have a better perspective on where your coming from now, more so than I did this morning. Don't agree with some of your rants still, but that's life sometimes. Been pounding my head at work all day, and don't feel like pounding it on the internet atm. Cheers and beers.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Rant
« Reply #33 on: February 14, 2012, 06:47:49 PM »
First I want you to know White Wolf, I did not watch the video. When I had time I could not bring it up and now I do not have the time  :)) I also want to thank you for writing the Rant. There is a lot of good things in it most of which its not just about prepping food. 

While putting beans, bullets and band-aides away for the up and coming TEOTWAWKI for the body, I think we also need to reconcile our past sins and get right with God for our souls.

In my earlier life I really got off track, probably being brought up in the 60?s and 70?s. My wife and I spent much of our time doing whatever felt good. This stopped abruptly one early morning when my wife was pulled over going the wrong way on a one way street in Seattle. The police report stated that she blew a .022. Later at trial, the judge told her you have two choices:

1)   Pay the fine and go to jail or
2)   Go to outpatient rehab. She took the rehab and has been sober since ? Twenty years in

To this date my wife and I feel that God interviened as both of our lives changed for the better.
During those twenty years she went to AA meetings in 10 or so states and three countries until we came to RI. The meetings here were not to our liking. The reason and subsequent story I will save for another post. 

Over our 35 years we have been together we have watched a lot of folks fall. There was adultery, divorce, substance abuse, violence, death, etcetera going on all around us. It seemed like as each year passed we had less and less friends because of divorce and death. One day a few years ago we asked again ?what happened? when our very best married friends got a divorce. In almost every instance it was due to people thinking about their own pleasure above all else.

We did a little research and what it came down to to us was once my wife had her run in with the law we both decided to not follow Baal (Bael) into his depths. Was my wife tempted to have a Tanqueray and soda or do another line of coke; yup. I use to travel almost all the time; consequently I had many, many opportunities to bed another gal but I never did. We just refused to follow that devil down to his pit.

Why do our countrymen think it is O-Kay to follow Baal. Well not to start another debate I think it has to do with the induction of ?the pill? into our society in the mid 60?s. Just look at divorce rates before 1965? Look at drug use or single parent rates pre and post the introduction of the pill to our consumers. Just food for thought. 

Now it?s time to bring my thoughts back to my opening paragraph. Along with putting beans, bullets and band aides aside for our flesh we need to get right with God for our soul. We need to take with us into our BOL why these things are happening and will we learn from them. Not only do we need to show our children how to shoot accurately, we need to help them understand why they should not follow Baal into the pits of hell.

Good topic WW!  [URL=

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Re: Rant
« Reply #34 on: February 14, 2012, 07:08:43 PM »
I like the sound of "enjoy life" and "live free and do what you want." To be honest though, why the hell should I? I'll give a good example. I ain't bragging, but I ain't a half bad looking sob. My new job has a couple hotties and one approached me today to tell me about one of our vendors talking to her about threesomes and wanting her and another girl to go with him to the beach for the weekend. Now single, in a relationship or married I'd stand a hell of a lot better chance of getting that little scenario to work for me than the pudgy little bastard that was trying. Both girls have been flirting with me since day one as is. Point being, I look at the consequences. My wife would divorce my ass in a heart beat and I'd be paying out the ass for the next 11-15 years or so. Not to mention I'd look back kicking myself to the day I died, and I'd miss my son like crazy. Sure I could sleep around afterwards, but me being out of my wife and son's life would probably mess up a lot things for them too. And I haven't even tackled th afterlife ramifications. Anyone here ever read Paul's writings on the afterlife? If you ever want to scare yourself shitless be my guest.

Point being here is this life has consequences. You want to have fun? Go for it, but piss down wind from me, don't bitch to me when you're "freedoms" fail you, and don't ask me where you're going when you die if you want to live that way because I'll tell ya the harsh freaking truth. The so called "freedom" we have is nothing more than an old ass document written by a bunch of deist wanting to screw over the old world. The Constitution isn't going to vote for you, decide ethical or moral questions, or even pick up a gun to defend you. It's all about perception. It's exactly like JM said. If you've got a problem fix it or at least have a plan in action. And I hate to break it to some here, but prepping a.k.a. "survival" isn't a freaking plan. It's a last ditch effort to eat, sleep, and fornicate. I'm not advocating any radical action against anyone, but I'm really sick and fricking tired of hearing all the mall cop ninja black ops bullshit. When the hell are you guys going to start to talk about legitimate plans (like building a sound community, not just a safe one.) and things that matter? You all can post all frickin' day and night about small teams, field exercises, target shooting, designated marksman, and whatever tacticool nonsense you can think of or copy and paste. That's fine by me. Some of it's funny as hell, but I think it's pathetic and scary to see how much some of you have "prepped" and haven't taken one step forward in morally, ethically, spiritually, or religiously. There are VERY few members here who actually possess any leadership skills whatsoever. And fewer who would make good leaders. Sincerely, based on how some of you act and talk on here this is how I imagine you fairing in WROL  The Walking Dead - Bar Scene I'm sure I don't have to point out what I'm talking about. So yeah, boys, laugh it up, screw as many women as you can, and drink like there's no tomorrow because the Constitution is going to save you and there's no consequences in this life or the next for any actions you take.  [img] Thing that really gets me is the ones who piss and moan about the religious stuff. In all do respect I know some struggle and that's fine, but you can only sit on the fence so long before you have to choose a side and it's not like no one in your lives tries to reach you. And don't whine about the "religion." Catholicism is a religion. The Bible is a book. Jesus was a man. God is the creator. No "religion" about it. You don't need a pastor to read it to you (assuming you can read). In many cases prepping, football, soccer, and even constitutionalism could be called a religion. None of those come close to what the Bible has though. You'll all spend all the money and time in the world preparing for economic collapse, zombies, elite PMC's, FEMA camps, WROL, or whatever the hell else, but you don't take the time to even consider prepping yourself spiritually. WTF is that??? Yet some of those same ones feel justified when they talk about Israel, Christians, or Zionist as though they're suddenly freaking experts. LMFAO!!!

You guys ever stop think that the rise in abortion, porn, homosexuality, idolatry, drug and alcohol abuse, sexual immorality, greed, lust, sloth, and lying have something to do with what's happened to the country and caused it to fall? Bigger question is how many of you actually look in the mirror and question yourself about these things? It's easy to sit there and point at the government, organizations, companies, and individuals like Soros. Ever think what you've done to contribute to the mess we're in? I have and I'll admit. I'll gladly sit here and confess every sin I've commited I can remember for the sake of humility in the presence of the rest of you. Bluntly for the betterment of yourselves. Though, ultimately, free will is a bitch. I'd bet 90% of you ignore every word I'm saying, think you're fine the way you are, and will just go on about your usual life because frankly it's fricking easier for you that way. The other 10% we already talk and I gladly consider you friends, some of you are even like brothers, but every one of you is in different stages of development. Some of the younger ones are farther along than the older ones. I'd implore you all to start questioning more and discussing things on here. Tackle tough subjects. Anyone care to ask how the illigetimacy rate and abortions in the country have effected us? Sure it's not "prepping," but it affects our nation on a daily basis. Key words here people "OUR NATION." Own it. I sincerely applaud those moving forward and seeking answers. You've earned respect and I pray you keep it up.
Rant done and done. It's 3 am and I've got a gun to pick up in the morning.

P.S. For the typical nahsayers. I appreciate any comments (PM's also  ;) ) as always, but keep in mind I'm not encouraging one damn bad thing here. Asking people to pursue righteousness is GOOD thing (with or without the faith). If you possess some great knowledge to share to help further or obtain that by all means speak up oh wise ones. Oh, and don't forget to give me a negative karma on the way out because you all know I give a flying %^&$  :-*

Did your wife thank you for not acting on that 3 way at work? You hansome son of a bitch!

Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2012, 07:50:39 PM »
Thanks for the replies WW, I have a better perspective on where your coming from now, more so than I did this morning. Don't agree with some of your rants still, but that's life sometimes. Been pounding my head at work all day, and don't feel like pounding it on the internet atm. Cheers and beers.
Thanks for joining in on the conversation. If you ever want ot hash out some particulars feel free to PM me.
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Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #36 on: February 14, 2012, 07:59:43 PM »
Did your wife thank you for not acting on that 3 way at work? You hansome son of a bitch!
I wish, but instead she just said she was tired and going to bed.
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
Andrew Jackson


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Re: Rant
« Reply #37 on: February 14, 2012, 08:08:13 PM »
Did your wife thank you for not acting on that 3 way at work? You hansome son of a bitch!
I wish, but instead she just said she was tired and going to bed.
I wish I could get back the 1 minute of my precious life I wasted reading your rant.

Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #38 on: February 14, 2012, 08:26:29 PM »
First I want you to know White Wolf, I did not watch the video. When I had time I could not bring it up and now I do not have the time  :)) I also want to thank you for writing the Rant. There is a lot of good things in it most of which its not just about prepping food. 

While putting beans, bullets and band-aides away for the up and coming TEOTWAWKI for the body, I think we also need to reconcile our past sins and get right with God for our souls.

In my earlier life I really got off track, probably being brought up in the 60?s and 70?s. My wife and I spent much of our time doing whatever felt good. This stopped abruptly one early morning when my wife was pulled over going the wrong way on a one way street in Seattle. The police report stated that she blew a .022. Later at trial, the judge told her you have two choices:

1)   Pay the fine and go to jail or
2)   Go to outpatient rehab. She took the rehab and has been sober since ? Twenty years in

To this date my wife and I feel that God interviened as both of our lives changed for the better.
During those twenty years she went to AA meetings in 10 or so states and three countries until we came to RI. The meetings here were not to our liking. The reason and subsequent story I will save for another post. 

Over our 35 years we have been together we have watched a lot of folks fall. There was adultery, divorce, substance abuse, violence, death, etcetera going on all around us. It seemed like as each year passed we had less and less friends because of divorce and death. One day a few years ago we asked again ?what happened? when our very best married friends got a divorce. In almost every instance it was due to people thinking about their own pleasure above all else.

We did a little research and what it came down to to us was once my wife had her run in with the law we both decided to not follow Baal (Bael) into his depths. Was my wife tempted to have a Tanqueray and soda or do another line of coke; yup. I use to travel almost all the time; consequently I had many, many opportunities to bed another gal but I never did. We just refused to follow that devil down to his pit.

Why do our countrymen think it is O-Kay to follow Baal. Well not to start another debate I think it has to do with the induction of ?the pill? into our society in the mid 60?s. Just look at divorce rates before 1965? Look at drug use or single parent rates pre and post the introduction of the pill to our consumers. Just food for thought. 

Now it?s time to bring my thoughts back to my opening paragraph. Along with putting beans, bullets and band aides aside for our flesh we need to get right with God for our soul. We need to take with us into our BOL why these things are happening and will we learn from them. Not only do we need to show our children how to shoot accurately, we need to help them understand why they should not follow Baal into the pits of hell.

Good topic WW! 
 I appreciate it man. Just a little fyi, I got rolling on this one because of this "It's easy to bitch...It's harder to identify a problem and solve it." Sound familiar? Those were great words of wisdom that a lot of the younger generations could learn from. And I can relate to that story about you and your wife. I've had my experiences and my recent unemployment experience was probably the most purifying venture I've ever had spiritually. When it was all said and done though I came out the other end a hell of a lot better than I was before. I couldn't have come through it without God.  [URL=
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
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Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #39 on: February 14, 2012, 08:29:25 PM »
Did your wife thank you for not acting on that 3 way at work? You hansome son of a bitch!
I wish, but instead she just said she was tired and going to bed.
I wish I could get back the 1 minute of my precious life I wasted reading your rant.
LMAO, yet here you are still commenting. Thanks for reading regardless.
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: Rant
« Reply #40 on: February 14, 2012, 10:39:15 PM »
I havent read any of the responses yet....

But anyways... its 7:30pm and i just finnished setting up my surprise dinner for my girlfriend. Im currently waiting for her to get home from work now... i went all out...why?...because i love her... and id NEVER risk our relationship for some dumbass temptations... I dont need some machine typed words out of the most mass produced book in the world to tell me i love her and dont ever want to hurt her. some guys need some one else to tell them whats right and wrong... others ARE LEADERS... and can do it all on their own. i dont see how having ones nose stuffed in a book looking for all the answers makes a person a leader. that makes a person almost lost in my opinion. open your eyes...the answers to the world are all around you.. use your own feelings to gauge right and wrong... dont stare at the rules in a book and follow them blindly. if you took a more rational approach to life and questioned EVERYTHING then i dont think you could justify your rant above.

thats all ive got..

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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Rant
« Reply #41 on: February 15, 2012, 09:09:38 AM »
Thx Ken. but more important...How as your dinner  ;)
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: Rant
« Reply #42 on: February 15, 2012, 11:26:34 AM »
 I'm a good person and I know it. I don't need anyone or anything else to tell me what's right and wrong. I'm doing just fine on my own.

god didn't invent the golden rule. it's something inherent in all humans. some obey it and some don't. I've rejected the idea of any kind of supernatural power since I was old enough to think critically, and I don't rape, murder, steal.. etc.

that being said, whitwolf's criticism of the prepping community (minus all the spirituality stuff) is 100% dead-on accurate.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2012, 11:34:30 AM by NOLA556 »
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Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #43 on: February 15, 2012, 12:06:35 PM »
I'm a good person and I know it. I don't need anyone or anything else to tell me what's right and wrong. I'm doing just fine on my own.

god didn't invent the golden rule. it's something inherent in all humans. some obey it and some don't. I've rejected the idea of any kind of supernatural power since I was old enough to think critically, and I don't rape, murder, steal.. etc.

that being said, whitwolf's criticism of the prepping community (minus all the spirituality stuff) is 100% dead-on accurate.
Thanks Nola. While I respect your belief I still sincerely wish you and others would take the time to search out the evidence for God. You may not agree with me on the religion or spirituality, but when you see the evidence it's hard to deny. The main reason I'm saying this now is because it applies directly to what's happening in our country. There are ways we can still turn this ship around rather than waiting for a collapse or WROL.
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
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Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #44 on: February 15, 2012, 12:14:43 PM »
I havent read any of the responses yet....

But anyways... its 7:30pm and i just finnished setting up my surprise dinner for my girlfriend. Im currently waiting for her to get home from work now... i went all out...why?...because i love her... and id NEVER risk our relationship for some dumbass temptations... I dont need some machine typed words out of the most mass produced book in the world to tell me i love her and dont ever want to hurt her. some guys need some one else to tell them whats right and wrong... others ARE LEADERS... and can do it all on their own. i dont see how having ones nose stuffed in a book looking for all the answers makes a person a leader. that makes a person almost lost in my opinion. open your eyes...the answers to the world are all around you.. use your own feelings to gauge right and wrong... dont stare at the rules in a book and follow them blindly. if you took a more rational approach to life and questioned EVERYTHING then i dont think you could justify your rant above.

thats all ive got..

Hope you had a good dinner Ken.  ;) One thought I want to consider before bashing the book or reading it. If the book has been proven to contain words of wisdom that hold true, and thousands of prophecies that have come true (some over 3,500 years old) wouldn't it be worth reading? Because as we speak they are still occuring. And I'm not taking some dogmatic right wing Christian approach about Israel and Iran. There's stuff there, but a lot of people have it wrong. If anything, guys that hate hearing it should read it just to be able to combat them intellectually and squash their false dogma with truth.  I don't doubt for a minute that a lot of people here are "good," but who among us couldn't be better? Food for thought.
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
Andrew Jackson

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Rant
« Reply #45 on: February 15, 2012, 04:46:52 PM »
I think its a little funny that you preface your very judgmental rant with "im not judging anyone"
I would offer my opinnion on some of the reasons the country is in trouble, but since your moral compass is just so much better than everyone else WW, ill hold my tounge. The opinion of the likes of me wouldnt mean much to you.

I come to this site to learn things about prepping that others have more knowledge and experience with. Not to be judged for what other veiw as my inadequasies.

Ive tried to offer some articles to get people thinking about their physical security needs. I saw it as fair trade with others who were teaching me about planting, canning, And several other topics that would have taken me much longer to research on my own. This resource has cut down my study time dramaticly.

If anything ive offered up has given anyone here another perspective, Idea or even a starting point for their own research, then im happy. Yes i do get side tracked into other little convorsations. I guess its my failing that i want to have a few luaghs with some friends instead of flailing my way to purity. But hey no ones perfect. Well maybee you are i dont know.

Feel free to ignore any of mine/ our Mall ninja BS. Its obvious you dont need to even prep anymore. I mean what would be the point????? Why prolong your existance here in this shitty life if youve got a one way ticket to the promised land?
But if its ok with you im gonna keep training and prepping. Well I dont care if its ok with you, Im gonna do it anyway.

I could really go on and on about this rant WW, But it would be a waste of your and my time. Ive always thought people have a right to beleive whatever they want. And i beleive that was some judgmental and spitefull shit you wrote. If all this started because you turned down some ass. Why come here and try to make others in a unrelated place and community feel shitty. But i guess you couldnt just go whack off and release the beast. No! you had to write a, every body is an adultering loozah rant. Dont blame your E.D. on me buddy.  [URL=

Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

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Re: Rant
« Reply #46 on: February 15, 2012, 04:48:03 PM »
Damn! posted befor i spell checked...... [img]
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

Offline WhiteWolf

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Re: Rant
« Reply #47 on: February 15, 2012, 05:34:19 PM »
I think its a little funny that you preface your very judgmental rant with "im not judging anyone"
I would offer my opinnion on some of the reasons the country is in trouble, but since your moral compass is just so much better than everyone else WW, ill hold my tounge. The opinion of the likes of me wouldnt mean much to you. I judged whom exactly? Telling everyone they could be better and use to focus on their morality isn't judging jack, jack. The Bible and my faith happens to be a good source for reflection and study for many to do so, but by all means if you have another source or wisdom you'd like to share please feel free.

I come to this site to learn things about prepping that others have more knowledge and experience with. Not to be judged for what other veiw as my inadequasies. Again, didn't judge a single person here. In fact I offered up some of my own spiritual/ moral struggles.

Ive tried to offer some articles to get people thinking about their physical security needs. I saw it as fair trade with others who were teaching me about planting, canning, And several other topics that would have taken me much longer to research on my own. This resource has cut down my study time dramaticly. And likewise, I've done the same for those who have asked here and on other sites. Morality and religion, whether you like it or not, have their place here and were responsible for the founding and dedication of this nation. Returning to those things could stand to do a lot more good than just packing away some extra food or building a solar oven. Those are good things too, but you don't just sit on your ass waiting for it when there's still a chance to help others, change minds, and win some souls.

If anything ive offered up has given anyone here another perspective, Idea or even a starting point for their own research, then im happy. Yes i do get side tracked into other little convorsations. I guess its my failing that i want to have a few luaghs with some friends instead of flailing my way to purity. But hey no ones perfect. Well maybee you are i dont know. Sure as hell ain't perfect. If you could bothered to read and comprehend my post you'd see I said so. Or would you rather I list down all my sins so we can compare and contrast? I'll gladly offer up humility because I have no problem with it. And truthfully jack, I hope, no, I know my posts encourage others to challenge their world views and perspective. If I piss off 9 out of every 10 people and reach just the one that's fine by me. I'm not your or anyone elses moral compass. If I said something you didn't like it's because you're not secure with yourself. Or maybe I'm wrong, maybe you're the perfect one with nothing to learn or improve upon.

Feel free to ignore any of mine/ our Mall ninja BS. Its obvious you dont need to even prep anymore. I mean what would be the point????? Why prolong your existance here in this shitty life if youve got a one way ticket to the promised land?
But if its ok with you im gonna keep training and prepping. Well I dont care if its ok with you, Im gonna do it anyway.  No, I don't need to prep anymore honestly Jack, because I'm not ruled by fear. And if the SHTF tomorrow you wouldn't find me cowering in a corner of my BOL only concerned about me and my family. My food and my preps aren't just for me. They are for people who will have no home, no food, no protection, and you know when those people come I'll have something a little more to offer them. Some compassion and knowledge in a shit hole of a world where people have sacrificed their morals and faith for the cheap feel good things of this world. That jack is my ticket to the promised land. So hey I apologize for wanting to see some of these same guys and maybe even yourself in the next life. Sorry for challenging you're rather depressing outlook.

I could really go on and on about this rant WW, But it would be a waste of your and my time. Ive always thought people have a right to beleive whatever they want. And i beleive that was some judgmental and spitefull shit you wrote. If all this started because you turned down some ass. Why come here and try to make others in a unrelated place and community feel shitty. But i guess you couldnt just go whack off and release the beast. No! you had to write a, every body is an adultering loozah rant. Dont blame your E.D. on me buddy.  Well you can believe what you please jack, but it doesn't make it true. If I really want to judge people I could drop trouse and shit all over a bunch of peoples parades. And this didn't all start because I turned down some ass. I wasn't going after it or offered it up in the first place. The point was about people practicing self restraint. Oh, and the little "ED" comment jack  ::) Yeah for that the only judgement I'll pass on you is you're a dick and immature as hell when some one challenges how you think. Other than that I've never had a single thing against you. Sincerely, sorry my adultery/ fornicating comments struck a cord, but I don't know you, your life, or your heart jack. I won't ask you to look inside and question if there's room for improvement again. Take care.[/color]
"You must pay the price if you wish to secure the blessing."
Andrew Jackson


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Re: Rant
« Reply #48 on: February 15, 2012, 06:41:01 PM »

Has your wife read your 1st paragraph of your rant? How does she feel about your words? I found your first paragraph to be very disrespectful to your wife. I do not think JC would have posted that, what do you think?
I will pray for you tonight.



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Re: Rant
« Reply #49 on: February 15, 2012, 07:10:44 PM »
You wrote, " It's 3 am. and I have a gun to pick up in the morning" Whatja get?