Author Topic: US Ambassador: Exciting new opportunities for US corporations in Libya  (Read 1194 times)


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TRIPOLI, Libya ? The United States formally reopened its embassy in Libya on Thursday as the returning ambassador said that his government was cautiously optimistic about the country?s future and already trying to help American companies exploit business opportunities here.

Coincidence? Libya just HAPPENS to have a lot of natural resources (OIL), and they just HAPPENED to have a revolution that ousted the "anti" Western Qaddafi, and put in a very pro western, and VERY pro corporation government.

We all know that there was heavy U.S. involvement (along with other western nations) in the conflict. And now that it's winding down they're all rushing in to get the resources. Go figure. What next big resource discovery are we going to find in Libya here soon that we'll take advantage of, since we will already have everything in country to get it.

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Re: US Ambassador: Exciting new opportunities for US corporations in Libya
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2011, 10:47:33 AM »
....... and we're still broke.    :o
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Re: US Ambassador: Exciting new opportunities for US corporations in Libya
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2011, 12:36:47 PM »
....... and we're still broke.    :o
Yep. And it's getting worse. Brace for impact.

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Re: US Ambassador: Exciting new opportunities for US corporations in Libya
« Reply #3 on: September 26, 2011, 01:09:53 AM »
If you didn't know this, then you must not have read the Paul Wolfowitz doctrine.

From 2001 to 2005, during the George W. Bush administration, Wolfowitz served as U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense reporting to U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld.

Its exactly to the "T" to what G.W. Bush did, and it appears its not going to further be the United State's foreign policy until it completely helps to collapse our economy.  It basically states that since the US is the number one country in the world, and that we should seek out all countries that have natural resources, mainly OIL, and we should invade them, destroy current leadership, and then put in leadership and government that will allow for US corporations to make as much money off them as possible while using up all the country's natural resources.

This is just a further continuance of the military industrial complex.  We have these huge multinational corporations making money off of our wars, they in turn give tons of money to lobbyist and they give the money to the politicians and the nasty cycle just perpetuates itself.

Now it appears if any country has natural resources, no nukes to retaliate with, and no real way to fight us back here in the mainland, then we will invade them/bomb them into submission, move in, use up at much of their natural resources so that the corporations get rich, then the politicians get more campaign donations.  None of this is EVER going to stop, its just going to get much worse, until something is done about the way this corporations are allowed to hold this contributions over politicians heads, and the politicians will vote whichever way the corporations want them to.  Including going to war, bombing more nations, and the moving in and taking over their natural resources for profit.

Want to have more terrorist attacks here on the mainland?  Let them keep this shit up.  The more innocents we accidentally kill with our bombs and the more we meddle over there in the ME, the more terrorist attacks we will have at home here, and the more authoritarian the government here is going to get to stop them, and the more constitutional freedoms we are going to lose here at home.

This whole thing is just one bit nasty cycle and it appears its only going to keep getting worse in the near future.  The guy and his policies are pure evil.

Wolfowitz is a former steering committee member of the Bilderberg group.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 01:17:20 AM by EJR914 »