I have a sense of peace about myself that I haven't felt since the spring of 2012. Now that sense of peace does not mean that I have let off the pressure on the prepping accelerator mind you but a sense of peace that we are ready. Ready for what...Who knows.
I do know if we are close to another financial collapse like in 2012, which was why gold was trading in the $1,700- per ounce range; However, I think we are back in a very precarious point around the globe. Whether the executioner on the global scaffold be: Financial collapse, war, downed grid, pandemic, et cetera, or a combination there of, we are in the foothills of a world population correction.
In MrsMac and my bible studies we have been focusing on Second Timothy. Basically it is Paul teaching/lecturing to Timothy to not follow false profits or teaching's and to understand that things will get worse and worse as we approach The Apocalypse.
Whether we are there yet or centuries away where things will get even worse, I can only surmise that there will be points in the history of man that nature will cull out the weak so the strong survives.