I am sure this has NOTHING to do with my issue however I will talk to it here as it does draw a correlation to the interwiz grid going on hiatus.
Yesterday, (5/12/17) I was attending a normal scheduled net on 2 meter when a loud piercing screech emanated from my radio's speaker. This screeched lasted for 5+ seconds then ended. I could hear the net continue but with less participants then had started the net. When I tried to transmit the repeater wouldn't pick up my signal.
I went into the menu of my radio and found out that the PL had changed from 146.2 to 56. Readjusted the PL back to 146.2 PL and was able to hale the net where I suggested that all of the net users check their PL setting.
Many of the folks radios had too reset to a PL of 56.
I found that interesting and although different then the UK interwize going down it was similar in making communication impossible till fixed.