Well it looks like Big Sis developed a video game.
Pardon me whilst I don my tin foil hat.
Luckily for me I was sitting upon mine throne when I opened up the game informer magazine that had the article about this game , because bricks were shat. I've been trying to find a good link to the actual magazine article but I can't seem to find one ; so here's the cliff notes.
A " Right Wing TERRORIST " group of ex military dudes has had enough of the government stepping all over their asses and because we all know that the true threat to America according to DHS is Militia groups , Big Sis destroys Posse Comitatus and sends in a paramilitary group to kill everyone within range of her all mighty righteous arm of justice. You as the " Hero " get to kill other Americans that disagree with the Government . Sounds great eh?
Let me pull my tin foil hat on a little tighter here.
Looks to me like someone is looking to desensitize American youths to killing other Americans. Americans that don't follow the herd. Americans that disagree with the Government. Americans that call themselves Patriots. Americans like me and if you are a member of this site , probably you....
Maybe I'm over reaching .... nope.
Fuck this " Game " and the fucktards that made it. May they all die in a fire.