WPW, as to calling the bull, I have no issue whatsoever with that, however just understand that will in all likely-hood start a debate and the favor will be returned with the same expectation.
I agree that its likely less than 2-3% out there are ready for an earthquake of a magnitude to cause any significant effects. Let alone what percentage is ready for the really big one. That is probably in the range of 0.1 to 0.2% of the general population. I imagine that probably less than half of the people in a serious quake zone really know what to do while it is happening, what to do in the 10 minutes after and what in the next couple hours.
My question is why? No way any large portion "do not know it could happen" or "think those claiming it are wrong". The vast majority of those with no preparations believe that if it does the government will come in and take care of them and all will be well. Generally if one has those views the rest of their political viewpoints support the position and beliefs that bigger government with more power and responsibility is always best, support the idea that anything the people can do it granted by the government and the people are here to serve the govt.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you mostly disagree with the "bigger govt is always better" idea, along with the others and the fact that you are here WPW is that you may have a conservative (not Tea Party yet) spirit inside of you screaming and scratching to get out.
Is thinking it would be good for the rest of the US for them to break off and fall into the sea a bad idea? Yeah, kinda, all those computer brains and such and once in a while they make a good movie. And I would miss those redwoods. Maybe they can just float over and become a part of Japan.