People don't seem to understand that the extreme prices for Diesel Fuel doesn't affect them. Just how do they think the Gasoline they use gets to the gas stations? Today, I went to the local, very large, Truck Stop down the road and I heard one of the drivers tell the clerk that they wouldn't be stopping there for fuel anymore because their company wouldn't allow it. The clerk seemed to think that the driver was pissed off at them. Hell, no, his company had chosen truck stops that had the fuel priced at a price they could afford. Joe Blow thinks that Food and Goods must just magically appear on the store shelves. This is the first real sign that I've seen regarding the SHTF that's soon to be upon us. My only thought was, "If you ain't prepping, you ain't surviving". I'm not rich but I had the good sense to eliminate ALL DEBT and have a plan to drop whatever monthly bills that I need to when things go bad. First, the Satellite TV goes and then the Telephone and Internet goes. I plan to keep my TRACPHONE on a pre-pay plan item because I can use it for phone calls and Internet, and it only cost me $20 for 3 months service. I'll keep the Electric Power turned on until we start having Blackouts. Then I'll have enough money to pay whatever Gas cost at the pump. At my age, I'm only good for about a one mile walk. That's why I keep 3 cars up and running and have a reasonable stock of Gas cans. I keep my gas cans marked, HT for High test, REG for Regular with Ethanol, and unmarked for Non-Ethanol gas.