Sorry, my stance is the same as the last time we discussed this topic. If it's a private institution on private land, they have the right to allow or ban whoever they like for whatever reason. Yes, this includes Tea Party members, Democrats, Libertarians, Christians, Pagans, blacks, whites, whatever. Their business will suffer if some of those porn stars bank big money, and more so if people who oppose their bigotry withdraw their funds and take their business elsewhere. If they are willing to take such a hit, fine, it's their money and policy. If they underestimated the backlash and end up losing assets they didn't plan on losing, well they'll have to cope with the consequences of their decision. I'm sure there are plenty of other financial institutions that are perfectly happy to get the porn stars' money and investments at the cost of their competitor.
JMac's quote is a bit off base because Mr. Niemoller was talking about the Nazi-controlled government, not a private entity. Government is obligated to provide non-discriminatory service to all, as it is created by all to serve all. Private entities do not fall under the same umbrella. I know you disagree with this one, Wellie.