I've been trying for years to tell people that they need to start PREPPING. They all seem to agree that something bad might happen but very few ever did anything about it. Hmmmmm..... All of a sudden, I'm seeing people starting to take a small amount of action. OK, dumbasses, it's too little, too late. Why oh why didn't they listen to me and start stocking up when I did. The day that OBAMA took office was the day that the wife and I went bat shit crazy on Prepping. We've got plastic containers from floor to ceiling in most every room in the house and even one outbuilding full of stuff (non-perishables). All I can say to the too little too later's is, "We're gonna miss you around here." The instant the SHTF they will be the first one's in line to get into the FEMA camps and give up all of their rights. I wonder if those idiots think that they'll be allowed to carry their firearms into the FEMA camps? Yea, they probably think that they can. Its hard for me to have sympathy for a dumbass. Its not a genius thing. All it takes is a small amount of situational awareness.