Most of us associate Money with Wealth. For a long time I certainly did. Over the past several years I've been following the economic talking heads. I've come to the conclusion that Money is not Wealth. The thing that finally made me see that was when Venezuela's economy collapsed. Their Hyper-Inflation caused people to be Billionaires and still starve. They have plenty of money but they have no actual wealth. My Silver stacking and Prepping, I hope, will put me in a position where Hyper-Inflation will less affect me than many others. Having things that other people need is Wealth. Having things that other people don't need is not wealth. For instance, having several Ferrari's is not necessarily wealth. Most of us can get by just fine with a five year old Chevy. Focusing on purchasing things that will be needed by others seems to me to be the foundation of Prepping. When I by prepping items, I often buy one or two extras to use as trade items. If I need it, then somebody else will probably need it also. I don't want to raise Bees for Honey and I don't want to raise a Garden for Veggies unless I have to. There is a fellow about 2 miles down the road who raises Bees and I hope to trade with him. I have a bunch of seeds that I hope to trade with someone who doesn't mind Gardening. I can give someone some seeds and they can do all the work and I can get part of the crop. I have some ammo but I don't like to hunt. I can give some ammo to someone who hunts and they can bring me some meat. Everybody gets what they want. Having things that others need is Wealth. Having real estate can be wealth but it also can be a liability. If you can't afford the taxes, then the Government takes it and you have nothing. Holding Precious Metals can be wealth because people want it and taxes aren't a problem. You bought the Precious Metal with money that the taxes were already paid on. I guess the point is, Currency isn't always Money.