I know a few level headed Democrats who actually have morals and respect for other peoples opinions. In the past, I have eluded to the notion that left wing non-extremists would get to the point that they no longer wanted to associate themselves with today's perverted, radical Socialist, hate filled and violent left wingers. Well, there is a new movement that is called the "Walk Aways". It is refreshing to see that some of the left wing folks can no longer tolerate the extremism of the ultra-left and are walking away from those groups and becoming non-partisan, Libertarians, and even Republicans. It appears that they no longer can be part of the Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosie, Rose O'Donald, hate spewers that say really stupid things which in turn makes them look like they belong to the Mentally Reatarded Club. I was afraid that if this type of movement didn't happen, the Country would be lost. This is our last chance and I hope this new movement is a success.