I normally would PM you some suggestions however I am going to give you some suggestions in the open so other members may benefit from my two cents. I am a business consultant during my forced early retirement so here goes.
Vision Statements need to be short and lofty. An example might be as short as XYZ Brewery...
Vision"We strive at XYZ brewing company to sell 50% more beer this year than last year."
How we will do this (Or Mission) will be...
> We will strive to incorporate our employees (Associates) idea's in all aspects of production, marketing and distribution of our beer.
> We will always treat our customers like we would like to be treated
> We will be a good citizen by supporting peewee baseball
> We will strive to make a superior bottom-line profit to support our employees, customers and community.
So remember, Vision is the goal and the Mission supports the success of the Vision.
Some suggestions for you might be...
To assist in the development of a self reliant community that will operate, live in a more sustainable manner.
> Our members will be involved with all aspects of training, planning and purchasing
> Orders will be pooled to acquire supplies as discounted prices
> Regular training seminars will be held to cross train members of the community in all aspects of self sufficiency
> Others?
Remember, to make it work...What is the end result and how will you attain the end result (Goal). Keep it short and sweet. Take a peak at Unchainedpreppers Vision and Mission Statement Last, ignore Nemo's comments as a Vision and Mission Statement is crucial to keep a group of folks on track. When a question or debate arises, reread your original goals and how you will support them.