Whether his method is all that has changed or there has been a fundamental shift in his thinking Paul is done as a figurehead of anything. He has great ideals and has a done a great deal for the way things should be, but recent events have me questioning him myself, and his son even more. Its been said before that Ron seems too frail, and in some sense of the notion, I agree. He is a hell of a debater and is passionate, but I doubt he could handle what he would be facing from the monstrosity of corruption that he would face. And Rand, whether he is trying to posture politically or just showing his true colors... recent votes and comments of his have him lookin kinda shady to me.
As to the youtube piece, I would guess that it is probably a piece done by Paul supporters, but damn does it smack of propaganda 101. Not that I see it helping him at all anyways. I dont see this year ending well, nor our problems being solved in a clean and peaceful manner. In the end, all we can do is watch, prepare, and hope for the best.