I have a very good friend who lives in southern Vietnam. He is very worried about China. As many of you know Vietnam and China have been enemies for century's. Vietnam was supplied by the Russians during the "American War" not China. Like the French in the 19th century China has always wanted Vietnam's rubber.
For what ever reason (It could be as simple as economics) China recently has wanted to expand their empire. While Japan, Australia, Philippines and United States sit back with over stuffed bellies, China is hungry. They have no desire for peace as they have to feed "the beast."
Russia on the other hand, as naive it might be, I am not overly concerned about them UNLESS Israel bombs Iran. If that happens and the EU does not condemn Israel Russia will cut off natural gas to the west.
China, Russia, Israel, Iran...What ever. All may be the catalyst for the EU defaulting. Followed on their heels by the USA. This is Barry's dream as it will surely help to get him reelected.