Author Topic: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *  (Read 5104 times)

Offline sledge

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #50 on: November 22, 2011, 11:13:36 AM »
I do not see Guerrilla Warfare taking place in the United States unless states start to withdraw from the union do to a crash of the economy and a difference of ideological beliefs.

That's not as far fetched as it may seem.  Texas has been the state that usually comes to mind when this topic comes up.  However, I think if it were to occur that Montana would be the catalyst that puts the ball in motion.

Bob Fanning and Chuck Baldwin are running for Governor and Lt. Governor of Montana in 2012.  If they were to win, which is entirely possible given the state's independent minded population, all bets are off the table.

A Balkanization may indeed precipitate some sort of conflict but I don't see that as the source.

IDK Dave.  Have read any of their compositions?  They're not big on the Federal Government and think it's beyond repair for several reasons.  Baldwin's called on several occasions for Constitution loving Americans to move to Montana and join in a rebirth of God given freedom.

We'll see what happens with those guys up there.  It could get interesting.  By the way I'm not advocating any sort of rebellion.  I'm just a prepper who tries to stay on top of what could occur around me given the information that's available.   

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Offline Reaver

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #51 on: November 22, 2011, 02:04:54 PM »
Sledge; any further links on the subject?

Dave; If you don't like the subject, don't read it. The point is Americans are hearing about IED's killing other Americans almost every day. Even if the ratio is ruff someone still goes down.

and as for sustainable.
One can make BP from a compost pile and some charcoal given the right amount of time. Yes, its sustainable Long term warfare.
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In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Reaver

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #53 on: November 22, 2011, 09:05:00 PM »
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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #54 on: November 26, 2011, 01:50:55 AM »
Dave; If you don't like the subject, don't read it. The point is Americans are hearing about IED's killing other Americans almost every day. Even if the ratio is ruff someone still goes down.

and as for sustainable.
One can make BP from a compost pile and some charcoal given the right amount of time. Yes, its sustainable Long term warfare.

By, ?sustainable? I mean this dictionary definition:
able to be maintained or kept going, as an action or process

The only reason why any fight(s) in the M.E. have lasted so long is because Islam is particularly good at recruiting thoughtless zealots from around the world to be effectively culled off by us on a regular basis (well, I suppose not just religious; external nations provide support in the form of logistical supply trains) We certainly are not, contrary to popular belief, losing a damn thing overseas.

Discussions like this make us (the prepper community) look like radical extremists; I thought this page was about prepping? Hell, the name is, ?Straight Prep?.

Preparation for violent defense, such as protection of self and family during a large civil disturbance (large-scale natural disaster, limited nuclear exchange, massive terrorist attack, zombie uprising etc ad nauseum) and preparation for fighting a numerically superior force (your, ?governmental takeover? idea) are distinctly two totally and completely different things. I don?t know if you?re just pretending to be obtuse or just can?t actually see the difference.

To be completely honest, I find shit like this embarrassing to read. I have spent quite of bit of time training men to counter guerrilla tactics and even more time doing it myself. We already have enough violations of OSINT all over the internet for me to even risk that any TTP?s were further disclosed. Oh, yes, I can give you multiple good reasons why a guerrilla fight against the USG would be totally fruitless and would end quickly but my guess is that they would fall upon deaf ears. My final thought is that, yes, I know who has been training US forces to fight against shit just like you are describing and I?ve met many of the subpar people advocating for such a conflict. With this little insider nook I say, ?Good fucking luck?.

If this is the kind of stuff this forum supports or endorses then I?m done.

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #55 on: November 26, 2011, 09:20:08 AM »
Han shot first!

Offline APX808

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #56 on: November 26, 2011, 10:20:34 AM »
If I got a buck each time a member reads something he dislikes and leaves the board...

Offline thatGuy

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #57 on: November 26, 2011, 10:34:47 AM »
If this is the kind of stuff this forum supports or endorses then I?m done.

I don't know if you noticed Dave but this forum doesn't endorse anything. I allow you guys a messure of free speech so long as it doesn't fall into the realm of pointlessness.

Does this topic fit? It all depends on how you apply it. Would knowing how to make a toe popper and using it to deny cover around your BOL be a good tool to have in the kit post collapse? Sure it would. Would knowing how a trained military counters asymmetric tactics be a good thing to know if you were trying to secure your future in an armed world post collapse be a good thing to know? Could be.

Dave, you have our attention is
If this is the kind of stuff this forum supports or endorses then I?m done.
that the mark you want to leave behind or would you rather put up with some dumbshit while shepherding us to a greener valley?

Offline mountainredneck2051

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #58 on: November 26, 2011, 12:29:41 PM »
the UN and china are pretty damn big threats, personally i would like to learn tactics in repelling an overwhelming invading force
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Offline sledge

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #59 on: November 26, 2011, 02:07:07 PM »
Honestly, when I first saw this post I was trying to figure out how it would apply to the prep community.  If it was directed towards martial law there are some problems with it ever being used.  If that occurred I think our military would be split into a civil war.  If we were subject to an inavasion by anyone there wouldn't be time for it.  Gas, Bio's and Nukes would be occupying the frontal lobes of your brain.

If it was directed at protecting your bol then it has other problems as well.  First off, this is one of those things that you can read and think about, but actually doing it after just reading it is problematic.  Kind of like learning to set a snare, some skills are best learned first hand by being shown how to do it in a hands on fashion.  Otherwise, you are more than likely going to be playing around with a tangled up mess that isn't going to work.

I don't however, feel embarrassed when reading it.  Although, I would like to see more people into prepping, I'm not much concerned about what other people think about my prepping.  Kind of like Noah, I just kind of view the skepticism a lot of the public has like an indication of who the potential survivors will be and who are those who will be casualties of a cruel world.     


In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Kobalt

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #60 on: November 26, 2011, 02:24:35 PM »
This whole "Hurr Durr I'm leaving." thing is getting old, I think we need to have a No goodbye post rule. If you want to go just walk away.
Fan out your shots. We want everyone to get some.

Offline APX808

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #61 on: November 26, 2011, 02:48:47 PM »
This whole "Hurr Durr I'm leaving." thing is getting old, I think we need to have a No goodbye post rule. If you want to go just walk away.

LOLZ someone who is leaving the board wont give a flying fuck about a no goodbye post rule.

We need to cultivate a ticker skin and accept there will be people thinking stuff we don't like just like in real life, and as you don't quit your job or get divorced when you have a discussion you shouldn't quit the board.

Also saying that an entire board endorses an idea a member posted is having no clue what an internet forum is.

Offline Reaver

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #62 on: November 26, 2011, 03:21:24 PM »
Yeah, roger that.

Still working on part two guys. Sorry been pretty busy.
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Offline Kobalt

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #63 on: November 26, 2011, 03:31:38 PM »

LOLZ someone who is leaving the board wont give a flying fuck about a no goodbye post rule.

We need to cultivate a ticker skin and accept there will be people thinking stuff we don't like just like in real life, and as you don't quit your job or get divorced when you have a discussion you shouldn't quit the board.

Also saying that an entire board endorses an idea a member posted is having no clue what an internet forum is.

The reason I say we should have this rule, is because some people say they are out then they come back. They stir the pot then come back and start posting. If you really have to discuss it, Do it in a PM. Its not good for morale.
Fan out your shots. We want everyone to get some.

Offline thatGuy

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #64 on: November 26, 2011, 04:26:36 PM »
Simmer down guys, Dave is and has always been welcome. Unless your efforts are going to be directed at getting him to stay then keep your ideas under your hat.


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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #65 on: November 26, 2011, 10:25:32 PM »
Lot of you guys make me [img] constantly.

I swear, the internet makes me drink more and more.


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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #66 on: November 27, 2011, 02:54:53 AM »
We need to cultivate a ticker skin and accept there will be people thinking stuff we don't like just like in real life, and as you don't quit your job or get divorced when you have a discussion you shouldn't quit the board.

Also saying that an entire board endorses an idea a member posted is having no clue what an internet forum is.

Let me spell it out for you:

-Already one forum I'm on has been explicitly targeted by the ACLU and the SPLC. I wan


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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #67 on: November 27, 2011, 03:08:04 AM »
Yeah, roger that.

Still working on part two guys. Sorry been pretty busy.

The reason I posted the, 'I'm leaving post' is so I make it emphatically clear that not only do I disprove of the subject but also that I think it's bullshit. After already been involved in one webpage which both the ACLU and the SPLC both highlighted I'd rather not be on another (both for posts which I do not personally endorse).

I have zero interest in aiding nor abetting guerrilla warfare against the USG, which this thread was [very thinly] veiled for. Call it a contentious topic if you want and attempt to fog it but we all know what you are talking about.

Once again, I could highlight many obvious flaws as to why this sort of shit could not happen here but I won't, as they would fall upon deaf ears. Rock on, Reaver. You are one of the reasons why simply preppers are viewed and treated as extremists. I will be removing all copyrighted content from this webpage. Keep on with your self righteous self (and see how your forum grows; or doesn't).   

Offline APX808

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #68 on: November 27, 2011, 03:15:18 AM »
We need to cultivate a ticker skin and accept there will be people thinking stuff we don't like just like in real life, and as you don't quit your job or get divorced when you have a discussion you shouldn't quit the board.

Also saying that an entire board endorses an idea a member posted is having no clue what an internet forum is.

Let me spell it out for you:

-Already one forum I'm on has been explicitly targeted by the ACLU and the SPLC. I wan

Hey teacher dont leave without finishing your class!! I wan??

Offline Outonowhere

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #69 on: November 27, 2011, 10:14:17 AM »
lol wow, ok.  So lets talk about GW and automatically ASSUME its directed at our own, ignoring the fact that at the very LEAST both CHINA and RUSSIA have been sharpening their talons and posturing themselves lately.


Im with Spirit personally, if you wanna leave THAT bad, PM TG and have a great life.  Otherwise take some time off from the site and let people stew while you collect yourself.  No sense getting all ass hurt (not directed toward anyone in particular seeing as how Ive done it too) over an internet post when things get heated.  This forum is kinda like a bitchy girlfriend, sometimes she just pisses you off soooo bad... but you stick around cause the sex is great  :))


Anyone NOT wanting to be on a liberal "we hate you" list needs to sell or destroy their guns, break out the tie dye and rope sandals and stand in line for their shot of OC.  Just sayin :))
Han shot first!

Offline NOLA556

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #70 on: November 27, 2011, 01:52:48 PM »
just my .02 directed at Dave:

me personally... I got no plans to participate in a guerrilla campaign against the USG either bro. I don't think many on the forum have that in mind. (of course I can only speak for myself, but it's just the impression I get)

that being said, I think this is a legit topic. many aspects of it can and will be used to fight off ANY aggressors in WROL. now.. are you going to have to propagandize the local citizenry to get them on your side as you roam from town to town? lol... probably not. but other aspects such as sabotage, booby traps, ambush tactics... etc. I think are useful topics.

one thing I do agree with you on is keeping big sis off our backs. whoever has been around long enough to remember when I bugged out from L&L for a few months... I did it because I was all scared when I found out that we had officially earned the status of an SPLC "hate group". of course, I'm sure I was just letting my nerves get to me, and I only came back after realizing that I don't have to participate in a forum for "big brother" to have their eye on me, or any of the rest of you for that matter. so bottom line is, if they want you, they'll get you. no doubt about it. BUT... why help them?

put it this way, I think GW is a legit topic for discussion, but we can all try to do our best to filter what we say and the language we use to give it a strictly informational/educational context.
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Offline sledge

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #71 on: November 27, 2011, 01:56:47 PM »
just my .02 directed at Dave:

me personally... I got no plans to participate in a guerrilla campaign against the USG either bro. I don't think many on the forum have that in mind. (of course I can only speak for myself, but it's just the impression I get)

that being said, I think this is a legit topic. many aspects of it can and will be used to fight off ANY aggressors in WROL. now.. are you going to have to propagandize the local citizenry to get them on your side as you roam from town to town? lol... probably not. but other aspects such as sabotage, booby traps, ambush tactics... etc. I think are useful topics.

one thing I do agree with you on is keeping big sis off our backs. whoever has been around long enough to remember when I bugged out from L&L for a few months... I did it because I was all scared when I found out that we had officially earned the status of an SPLC "hate group". of course, I'm sure I was just letting my nerves get to me, and I only came back after realizing that I don't have to participate in a forum for "big brother" to have their eye on me, or any of the rest of you for that matter. so bottom line is, if they want you, they'll get you. no doubt about it. BUT... why help them?

put it this way, I think GW is a legit topic for discussion, but we can all try to do our best to filter what we say and the language we use to give it a strictly informational/educational context.


In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco


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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #72 on: November 28, 2011, 04:08:30 PM »
Big ol Hell F'in Yeah to you, ASPJ.

Feel like I owe you a drink now lol. [URL=

Offline sledge

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #73 on: November 28, 2011, 04:10:21 PM »
ASP is pretty straight forward as usual.  I tend to agree.  I personally don't have anything against  Guerrilla's and am not sure why we would be studying warfare plans against them.  Sure, they are depleting the planet's limited banana supply.  And there's no doubt the knuckle draggers  are a little on the aggressive side what with them running around throwing tires, beating their chest and what not. 

But when you look into their little Guerrilla eyes you can see that they don't really mean to be bad.  They just can't help themselves.

So I say live and let live.  "Give Guerrilla's a Chance!"

Paul McCartney & WINGS - Live And Let Die

Oh Crap, that's live and let die.  Oh well. 


In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

Offline Reaver

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Re: Guerrilla warfare * Part 1 *
« Reply #74 on: November 28, 2011, 06:05:31 PM »
Yeah, guys forget about Part two. Just don't worry about it. If your interested do your own research.

and it may sound crazy, just watch your step if your creeping into my AO, wouldn't want any of my crazy idea's blowing off a toe.

You might die of infection.  [img]
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