First, Mods please feel free to move accordingly. Secondly this is for informational purposes only, Do not attempt to recreate, reenact, or attempt any of what you see and or read.
The term 'guerrilla' originates from the actions of small bands of Spanish soldiers who fought against Napoleon's French army in the Peninsular War (1807-1814). The word 'guerrilla' is Spanish for "little war".
Keep in mind that I am not trying to unlock the key to Guerrilla warfare. I am just doing my part for this community of people who may or may not find them selves in a sticky situation involving superior numbers, tech, equipment.
Remember, There's no secret formula to guerrilla warfare, it's simply the only way to fight when one doesn't have an army to fight with.
Guerrilla warfare has also been called " The way of the weak " though I contest this, Weak should not be valued in numbers. Many many numbers where lost due to the superior fighting spirit of " Weak " guerrilla's.
What is Guerrilla Warfare? long has it been effective? is Guerrilla Warfare so effective? One of the reasons for the success of guerrilla warfare is that one side is usually fighting at the end of an incredibly long supply line. (Cases in point; the French and Americans in Indo China, The Americans and their allies in Iraq, and NATO in Afghanistan). The guerrillas have the advantage of a short suppply line and can if necessary live off the land. Another reason for guerrilla success is that they fight hit and run warfare, no setpiece battles for them. Guerrillas often share a religion and or genotype with the "locals". Another inherent advantage of the guerrilla is that his weaponry is inferior. He does not have to maintain an army of "techs" to repair his weaponry, each man does his own
Why should Guerrilla warfare be important to you and yours? The very first key to Guerrilla warfare is to know what your goal is, Establish it. If you are ever forced to use Guerrilla tactics, I will put money on it that the goal will be to maintain your or your loved ones ( including countries ) Liberty and freedom.
Guerrilla warfare should be important to you because if you do not fight in this manner. You will be captured or killed rather quickly and all of this " Prepping " will be used to support an army. ( be it military, government, gangs )
Philosophy Now days they are referred to as " Terror Tactics " but don't be misled. " Terror tactics " are just another word for guerrilla warfare, the goal of guerrilla warfare is to eliminate the enemies will to fight. Here is an Example.
You have to go to the doctor, nothing serious just a little off feeling. The nurse says " where going to give you an IV " Well after 17 sticks and no lock, what is on your mind? I know whats on my mind. At this point I'm so sore and pissed off I'm just ready to go home lay in bed and day some Night time cough and cold. Now what the nurse has effectively done is, Poke and prod ( pun intended ) at you enough to get you to just pack up and leave. When dealing with far superior numbers and tactics, this type of warfare is your & I only option.
Be realistic, no matter how many deployments you have done, no matter how many special forces raids you have done. You are not going to stand up and fight a squad size group of soldiers. If you do, your going to die. Plain and simple.
No matter how bad ass your AK or AR is, your not going to stand up against that much firepower and live to tell about it. If you think you are or can, you are just being ignorant and stupid. Turn off that " I'm invincible " switch and be realistic.
Now lets get into these " Terror Tactics "
Booby traps. Remember you don't always have to be seen to insight a jab at the enemy. These cheap Punjii traps can be made in a few minutes using twin and stick, if you don't have a knife to sharpen a stick then use a rock trust me it works.
Pits, A pit can be filled with any thing. Punjii, Snakes, Grenades, Hell it could just be a make shift spider hole ( fighting position )
Here is an example.
Go here. will see that there is some kind of rattle snake in every single state in the United States of America with the exception of Alaska.
Do you think it would be hard to miss one rattle snake meal and just bag it. Cinch it to a pole and drop it in a pit? Yeah, you may risk getting bit but make that pit obvious and in experienced men will be out of the fight rather quickly. do not have to be heavy ordnance ladies and gents.
A simple Toe popper will work just fine.

Simple enginering can amount to excellent devices. Pliers, Speaker wire, battery, steel wool, the lid from you can of peas. If put together properly an effective land mine has been made.
If this is taken well, I will make a part two.