No matter who is in the Whitehouse, everything is planned and orchestrated. The Government controls the narrative and truth becomes lies and lies become truth. Mr. and Mrs. John Q. Public unquestioningly swallow the BS and fall right in line. It has always been that way and it will always be that way. However, there are a few that step back and look at things from a logical point of view and they filter out the truth from the lies. The collapse of the economy was planned and they needed a scapegoat so COVID 19 was unleashed so the people would fall in line and COMPLY then they could blame the economic crash on a manufactured disease. They got to kill two birds with one stone. Kill off some of the population and at the same time make the people more compliant. We had a relatively homogeneous population with a few rough edges and the Government couldn't tolerate that going on. They constantly do whatever it takes to make it Whites against the Blacks, and the Jews against the Muslims, and the Liberals against the Conservatives, and the Police against all of the People. Every trick in the book is being used to divide everyone into conflicting groups. The Prepper community is about as close to sanity as we can get. Before its over, they will even try to divide the preppers but there will be very little success because most preppers see the problem for what it is. Preppers will never take center stage. They will operate as the Gray Man and operate outside the mainstream system with one goal and that goal will be to survive. When you see Photo Ops of some public official being vaccinated, how sure can you be that its just saline solution or distilled water in that needle.