http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/07/18/george-zimmerman-says-prays-for-trayvon-martin-parents-daily/That's a bit shocking he did that, but if the evidence proves his story to be true, as he gives great detail, then I have to back up his claims of self-defense.
He slammed his head into the pavement to the point where he was about to go UNCONSCIOUS. If he had gone unconscious, Martin could have done ANYTHING to Z. Including killing him or putting him into a coma. The definition of grave bodily injury.
He also claims Martin tried to suffocate him, and Martin said he was going to kill him.
Z is also making the claim that Martin made a move for his pistol on his side. Martin also told Z that he was going to kill him, after Martin noticed his gun. Was Martin going to try and use Z's own gun against him and kill him?