Yes we know your story. Its not about how hard ass you are. We are still young ens and getting shot in the face at 16 is no way to get laid.
spirit, you've certainly earned my respect. you're a damn good kid (don't take the term "kid" the wrong way, you're more of a man than 99.9% of others your age and I hope you continue down the right path)
that being said, being shot in the face at 18 "for your country" is no better than being shot in the face at 16 for your retreat group. if the war is truly justified then I'd say go for it. hell, you may even see me out there on the field if it's truly justified. all I'm saying is I'd re-think your "18 = army" mindset. by all means, do whatever you feel that you need to do, but I couldn't let that one go without weighing in on it. you shouldn't join the military unless you're willing to stand, fight, and risk your life for the people
behind the war. do you think "Operation Iranian Freedom" is really justified, or worth risking your life for? if you do think so, then seriously man, do what you do, more power to you. but just remember those words, RULES, and ideas that are written in the CONUS, and ask yourself whether fighting an illegal war in the name of a small handful of powerful people is really the right way to go. you show far too much potential to become cannon fodder. If you're going to join the military, do it to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, not to expand the Anglo-American Empire.