You reap what you sow. I don't know the answer as I am just as guilty as some of you, turning people off. Obviously not intended but it happens.
I am up at the cabin this week. The farmer came across the lane this morning to check in. He asked me if I would like a sofa as he is going to burn one to make room in his cellar. Before I committed I went across the lane to check it out about an hour ago. His wife was there (One of the gals who checked our site out).
Now this gal is in her 40's, a teacher, cans her own veggies and meat. She isn't squeamish with chopping a head off a chicken either. She is easy on the eyes also whoops there I go again [img]
OK, OK back on track. The sofa is in their basement and she showed it to me and explained that it was brand new when they got it but she needed the space. We got into a discussion about planting and canning for this season and I asked her if she had retried Straight Prep.
She told me that occasionally she checks it out but hadn't been on since before Thanksgiving. I encouraged her to go on again and get caught up.
I could see that she was a little uneasy and her husband interjected, "Ah she thinks it's a guys site. She's worried that we will bust her balls if she posts anything." Then he chuckled.
So there you go...This happened like an hour ago.
So what are we going to do? Let things stay the way they are or?
I am sure TG would love some suggestions. Personally I think we are missing out on a great source of info.