Ah - my mistake. But then I don't understand - there's still a silhouetting issue... Why are the woods so 'bright'? The cammo worked waaay better when folks were standing off to the left.
Not being familiar with this stuff - I assumed your NV was the Starlight type. Is it the infra-red type with light source?
And of course by IR, I meant thermal - which is also Infra Red - albeit a slightly different part of the spectrum and without the light source :p So yes foil = worse than useless if you shine a spot light on it
Thanks for the Tin Hat Ranch recommendation e.g.
http://tinhatranch.com/dronethermal-evasion-cloak-update/#.VCEynpRdVBk - less good if you touch it!
There seems to be a bunch of stuff out there
I should google before asking silly questions :p
Found some Olive Drab - Silver double sided blankets - which could be a good start....