so for the last several months I've been out of work and BROKE BROKE BROKE! like.. literally broke. zero disposable income.
I'm trying my hardest not to let this stop me from prepping so I've been trying to come up with ideas for free (or nearly free) ways of prepping besides the mental side of it.
I thought of an old DEMCAD vid where he suggests the idea that the second you receive intel of a possible "event", the first thing you do is immediately fill up every container in your house that could possibly hold water before the water gets cut off. (sinks, bathtubs, buckets, tupperware. etc.) I wish I could find the video but the motherfucker puts out so many videos that I'll be searching and scrolling on his channel until next week trying to find it.
anyway, I realize that this isn't an original idea. nothing super creative about it, but I think it's a pretty cool little way to store water without spending any money.
I drink ALOT of milk. between my kid and I, I'm throwing away at least one empty milk jug per day. so I started wondering why the hell I throw them away. I figure I can just clean them out, fill them with tap water and store them. Of course, that water won't last very long. just plain un-purified tap water in a jug that's capped, but not really "sealed". but I figure if you just dump all of them (water the plants, give it to the dogs, etc.) maybe once a month, then just refill with more tap water.. make a habit of that and you have that much (relatively) clean water at all times.
just an idea that I had, and something that I'm going to start doing.
I want you guys to throw out water storage ideas for the BROKE prepper.