All good comments and thoughts.
I was called yesterday concerning a group of folks - Think the Cajun Navy of Sorts - heading towards LA next week to help out. I was asked about coms and putting together an "open & play" pelican case full of the coms thy will need.
I applaud the groups desire to formalize their coms, however, it should have been done awhile back.
Anyhow, as I explained what was needed, especially operators with a FCC license, I could sense the individual I was speaking with, eyes glaze over. To a degree, there is away around this challenge and that is a simple FRS/GMRS license. This license just requires a FRN number and $35-. Of course the frequencies are restricted but with that license and the use of MURS frequencies which are open, they would have workable frequencies in VHF and UHF.
MrsMac and I have been praying for this folks since Monday. We can point to the total incompetence of the local and state leadership however, there will be plenty of time for that once the smoke has cleared but not today.
Last, whether it was a planned attack by terrorist's on a mission or a bunch of LA whack-a-doodles doing it, the blame for the spread of the fires lays squarely with local and state .gov.