Author Topic: Econimics  (Read 2123 times)

Offline pkveazey

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« on: August 19, 2024, 03:31:51 AM »
I put this in the Politics section because politics has caused the Economic crash that is coming. The Economic experts say that the Dollar has lost 97% of its value since the introduction of the FEDERAL RESERVE in 1913. Some even say that it has lost 99% of its value. The price of one ounce of GOLD is now $2,500. Hmmm..... 1% of that is $25. Well, how coincidental. In 1913, a $20 gold piece would buy you almost the same amount of stuff that $2,500 will buy you today. If you go to the FEDERAL RESERVE's webpage, you can find a chart that actually shows you the depreciated dollar and it actually shows about 3% of its face value. Our Government, in just the last 25 years has spent about 25 trillion dollars more than we owed previously. Now, how do they plan to actually pay that money back. Well, they can let us go into hyper-inflation and pay it back with worthless dollars. Then, they can do a reset of the dollar. Well, if they do a reset and don't go back onto a Gold backed currency, then we'll be right back in the same situation all over again in a year or two. Hmmm... How are we going to prevent a second or even a third reset? We have no choice but to go back onto a Gold Standard. Since a lot of other Countries are lining up to back their currency with Gold and Silver, we have no alternative. The trick is to get our Politicians to stop spending money that we don't have on things that we don't want or need. Getting them to do that is going to be the real magic trick that they cannot pull off. As for who wins the election..... It really doesn't matter. If the Dems win it will be more of the same and if the Reps win, they will not be able to put the Rabbit back in the Hat. Only Preppers will have even a small chance to survive and if they have any kind of Metal Money (Gold, Silver, Nickel, Copper) they might just make it. If we Preppers can make it until the Sheeple wake up, we might just have a chance. We will see what we see when we see it.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2024, 03:33:45 AM by pkveazey »

Offline zanedclark

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Re: Econimics
« Reply #1 on: August 19, 2024, 09:39:42 AM »
Well said.


Offline grizz

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Re: Econimics
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2024, 10:43:28 AM »
Gold went over $2,500 today
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Econimics
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2024, 11:20:45 AM »
Zimbabwe, Argentina, Venezuela, and Turkey have already done resets. Some only have done one and Zimbabwe has done six. Zimbabwe has gotten their economy somewhat under control by backing their new money with at least 40% backing in GOLD. 40% sucks but that's the percentage that most countries are planning on doing. 40% isn't enough. BRICS is saying that they plan to do a 40% Gold backing and the remaining 60% will be in other commodities like OIL, etc. 100% backing prevents the printing of more money than there is GOLD. 100% backing prevents spending money that we don't have. If this country wants to remain the greatest country, then we must use 100% GOLD backing. With that said, the Government might do another GOLD CONFISCATION. Hmmm... the last time they did that, they screwed the public out of 30% by paying about $25 an ounce and then they repriced the GOLD at $35 an ounce. If people read their history, they won't fall for that crap a second time. Hmmmm..... Just hold your gold and wait for the new repricing and then say, "Oh, look, I've just found some GOLD", and then sell it to the government at the new higher price. If they screw the people, then turnabout is fair play. Just wait for the price rise and screw them back. Now, SILVER is much harder to confiscate because it is a MONETARY, INDUSTRIAL, and MILITARY metal. That's why I'm a Silver Stacker. As for the published prices, I look at them but don't plan to sell any at the public price. My SILVER is worth what I say it's worth. If I've got it and you want it, then you'll pay my price.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Econimics
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2024, 06:36:12 PM »
Good discussion folks.  :thumbsUp: Thx for starting it PKv.  :cheers:
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