Hello everyone,
I'm Lifelong hunter, angler and outdoorsman from NC. Also a RSO for a great friend that puts on firearms training locally, so I'm out on the flat range a good amount. Have taken a fair amount of classes in firearms and medical. Recently I've taken it upon myself to become the COMMS guy in my small group of friends with similar interests. Currently I hold a tech license in the Ham world, but working on my general as we speak. I've signed up for a NVIS class with Historian from Brushbeater forum. I signed up on this forum due to Net that's running Tuesdays and hope to participate sooner than later. Tonight while running my G90 with a terrible antenna setup (my 4:1 balun has seemed to gone AWOL since my last hunting trip) I was able to hear parts of the Net. I recognize I have a ton to learn in the radio realm, but I'm enjoying processes thus far.