Author Topic: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List  (Read 7405 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« on: June 11, 2024, 08:54:20 PM »
I am sorry to report that along with me (JohnyMac) missed making being on the anti-Ukraine list. I and you, subscribers must do a better job demanding that our government stop sending money to the most corrupt country in the world.

A couple of questions we need to get Ukraine to answer are,

> You broadcast how many Russian KIA's are but you never mention Ukrainian soldiers.
> Presidential elections were cancelled. Why? I guess you are not a Democracy.
> How come we are finding military aid selling on the open market...Why?
> We see pictures of men being grabbed off the street to be placed in the Ukrainian military...Why?
> How much of a kickback is Sen. Graham receiving from the Ukraine to keep the USA dollars rolling into this
   corrupt country?
> And many other questions.

Come on UP subscribers, we have to try harder to get on this list. I know we can do it.

To see the whole list click on this link. Maybe you made the list.

Stay tuned

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Offline grizz

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2024, 12:20:13 AM »
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Offline RB in GA

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2024, 02:52:04 PM »
Maybe I'm on the wrong website these days.  I always believed Americans should seek to protect those invaded by hostile neighbors. If anyone is a Russian apologist for starting this war; I have nothing but contempt for that position.

To address those points listed:

1) You don't mention Ukrainian casualties because you are trying to keep the morale of the Ukrainian people and support among their allies elevated in the world press.  Ukrainians and allied governments already know the casualty figures.  Just common sense that you don't feed the pro-Russian propaganda. It's no different than Walter Kronkite reporting elevated NVA/Viet Cong casualties in the Vietnam War

2) Ukraine is under martial law because they are in a state of war with their nation being invaded.  If there are no Presidential elections after the war's conclusion then there is cause for concern.  Ukrainians are not Americans, don't apply our conceits to them.

3a) If Ukraine is receiving items they 1) can not use due to logistical constraints or 2) can not fit into their force scheme it only MAKES SENSE TO SELL THEM TO OBTAIN MONEY TO OPERATE. If someone gave you .303 ammo for your .308 rifle, what good does it do?  3b) Are you sure you aren't buying-in to pro-Russian propaganda? 

4) The Ukrainians made a decision early on in the war to preserve their youngest men as a bulwark for the future (i.e. deferments). Why? Their population pyramid is badly skewed with the majority of the male in their 40's to 50's- just like most of post-Soviet eastern Europe. The average age of the Ukrainian front line soldier is 41.  Not 21 like the US. So yes, older men are "snatched"  Draft dodging is a serious crime there- you don't get sent to prison, you get sent to the front- as it should be.

Also, they are starting to address this imbalance as the war goes on- recruiting younger men to serve and extending their draft ages.

5) As far As Senator Graham, I have no clue- but he's probably no different that EVERY Senator or Congressman. Each and every one of them has special interests that feed their pockets. As long as the laws allow this, it will happen. A slong as we elect people like this, we are a guilty as they are.

Now, if UP is determined to be an echo chamber as opposed to a place that encourages discussion, please let me know.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #3 on: June 12, 2024, 04:55:26 PM »
Thank you RB in GA for your comments. All valid and worth discussion. Here is my take,

I think the USA who has a debt of over $34T should not be dumping $100B into Ukraine. Heck as of last month, the USA has only dumped $330M in "grants" to Maui after the wild fires there as one example of misappropriating funds to the detriment of USA citizens. EU countries as of February 2024, has only given money and or equipment to the tune of $55B to Ukraine. Why should the USA carry the burden? I also would like to add that there is no accounting of the aide being sent to Ukraine.

The elites in the USA and oligarchs in the EU, want a war with Russia to hide the fact that all countries in the EU and of course USA are over extended. This is why the powers to-be keep tweaking Russia's nose, hoping that Russia crosses a line.

As usual, the USA will bare the burden and send our son's & daughters to the tune of a 5:1 ratio to die and be maimed on foreign territory. For what reason?

Those are all of my concerns not as well as laid out your thoughts RB.  :thumbsUp: Thanks for taking the time to post your comments.  :cheers:
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Offline pkveazey

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #4 on: June 12, 2024, 08:42:21 PM »
Hmm.... I guess it's time for my 2 cents worth. I love hearing both side s of the discussion on Ukraine. It beats the Hell out of listening to one sided MSN news, eeer uhhh, propaganda. As long as it does not come to name calling and other offensive comments, I want to hear it all. I'm definitely not a go along to get along guy. I want to hear it all so I can draw my own conclusions and develop informed opinions. At this point, I want to see Ukraine win but I don't want to see the US entirely pay for their war. As things progress, my opinion could change. Please don't hold back on voicing your views. Just keep it civil.

Offline RB in GA

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #5 on: June 12, 2024, 10:56:05 PM »

While I understand your points I mostly disagree with them. Mainly because the points are somewhat too general.

For example, the 100+ billion in US aid to the Ukraine.  The vast majority of that money never goes to the Ukrainians.  It is spent here in the US
The Ukrainians generally receive older 2nd line equipment from the US-  M1A1's (not the current model), M2's and M3's- much more commonly M113's and MRAPs: both of which are obsolete in US inventory.  Those get provided through Presidential drawdown, and the new appropriation get spent on new gear for our troops.  Creative accounting get used a lot, valuing a M113 the same as the new Bradley replacement, for example- which is patently BS. Ammunition is different animal at this point, as the Ukraine is starting to get a little bit of new production from us, but (only after we replenish our own as is logical) in general they get the old stuff like Himars cluster rounds that we can no longer use or ATACAMS at the end of their useful life. As you can see in that article, about 1/3 of the aid to Ukraine is for aid to refugees. That money is used to give them aid in their own country or in Poland (though personally, I'd much rather see Ukrainian refugees in our country than illegal aliens).

As to giving aid to Maui that falls under a different auspices of the government (FEMA). Biden should have jumped on the disaster and addressed it promptly- that he didn't feels like it was a dig at Tulsi Gabbard for not "staying loyal"- with the citizens of Maui paying the price.  Previous Presidents have done similar things to punish the "wayward".  Linking it Ukrainian aid is like saying the government should have defunded NASA to pay for Maui.

As I've mentioned way back in 2022 (I think it was), as a percentage of GDP several European nations have exceeded US aid to Ukraine.  Not in total $ given, but if the US gives $2 out of $100, and Latvia gives $2 out of $10, who has actually given more?  The parable of the widow's mite certainly applies here.

I disagree that there is no accounting of money spent- some of it is very well accounted for- there are a lot of new contracts issued with very clear accounting.  Is some of the money "black"? Most assuredly.  Has some of the money been wasted? Also most assuredly- we are after all talking about people here, for every 100 decent ones there's gonna be a Hunter Biden or ten to screw things up. Sometimes they get away with it, sometimes they get caught.

Also, money is far cheaper to give than blood.  I'd rather help the Ukrainians fight for themselves than have to send my grandkids or your kids/grandkids to fight- which will (I am certain) happen if Ukraine loses.

I kinda agree with your next point about the elites, but I dont think they want war as much as obscurement of the other issues/problems. War is always uncertain and ceases to give the other side an easy "out"-And you never know if the other guy says "Enough" and pushes the button.  A constant ramp up of rhetoric and tension achieves the same thing far more safely.

As an illustration I believe most civilized countries learned an object lesson from the Falklands war- Argentina needed a distraction for its staggering 3000% inflation rate and the junta chose war as that distraction. However, they failed the "what if" test. Just because you don't think your opponent will respond over what is essentially a chain of rocks in the South Atlantic doesn't mean they won't.

Finally, if war comes we will definitely bear a burden, a harsh one- but as long as it doesn't go nuclear we wont bear the majority of that burden- it will be our European allies whose lands get literally "raped and pillaged".

As to "for what reason", I have to point out that completely echoes a French saying from 1939, "Why die for Danzig?".  In answer, you do it because simply because (paraphrasing here) "all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to stand by and do nothing". If I have learned nothing else from history, I've learned that to be true.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #6 on: June 13, 2024, 01:19:15 PM »
Thank you PKv for your comments and RB for your continued comments.

Respectively, we will have to agree to disagree.  ;)

Peace brother  :cheers:
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Offline Sir John Honeybucket

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #7 on: June 13, 2024, 03:20:18 PM »
As the old saying goes:


I do not see Ukrainian propaganda as any more believable than Russian propaganda.  Each has their agenda to achieve their objectives. We need to understand that point when we read or view anything about this war.  However, when I see Ukrainians listing their infowar enemies like in this site , they definitely lose credibility with me. Personally, print whatever they like, but a list of what are basically American 'thought criminals' is heartily unAmerican.

As for our sons and daughters being forced to go to war for Ukraine: no, simply no. Many of us enlisted 'to save the world' and as I remember, the world told us to @#%-off.  Lesson learned.

de Sir John Honeybucket
« Last Edit: June 13, 2024, 04:15:52 PM by Sir John Honeybucket »
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A Survivalist  keeps pets as survival rations.

Offline pkveazey

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #8 on: June 13, 2024, 05:13:56 PM »
RB in GA: I liked your comments and agree with a lot of them. The one that jumped out at me was the supplying of outdated things to the Ukraine. That is exactly what I plan to do when the SHTF and I need to help people out. I don't have any intentions to give away my good stuff but will be happy to share my outdated canned goods and some of my supplies that I have extras of. Since I have a huge supply of Bao Fengs, I will definitely not be handing out my new 8 watters. I will pass out some of my older 5 watters that have been used enough that the numbers are pretty worn on the keypads. Also, nobody is getting any of my 14 inch antennas either. The things that I pass out will be perfectly useable but they won't be the latest and greatest supplies.

Offline grizz

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Re: Dang, UnchainedPreppers missed being on Anti-Ukraine List
« Reply #9 on: June 13, 2024, 05:25:14 PM »
ukraine is corrupt, everyone in our govt supporting them is more than likely getting some sort of kickback, as hunter biden did and used to pay his father, the big guy.....
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