Author Topic: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?  (Read 8413 times)

Offline rah45

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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #50 on: November 04, 2011, 02:53:29 PM »
Tertiary - Sig Sauer P250 (I hear you Rah, how do you like yours? I wish I had gone with the Glock or M&P when I bought this 2 years ago.)

I think that the grip is so amazing I'll miss it most of all. The trigger is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Perhaps best of all, the pistol comes factory-standard with Sig-Lite night sights. Those are the only things I like. The action is DAO (which I didn't know if I'd like or not), and it has a looong pull with a FULL reset. Ridiculous. The Glock is a DAO (even if it is striker-fired), and is still safe to carry even though its trigger's travel distance is at LEAST half that of the P250.

One major factor that influenced my purchase was the ability to switch calibers in an effort to save cost of investing in multiple shooting platforms. I wanted to start out with a 9mm, as I had not shot before (I know, guys, I should have tried it...this was years ago). The caliber exchange kits cost almost as much as a brand new or good used pistol. Ridiculous. The mags' cost are ridiculous.

It's just completely opposite what was advertised about the pistol. Sig Sauer USA really fucked us over...stupid bastards. What they did was lose a customer, damage the Sig Sauer reputation, and, worse, cause many customers (including me) to spread the word about their less-than-quality product. Of the many people who tried the P250, VERY few were satisfied with either the pistol itself (a few who didn't expect the long DAO pull) or the lack of availability or exorbitant prices of accessories/exchange kits (many of the complaints surface here, including mine). It's just not worth getting, IMO, unless you already love shooting DAO revolvers (many older LEO officers were trained on this platform, and the P250 seems made for's like the semi-auto for DAO revolver-shooters).

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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #51 on: November 04, 2011, 03:01:42 PM »
Tertiary - Sig Sauer P250 (I hear you Rah, how do you like yours? I wish I had gone with the Glock or M&P when I bought this 2 years ago.)

I think that the grip is so amazing I'll miss it most of all. The trigger is as smooth as a baby's bottom. Perhaps best of all, the pistol comes factory-standard with Sig-Lite night sights. Those are the only things I like. The action is DAO (which I didn't know if I'd like or not), and it has a looong pull with a FULL reset. Ridiculous. The Glock is a DAO (even if it is striker-fired), and is still safe to carry even though its trigger's travel distance is at LEAST half that of the P250.

One major factor that influenced my purchase was the ability to switch calibers in an effort to save cost of investing in multiple shooting platforms. I wanted to start out with a 9mm, as I had not shot before (I know, guys, I should have tried it...this was years ago). The caliber exchange kits cost almost as much as a brand new or good used pistol. Ridiculous. The mags' cost are ridiculous.

It's just completely opposite what was advertised about the pistol. Sig Sauer USA really fucked us over...stupid bastards. What they did was lose a customer, damage the Sig Sauer reputation, and, worse, cause many customers (including me) to spread the word about their less-than-quality product. Of the many people who tried the P250, VERY few were satisfied with either the pistol itself (a few who didn't expect the long DAO pull) or the lack of availability or exorbitant prices of accessories/exchange kits (many of the complaints surface here, including mine). It's just not worth getting, IMO, unless you already love shooting DAO revolvers (many older LEO officers were trained on this platform, and the P250 seems made for's like the semi-auto for DAO revolver-shooters).

alot of people love to hate on Glock for the shitty plastic triggers, but that nice short reset makes up for it 110% IMO.
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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #52 on: November 04, 2011, 03:11:10 PM »
yeah sig is like kimber, once were great now just paying for the name and you don't get the quality you should for the price you pay
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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #53 on: November 04, 2011, 03:22:09 PM »
Primary line
AK WASR-10 x2 (don't hate its never failed me and i torture tested it)

I know a lot of guys trash talk the WASR- 10 but I'll tell you.  My wife has one that has never missed a beat.  Not once.  It eats the cheapest crap I can buy like it was candy.  The finish is ugly as hell but I think it recoils slightly less than my Black Widow.

ty sledge. im glad someone out there can appreciate the WASR. I bought it for the durability and its ability to eat any ammo i can get my grubby little hands on. I cant really afford to stock the good ammo and train with the crap. So i pretty much have alot of cheap ammo. and it all works just fine. and lets face it if the SHTF we arent going to be able to have our choice of ammo. we will have to use whatever we can find. I would love to have a great AR with 10,000 rds of lake city 5.56. but i'm betting my AK will cycle more crap ammo, in a harsh enviornment than that awsome AR. And i when i say bet i mean mine and my familys life. Cuz thats what we are all betting on our systems and preps.
I will say this for the AR Im seriously contemplating a AR for DM system in 5.56. Unless i can get RVR to part with that sweet M1A



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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #54 on: November 04, 2011, 05:24:16 PM »
MAK90 is MBR atm but when I get a better income probly gonna rock my Mini14 with underfolding stock and atm cant decide between my PT92 and my BDM as my secondary could go hollywood and carry both  [img]http://www.smileydesign.n

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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #55 on: November 04, 2011, 05:25:43 PM »
Agh, another lover of the PT92

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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #57 on: November 04, 2011, 08:04:54 PM »
Agh, another lover of the PT92


is that the Taurus that you're always praising? ... i just don't know man, I've never known anyone who had a 100% positive review (not that particular model, but Taurus in general)

plus I only ever see Taurus and Bersa for sale at Academy Sports, which tells me that it's cheap sweat-shop shit made exclusively for big-box stores. just an observation. I'm not touting my personal observations as fact.

You guys know how I am about survival, self preservation. I would not and do not praise a product if I did not trust it.
I'm always saying, " you can have a $1,500 rifle but when shit goes stupid, you'll leave the house with a $300 AK47 every time. Because that bitch will work "
I don't know about other products, I've owned 2 other Taurus's and they where ok. Hell maybe I just go lucky with the one I got. But I know ( because I've tested it ) The PT92AF that I have, works under some pretty stress full situations. So it has my  [URL=
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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #58 on: November 05, 2011, 03:03:44 AM »
In my expirence...Most people who bash Taurus never owned one or its another my brothers girfriends dads friend of a friend who his friend was some guys uncle dident like it...People bash anything thats a good firearm that can be had at a decent price Taurus "bad rep" came from when the company first started all companies make lemons even Kimber and Sig....I wish people would shut up if they never owned one I dont bash hi-points cos I never owned one. they wouldent put a life time warrenty on a used firearm from 30 years ago if they dident think it wouldent work and even if you do have an issue they take care of it

Not like Sig when they treat you like your stupid for accuseing gods gun company to make 1 damn lemon. just my 2 cents but what do I know Im a Taurus owner so it makes me less then human I guess lol...
« Last Edit: November 05, 2011, 03:09:29 AM by Adamska »


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #59 on: November 05, 2011, 03:12:48 AM »
In my expirence...Most people who bash Taurus never owned one or its another my brothers girfriends dads friend of a friend who his friend was some guys uncle dident like it...People bash anything thats a good firearm that can be had at a decent price Taurus "bad rep" came from when the company first started all companies make lemons even Kimber and Sig....I wish people would shut up if they never owned one I dont bash hi-points cos I never owned one. they wouldent put a life time warrenty on a used firearm from 30 years ago if they dident think it wouldent work and even if you do have an issue they take care of it

Not like Sig when they treat you like your stupid for accuseing gods gun company to make 1 damn lemon. just my 2 cents but what do I know Im a Taurus owner so it makes me less then human I guess lol...

taurus sucks.

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #60 on: November 05, 2011, 11:09:49 AM »
LOL. Dont hold back chesty. tell us how you really feel. LOL
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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #61 on: November 05, 2011, 12:14:23 PM »
In my expirence...Most people who bash Taurus never owned one or its another my brothers girfriends dads friend of a friend who his friend was some guys uncle dident like it...People bash anything thats a good firearm that can be had at a decent price Taurus "bad rep" came from when the company first started all companies make lemons even Kimber and Sig....I wish people would shut up if they never owned one I dont bash hi-points cos I never owned one. they wouldent put a life time warrenty on a used firearm from 30 years ago if they dident think it wouldent work and even if you do have an issue they take care of it

Not like Sig when they treat you like your stupid for accuseing gods gun company to make 1 damn lemon. just my 2 cents but what do I know Im a Taurus owner so it makes me less then human I guess lol...

taurus sucks.

Chesty you damn troll facing mofo! lol


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Gonna stir the Pot some But?
« Reply #62 on: November 08, 2011, 08:45:14 AM »
Helo all,RON L here I guess what I'm Gonna say will stir the Pot some, but is not made to offend anyone, but is simply my Observations?

  I'm not a Big Fan of the Beretta M-9/M-92 design! Period, I see many thngs about it I like that it has decent sites right out of the Box, a High cap mag you can get without breaking the bank, But Dude the open Top design, WHY? It's a Weakness that the Military suffered though and I've seen far too many Cracked slides and even a few frames cracked? The Taurus copy I have owned and liked it fine, as well as a Beretta anyhow? The fact that I could modify USGI M-9 mags to fit my Taurus made it nice! I never had any Cracking Frame or Slide isues with the Taurus copy of the M-92, but always was concerned one day, if I shot the # of rounds that I do, I would? That said, I have had some great Taurus handguns! I'ver had and owned then sold off a few different 38 Snubs in the past copies of the S& W model 36 I think they were ther Model 85, but don't quote me? All were 2" 38 Snubs and were as good as the Old J-Frame I sit here with strapped to my ass as we speak! I owned a few Model 92 and as well Model 99 M-92 Copies and I did enjoy then, taking in account my Hatred fro Open top designs? Of late (last 5 years or so), I have seen a Disturbing trend in some Taurus Models for Malfunction, mostly in the smnaller 9MM and 45 Compact Pistols, Not sure the Model Numbers, but all were smaller frame striker fired models if I re-call, several trips back to taurus didn't fix the Problems and the ownes gave up? Seen a few different Problem with a few different 22 models, as well as 38 Revolver malfunctions as well as a 357 Revolver all sent back to taurus all waited a Long time and all came back Not working any better? What good is a Lifetime warranty if they send it back with ussues still? Not Hating on taurus, But asking those that own them, what they have seen? I've sold too many and see too many bad ones of Late to recomend a Taurus, Sorry gents, Just my opinion, but one formed as an FFL dealer and one that has sold, bought and used weapos for decades? I see Taurus as No More dependable than Charter arms and I will Not Recomend a Charter Arms to anyone, periiod! You make your own decision, and buy your own Guns, but thats my advice!!!!

« Last Edit: November 13, 2011, 05:24:36 AM by RONSERESURPLUS »


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #63 on: November 08, 2011, 10:06:55 AM »
Primary is a .308 bolt gun at the moment. Secondary is a bird gun (a gun that fires birds as projectiles) ;D

Depending on what goes on between now and Jan/Feb., that may or may not change into something more bad ass.

Actually, come to think of it, it will change either way. It's either going to be a CZ858 as my primary, or good ol Canadian Forces issue C7A2 [URL=


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #64 on: November 08, 2011, 10:53:41 AM »
before buying a cz858 take into consideration thatmags might be hard to find.


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #65 on: November 08, 2011, 10:55:28 AM »
before buying a cz858 take into consideration thatmags might be hard to find.
They're actually relatively cheap. As well as 7.62x39. Since it's one of the few non-restricted rifles we can get here in Canada, places import a LOT of spare parts/mags/etc..


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #66 on: November 08, 2011, 10:58:28 AM »
my bad man i didnt know u were in canada, btw how much is 7.62x39 over there?


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #67 on: November 08, 2011, 11:04:08 AM »
my bad man i didnt know u were in canada, btw how much is 7.62x39 over there?

I've found some places that have the cases of 1200 rds of surplus for around 220-250 range. There's one place that has the cases of 1400 rds of surplus for 280 bucks, and for an extra 75 you can get an SKS(Chinese Model 56). Pretty sweet deal.


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #68 on: November 08, 2011, 11:10:13 AM »
holy crap ill givem the extra 75 for a sks any day. u better get that sks boy in my opinion they are great rifles!


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2011, 11:15:44 AM »
I may, but I have other priorities to tend to first. There's another place that offer package deals. For example, a pack of 5 SKS' for around 800 bucks. Pretty good it you want to equip a group, and you had the cash.


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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #70 on: November 08, 2011, 11:35:57 AM »
DAM thats like 165 a rifle, id get 4 people i know and split the cost!

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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #71 on: November 08, 2011, 04:15:14 PM »
the Taurus P92 its a real good hand gun that dosnt need anything out of the box. Taurus has put out some pretty good side arms. im suprised they get overlooked as much as they do. the quality and price are perfect for preppers.   

I concur 100%

Especially, if you have your stocks filled. And have gotten to the point that you just need bangers as hand out weapons or tradeables.
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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #72 on: November 11, 2011, 11:46:35 PM »
My primary is either a Saiga 12 or a Saiga 7.62x39. Sidearm is either a Colt 1911 or my G26.
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Re: Whats Ur Shtf Primary/Sidearm?
« Reply #73 on: November 12, 2011, 01:03:19 AM »
Bcm ar
G22 gen 3