It feels like you are assuming that a government based society will inevitably return to power and that you fear their wrath. Yay or nay?
Yes, it is an inevitability for human beings to form structure and to follow natural rights and at the very least "basic" laws to protect those rights. Whether that be on a wide spread scale or in the microcosm of their own individual community's. And it should be every reasonable persons goal to re-obtain and reestablish to some extent that structure for their community post-whatever wrol scenario d'jour. Anyone who states anything to the contrary is a straight up liar, or is a bobble-head. No sane person can say that they would prefer living in a society with out law and order, agriculture, medical infrastructure, some basis of an economy etc etc.
Fear who's wrath? I fear the wrath of nobody or no thing.
So it is your personal assumption that only government can provide order, infrastructure, medical care etc?
If that is true, No offense but you are either lying or you're a bobble head.
Laws require violating the natural rights of the individual because laws require government which requires taxation and enforcement of the laws.
It cracks me up when people claim that laws protect rights and they conveniently ignore the immediate violatation of the individuals Natural Rights in order to do so.
Once it is pointed out to them, they will typically rant about how a society without these violent attacks on the individual will result in a chaotic society with the potential for violent attacks on the individual by either small time criminals run wild or big corparate or cartel like powers rising up and potentially doing what they want the government to do with a much heavier hand and effectiveness. (Read this paragraph a couple more times if something didn't just click).
What it all comes down to for the statist is a combination of lack of knowledge and government brainwashing. Some don't have the ability to think of life without government in it. Others are willfully ignorant because its just easier. Or you could be like me and just be waiting for the right info to find you to help you understand why you feel so internally conflicted as a constitutionalist.