We live in a beautiful, rural/coastal area, the caveat being that a large portion of the population has never worked to feed itself. EBT, SNAP and other 'entitlements' have been the fuel for their breeding, criminality and drug use for generations and they indeed believe it is owed by them by working people who HAVE TO pay for these poor life choices. If the EBT and other extortion rackets stop, I'll expect mob violence for a long period of time, and as D.C. Baltimore and Richmond are reduced to ashes, the city populace who are able to escape will likely come to places like this one, expecting hicks in the sticks to pander to them. Point being: we 'hicks' will be entirely occupied fending for our own families and likely not have a lot of patience for those who didn't trink to fix their predicament earlier, before their wards-of-the-State began attacking them. . LP/OPs manned with riflemen unfortunately being necessary.
Looking out my front window, across farm fields, and out my back windows at prime fishing waters, it's a good place to be and the major proplem being seen as hoards of thieves trying to get their 'entitlements' when DC stops payment. I am not anticipating bands of marauding Amish to be in those mobs.
Sir John Honeybucket
Remember: the PhD in Gender Studies needs farmers and watermen to stay alive, but the farmer or waterman never needs the PhD in Gender Studies.