Author Topic: Training  (Read 1870 times)


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« on: May 16, 2014, 12:52:05 PM »
Hi all!
Been awhile........
Anyone here taken any classes from Max Velocity in WV?
Like to hear some feedback if possible.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 12:55:35 PM by Hondokov »

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Re: Training
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2014, 12:55:25 PM »
JohnyMac on is going to be taking some training from him. Not sure about anyone else. His classes do seem pretty good though based on what I've seen on the internets.

Offline Leonidas

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Re: Training
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2014, 03:16:03 PM »
Thanks for asking about training Hondo.  I searched this site (since I'm new and didn't want to bring up a subject already covered ad nauseum) to see if we had a discussion thread about training sites and member's experiences with said instructors. 

If I missed these posts please direct me to them, otherwise I think it would be great to have a thread that discusses the various training courses members have attended and what they learned.

There have been a few schools I've been interested in, but it is hard to find solid reviews and feedback from about the courses themselves.  Training could range from local courses, to Appleseed, to Mosby's boot camps.

For example, I've consider James Yeager's training courses but have mixed feelings about the whole experience one might have at Tactical Response.

I think it would also be prudent to refrain from name calling of the various training schools and focus on the facts surrounding the experience.

I recently read an article by a gun blogger that thrashed Front Sight in Nevada calling it nothing but a clown show.  This type of "review" isn't constructive and adds no descriptive information to aide someone trying to make a decision about where to train at.  Apparantly the author of the article never even trained there.

What do y'all think?

P.S. I should add that this could also pertain to courses on canning, metal working, farming, or anything else related to self reliance/prepping.
« Last Edit: May 16, 2014, 03:20:45 PM by Leonidas »

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Training
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2014, 10:40:23 PM »
Here's my 2¢ worth.

1) You (Royal you not specific to any one person) need to decide what kind of training you
    want. "Operator", "Military" or SWAT Type" training.
2) Decide what kind of training you want then investigate the trainers.
3) I have heard nothing but good things about operator type training from Costa Ludus. Specifically CJS06 has taken many of his classes and speaks very highly of his training. Maybe CJS06 can speak to this or PM him.
4) I have not attended one of Max Velocities classes however his training is more military training. Specifically, Patrol, ambush, retreat, info gathering, etc. I am planning on attending one of his classes in August. With that said, everybody who I have chatted with (7+ folks at this point) speak very highly of the training. With Velocity there is very little square shooting range training. 90%+ is in the field shooting pop up type targets. You need to be in good (Not great) shape to take his basic course as you will be doing a lot of walking up and down hills in rural W.Va. mountains.
5) I have a friend who takes LEO/SWAT type training. He is one of my deer hunting buddies up at the BOL. He loves the training he receives from 2-3 trainers. I am sorry but I forget who he goes to. He is a member of this forum so maybe he will read this and add his thoughts.
6) John Mosby, I do not know other than to say he comes across as a "ball buster" but that just may be his mystique.  :DrillSgt:

There you go. Decide what kind of training you want then look into the training different trainers offer. Good luck and have fun!
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Re: Training
« Reply #4 on: May 20, 2014, 04:32:57 PM »
Here's my 2¢ worth.

3) I have heard nothing but good things about operator type training from Costa Ludus. Specifically CJS06 has taken many of his classes and speaks very highly of his training. Maybe CJS06 can speak to this or PM him.
5) I have a friend who takes LEO/SWAT type training. He is one of my deer hunting buddies up at the BOL. He loves the training he receives from 2-3 trainers. I am sorry but I forget who he goes to. He is a member of this forum so maybe he will read this and add his thoughts.


Thanks JohnnyMac, I was thinking more along the lines of a thread that members can review the training they have received for the rest of us.  The thread could be used as a reference to find the best training to fit each member's needs/skill level.

It would be great to have CJS06 describe his experience with Costa, what he learned, what was required, would he do it again, etc, etc.

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Re: Training
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2014, 10:06:23 PM »
Great idea Leonidas! Kind of like a book review. :thumbsUp:
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Re: Training
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2014, 11:44:17 PM »
Leonidas and Johhny Mac.....and anyone else.

I have been to a few different training courses offered by Haley Strategic, Alias (Pat MacNamara, Kyle Defoor), and Costa Ludus.  I also try to do a bit of local training with an instructor that I respect greatly as well as at Weaponcraft outside of Portland Maine who have a 1st class training staff.

The most important thing that you need for any of these classes is an open mind and willingness to learn. Any of these trainers offer classes in Handgun, Carbine, Etc. Their classes are offered at numerous levels so literally anyone can take them.  If you think you have it all down already, then you will get nothing out of the training. Though I have taken them before I still take a Carbine 01 (basic) periodically.

CostaLudus has been fantastic.  The atmosphere that Chris Costa establishes is fantastic with the right balance of fun and no screwing around. Safety is priority 1, 1A,etc. Chris' teaching methods are great in that he adapts to different students needs to provide the best experience possible. I highly recommend giving his training a try if you can.  I have developed some amazing friendships through Costa that have become some of the people that I trust as brothers.

As I mentioned I have been to a few different Instructors and other than Costa I have only done one session with each. I will be training twice in Wyoming (Restricted/Low Visibilty and Intermediate(Heavy)Carbine) and once in Maine (Vehicle Elements) with CostaLudus this year.  I will also be training with Frank Proctor shortly.  Last year I only did 2 Costa classes (Carbine Employment2 and Team Building).

To me the most important part is getting at least some form of training in.  Too many times people get armed up and loaded down with ammo and don't spend the time truly getting proficient.  There are lots of good local trainers but you need to do a little checking and really need to tune your BS sensors.  Find a trainer that works for you. Costa, Haley, Defoor, McNamara, Proctor, Weaponcraft, RangeTime......there are many good ones.

Also dont be afraid to travel. I live in RI and will be attending classes in OR, WY, FL, ME this year.  It may seem imposing but it is really easy and you will get experiences outside of your comfort zone.

Most classes will require 1. Handgun in service caliber (9mm, .40,or .45) an carbine in 5.56, 7.62x39, 5.45, .300blk etc, proper gear for employing them and for the environment (training doesn't stop because of rain).  Specialized classes will require heavy carbine(.308), or bolt gun, or shotgun but you will be selecting those classes specifically.

When budgeting for a class be sure to take ammo into account!  That can be a big expense that "sneaks" up on people.  For example the Costa Team Building class I did required 4000rds of 5.56 and 1000rds 9mm for a 4 day course of fire. You will truly find out if your gun and your gear are up to the task!

This has been kind of rambling, sorry guys. I hope it is a little helpful. Please feel free to ask away and if there is anything more specific I can answer.


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Re: Training
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2014, 10:06:52 AM »
Great write-up Chris!

I am doing three classes with Max Velocity's group at the end of the month.

TC3  = Battle field medical
RMP =Rifle Management Primer
CRM = Combat Rifle Management

Yeah I have been around however I want to start at the beginning and hopefully change any bad habits I have developed. To me, the medical class is a "no brainer."

If I am happy with the facility and training I will move onto CRCD (Combat Rifle/Contact Drills).

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Re: Training
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2014, 08:02:27 PM »
John is this your first formal training class?

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Training
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2014, 07:38:26 AM »
Of this type, yes.

I have only attended defensive handgun training classes in the past.
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