I've heard nothing but positive feedback about the CZ-75, although I don't have any personal experience with them so I can't give you an actual review. but the specs look like they fit the bill. 15 rds of 9mm, supposedly CZ took the best aspects of the 1911 and the HiPower and mixed them for the model 75. I would imagine it feels very similar to a 1911 in the hand. (obviously it's not a pocket gun but I never believed in sub-compact anyway. go big or go home.)
also, quick story for you guys. I've been wanting to tell you guys about this for a little while but didn't feel like it was worthy of it's own thread so here goes.
long story short: wife never liked guns, I brought my first one home and she was pissed, she eventually got used to them and it was no longer an issue.... still never got one of her own though...
ok, fast forward a couple years... I turned into a big POS and was sucking at life in a major way and she left me because of it. we spent a few months apart and the situation was so hard on me that it scared me stupid and I straightened myself out in a hurry. ok so anyway, all that being said, one day she and I are talking on the phone and she agrees to let me come over and spend some time with her (for the first time in months) and lo and behold... what do I see when I get to the house? a motherfucking 1975 Mossberg 500! 8-shot fucking riot gun!
moral of the story: be persistent in your beliefs and eventually you just might rub off on those who are close to you. getting the wife on board is probably the most important prep of them all! (I'm so proud of her [URL=http://www.smileyvault.co )