Author Topic: Defense: Setting Your Priorities  (Read 1091 times)

Offline EJR914

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Defense: Setting Your Priorities
« on: May 18, 2012, 10:04:11 AM »

Defense: Setting Your Priorities

In the last entry I explored a few ways to save a buck while building up your supplies of defensive materials ? that good old Class IV.  Now when it comes to defense planning and prepping there?s a million things to do and always the need for more material.  And even if you did nothing else but plan and prepare there?s still not going to be enough time in the world to get everything done.  Continuing with defense planning in this entry I?m going to explore one way of determining which things and what measures should come before others.

Why prioritize?  Prioritizing your effort and resources is just plain common sense.  It will normally allow  you to get the best bang for your buck if you are faced with either limited time or resources.  By establishing defensive priorities we can focus our efforts which hopefully will lead to the best compromise of defense vs. time vs. logistics (logistics in this case being what we have on hand in the way of material and capabilities). Prioritizing isn?t a one stop process either.  It?s part of a cyclic process that is continuously reviewed based on several factors as a whole in the defensive planning process which will be the subject of the next blog entry.

Much more here:

Another Home Run from our very own, Treaded.  Great article.   [url=http://www.freesmileys.or

Offline EJR914

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Re: Defense: Setting Your Priorities
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2012, 10:07:27 AM »
Another Great Article from Treaded on doing Defense on the Cheap!  Excellent article, Treaded.

Defense: (Almost) Free Stuff ? Or How I?m A Cheap Bastage

I?m a cheap bastage.  I?ll put that out there right up front.  Don?t get me wrong ? I?ll spend good money for a good product.  But if I can get what I need through something like some good old fashioned honest manual labor I?ll do so in a heartbeat.  Why is this relevant?  Keep reading.  As always this is not all inclusive but rather once again intended to get those creative gears grinding.

I?m going to go ahead and start covering some basic defensive TTPs (Tactics, techniques, and Procedures) in the blog and logically we are going to need a few, well more than a few, odds and ends during the process.  What kind of stuff?  Things like sandbags, wire, plywood, etc.  Good old basic Class IV stuff.  And man is that shit expensive.  Go and price a roll of barb wire.  You?ll go broke trying to stack all of the material needed.  That is unless you span the purchases out over a long period or wait until the very last minute when SHTF to run the plastic into the ground and then chances are there?s going to be a lot of empty shelves.  I?m not going to go into any uses yet, but rather how we can get that material stacked up and save a buck.

Much more here:

You say you don't have enough money to prep?  Well I think its time to think radically, of course it will probably involve a lot of hard work and sweat, but hell that's good for you, just a little extra PT for you.   [URL=