Author Topic: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)  (Read 1482 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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It is few and in between when I post a whole article however I thought it was appropriate for this article. Many of our forum members follow this forum on a phone and connecting to a article via a link is cumbersome.

In essence what John Jacob Schmidt has written in  The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to do succinctly in a short article outlines what you should be working on better than I ever could.

Many of these 10 steps you and I have covered however 9 and 10 hit me squarely between the eyes. Some of you folks have been preaching # 9 & 10 like Thatguy, however it never really sunk in till I read this article.

So I challenge all of the readers of this forum to get out of their bunker, redoubt, cave or hotel and become part of the solution...Be part of your community now for when the SHTF you will be an integral part of rebuilding that community.

Please take 4 minutes to read and then join in on the discussion.  :cheers:   

Ahhh, that ‘moment.’ The moment when it all sunk in and you realized I wasn’t joking about the coming persecution of Christian patriots in America. And now the stage is set and ‘it’ is at the threshold.

I’ve received several emails and want to offer you some encouragement, which also ties in with the series I’m doing, titled ‘The Coming Underground.’ So, some action steps are in order. WHAT TO DO!

1a. PRAY. Stop! This isn’t a half-hearted, driving down the road to work or whistling while your doing laundry, thinking about God, kind of prayer. Lock yourself away, with no distractions, for an hour. Make a list so you know what to pray ABOUT.
A. Wisdom and Discernment and pray for a HUNGER for His word for
– You and your spouse and your children
– For your friends and family who are likeminded who you will all be leaning on in the future for encouragement and counsel
– For patriot leaders (Legislators, Clergy, Community Leaders, Patriot Leaders, Sheriff, other Officials, your Bible Study leader and group)
B. For courage to stand for truth no matter the cost, and to know how to tell the difference as deception rules the days ahead
C. For your church. For THE church, as items A & B above apply to them, especially for the Godly men, the pastors, and other decision makers.
D. Pray that He will strengthen your faith in Him. To give you the wisdom to prepare, and that He provide for your needs in those areas you are not able to physically prepare.

1b. Put on the full armor of God

2. PREPARE – Do not be a refugee.
A. Be self reliant and stock up enough food for at least one year. Have the ability to produce/capture/filter water. Have medicines and medical supplies.
B. Communications. Be able to at least receive communications locally (scanner) and long range (Shortwave radio with SSB). Then be able to communicate with everyone in your group (handheld or mobile/vehicle radios). Then invest in at least one person, preferably two, who will get their ham licenses in the next 6 weeks. AT LEAST one of them should quickly get his General class license and the group invest in getting at least one HF Radio and all the digital communications software for digital modes. And practice! Go to for more info.

3. SAFE HOUSES – The decision of where and when to conduct underground church meetings can be done later, and will change often.  So don’t worry about that part right now.

Develop your home into a safe house where you could host someone who needs a place to go, such as someone in your church, your pastor, or some other leader who may be wanted for who-knows-what ‘crimes.’ Next, develop a secondary safe house that has no connection to you, such as the old man who was your Boy Scout leader when you were a child, or someone else you can trust and confide in.  There are plenty of elderly people who think they don’t have a role to play in the underground because they’re “no spring chicken anymore.”  Nonsense!  Nothing could be farther from the truth.  If they have their head and their heart in the right place, there’s a place for everyone.  Give them a role.

– Don’t tell ANYONE that you have developed a safehouse, and don’t tell anyone except your closest inner circle (the two guys who would take a bullet for you) about your preps. Don’t tell your children! They can be easily exploited and manipulated.
– Develop a safehouse for your immediate family. This is a place where they can be safely hidden for months or years if necessary. This SHOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT be a place with direct ties to you, such as yours or your spouse’s parents, your brother, your pastor, your vacation cabin, etc. Store everything they will need there for a year without having to leave.

4. NETWORK NOW – There are not special agents infiltrating home groups and home churches and Bible studies at this time. Begin discussing the potential future now while you can still trust people. Carefully vet those who you discuss this with (only like-minded people), and take your time broaching the topic. It won’t take long at all for you to realize who is ‘there’ mentally. Do NOT push the issue with those who need ‘convincing’.

Tell those who are of the proper mindset to begin items 1 – 3 above. Do not share each others’ secondary safehouse locations. All you need to know is how to link up with each other in the event it becomes necessary. Example: Develop dead drop locations where you can leave notes for each other with visual indicators to let the other parties know:
A. I have left a message for you
B. *Duress: I have been compromised, do not retrieve message, keep moving
*These can never be written down, but rather committed to memory. Quiz each other from time to time.

Or, Have a plan to be at milemarker xx on Hwy xxx on frequency at xxxxhrs until you link up, should you become separated and need to link up.

5. Be prepared to defend yourself and others.  If you do not already have one, acquire a combat rifle and a handgun, thirteen 30-rd magazines for the rifle, three magazines for your pistol, and a harness or vest for carrying all of them. Become proficient with your rifle.

6. Get in shape NOW.  Stop stuffing your face, and start walking. Stop reading this and go do ten pushups and 20 situps, then come back and continue. Do that every hour you’re awake (Okay, so I’m not a hypocrite, I just went and did it. You can too!)

7. Protect your wealth.  Get your cash out of the bank and transfer it into liquidable, tangible assets (leave your next mortgage payment and car payment in there, and anything else you need for monthly expenses which come directly out of your bank account). You shouldn’t have more-than-necessary cash just sitting in your account. Convert it to cash, guns, silver, gold, food, garden seeds and ‘lead’ (copper jacketed type) that you can use or trade or barter with.

8. Read the following books, besides the Bible:
– Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand
– When the Almond Tree Blossoms by David Aikman
– Resilient Nations by Robert F. Dees (retired Army Major General)
– The 5000 Year Leap by Cleon Skousen
– Knighthood of Christian Warriors by Dr. Donald Bell (retired Marine Major)
– Patriots: A Novel of the Coming Collapse by James Wesley Rawles

9.  Come out of your hole!  You’re no good to anyone by hiding somewhere to save your own skin and never getting involved, waiting for SOMEBODY to do SOMETHING so you can crawl out to a new safe world that someone else fought for.  It’s not going to happen if you don’t get involved and start making connections now.  Join your local county assembly or committee of correspondence, your local Tea Party, or conservative action group.  Attend preparedness and patriot events and start meeting likeminded people like yourself.  Begin carefully vetting and making new relationships and building networks of others you can trust and count on when the world maxes out the insane meter.  These people (and you) will be needed in making it through, fighting through, and restoring and rebuilding after the collapse of our culture.  And it WILL have to be fought for.  Nothing of lasting value will come for free or without a fight.

10.  Identify and serve.  Identify proven leaders in your community and choose who you will support, protect, and join.   Many self-proclaimed leaders will surface in a time of crisis.  They will claim that they have the solutions and demand that everyone follow them.    There are patriots and there are loyalists and at times it will be hard to tell the difference.  How will you discern?  You judge by their track record.  Does this legislator or county commissioner have a proven track record of fighting for liberty and traditional American ideals, or does he/she have a reputation of compromising and appeasing the powers that be?  You need to know who they are as early on as possible.  NOW would be a good time to start.  Build relationships with them and support them now.

How do you build a relationship with a proven patriot leader now?  You serve!  How do you become ‘friends’ with a high profile leader in the patriot community?  You volunteer to help that pastor and tell him you have skills and would like to contribute to the ministry.  You volunteer to help on that legislator’s or commissioner’s reelection campaign.  You help that community leader who is a mover and shaker and is connected with all the ‘who’s who’ in your community, and you volunteer to help make signs, set up sound equipment at the next rally, lick envelopes.  YOU SPEND TIME AROUND THEM!  Buy them a cup of coffee and share your heart, but don’t chew their ear off ‘philosophizing’ to them.  They have a bazillion other people all vying for ‘just five minutes’ of their time who want to philosophize and give them some profound, soul-stirring insight to their ‘wisdom.’   But more than anything, just BE THERE, and you will get five minutes with them, and more.  That’s your calling and mission.  Stick to it and don’t get distracted.  THEN you will have some influence — The ‘king’s ear’, if you please.

In a crisis situation, he will be looking for, and needing, a support network.  He may need a safe place to go into hiding.  What you never told him is that there are four people you could send an encrypted text to RIGHT NOW who could get him or her into a safe house network.  Or put him in touch with other leadership your group has been developing.  Or a network of medical personnel who have been quietly developing an underground hospital at three potential locations.

Those leaders may be advocating for the patriots in the public arena.  One of the best ways for you to advocate for your group, church, family, militia, or community is to have a previously-established relationship with him.  He will be needed in the political arm of a movement to secure liberty, and you will be needed by him for support and security.

Now, you have a mission, and we’re on borrowed time.  So GO!

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Offline crudos

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #1 on: July 02, 2015, 11:24:01 AM »
He? Take out the blatant conversion attempt, and it's good list.


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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2015, 10:48:00 AM »
I admit I'm torn between keeping my head down and standing up to be counted.

Despite the fact that we all grumble about this and that here in Oz life is pretty good for most people as we wallow in the increasingly warming water like the proverbial frogs.

Truth is at my age I could probably just sit this out here in the bush. OTOH when I see what's going on it makes me mad, just not mad enough yet I guess.

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2015, 03:48:49 PM »
I'm good to go right now. Tired of waiting.

I have a life mission that hasn't been acomplished yet and I wanna get it done.
Any station this is net, any station this is net. Monster One Alpha Radio check over.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #4 on: July 07, 2015, 03:49:52 PM »
It makes me mad too graynomad but what makes me madder is that many of the folks in their 30's and 40's here (USA) have no clue as to what is happening in the world, let alone at home.

I was at a neighbors house July 3rd watching as they tried to burn down their dock with fire works. At one point all of the gents found themselves in the house refreshing their empty glasses with appropriate adult beverages when I brought up the subject of Greece and Puerto Rico's default payment along with China's stock market taking a dump.  Everybody looked at me like I had two heads. In essence this auspicious group of lawyers, Doctors and other professionals hadn't have a clue. 

This is what makes me mad. And when the SHTF they will look around and say, "Didn't see that coming." Plus, "what are you (Collective you) going to do to help me and my family?"

« Last Edit: July 08, 2015, 10:07:56 AM by JohnyMac »
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Offline JoJo

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2015, 07:06:29 PM »
JMac the sad thing is you are correct. I know only three other blue collar workers that see what is coming. One is my step son and my neighbor and his wife. I know a couple of TIN FOIL HAT types but they're so far out I stay away from them.
All we can do is wait and watch and hope for a heads up. 
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #6 on: July 08, 2015, 10:57:51 AM »
Yupper Jojo. It's called Normalcy Bias

With you on your thoughts RvR!
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Offline Nemo

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2015, 11:28:36 AM »
Like the old saying goes, Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition.


If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #8 on: July 10, 2015, 10:03:20 AM »
I ran across several articles I would like to share with you.

Let us start with Zeroheges article “Preparedness Critics are History’s Cannon Fodder” by Tyler Durden.
“…During the Great Depression, the vast majority of American citizens were rural, farm-oriented people with survival skills far beyond the modern American. “Prepping” in those days was ingrained in our society, rather than marginalized and labeled “fringe.” Today, the numbers are reversed, with a dwindling number of farm-experienced Americans and a vast wasteland of urban and suburban citizens — many with few, if any, legitimate skill sets. During the Great Depression, millions of people died of starvation and general poverty, despite the incredible number of people with rural survival knowledge. What do you think would happen to our effeminate; metrosexual; iPhone-addicted; lisping; limp-wristed; self-obsessed; Twitter-, texting-, video game-addled; La-Z-Boy-riding; overgrown-child culture in the event that another economic crisis even remotely similar were to occur? Yes, most of them would die, probably in a horrible fashion.

Think about it for a moment. An incredible subsection of Americans do not know how to feed themselves; they do not know how to hunt; they do not know how to grow crops; they do not know how to repair any necessary items used for subsistence; they do not know how to build anything useful; they do not know how to shoot; they do not know how to defend themselves; they don’t even know how to cook a pot of rice properly. Their only skills involve parroting snarky remarks from their favorite lowest-common-denominator television and Web shows, building ample karma points on Reddit, and avoiding any stance contrary to what they perceive to be the majority opinion (which they also derive from mainstream media and websites).

It is decidedly ironic given the uselessness of such people that it is often the worst subsections of the blind, deaf and dumb that choose to “critique” the prepper lifestyle as “disturbed” or “dangerous.”…”

To support Durden’s article here is an article I ran across in Pique entitled, “Be Prepared for Preppers” by Leslie Anthony. Here is a short exert:

“ …Other than religious fundamentalists, tea-partiers and chem-trails believers, one might rightfully ask: Just who are these people? Actually, that's pretty much it. Think uninformed pseudoscience-nerd meets survivalist meets anarchist militia with a touch of DIY and homemaker thrown in (picture Bill Ny, Les Stroud, Red Green and Martha Stewart with swastika tattoos and a schwack of guns — e.g., Idaho Hillbilly). If, however, you always thought storing food is what mothers and farmers are for, then you'll be as horrified as I at the labyrinthine online prepper world. Here you'll find thousands of websites dedicated to this subculture, likely because — and this should tell you something — each prepper apparently has his/her own. If you start with something generic like, say,, the glut of bizarre ads, posts and links soon spins you off centripetally in myriad inexplicable directions.

Rather than jump to "Preparedness Pantry" to learn how to make a DIY solar water distiller, for example, I'd started with "Top Pack Gear: Prepare, Endure, Prevail" and "Doom and Bloom Medical Supplies: Survival Medicine." These were interesting, but so was "Reusable +600 Hour Glow Stick" (how did the Shambhala, BASS Coast, and Two-acre Shaker tweakers miss this?) and "Camping Survival: Confidence Born of Preparation," particularly the latter which, following drop-down menus, led somewhere most peculiar: a page of "Fish & Bird Antibiotics" for the pets you'll clearly have to self-medicate when "SHTF" (i.e., Shit Hits The Fan, official prepper euphemism for disaster of any kind, as in ads like: "Essential Oils for NOW & SHTF!" and "Precious metals for SHTF"). Coded acronyms are as ubiquitous and essential to prepperdom as an accompanying rash of protect-your-family sloganeering to rival Conservative political propaganda, or peculiar grassroots jargon like "bugging out"— i.e., exiting your home situation to head for a bunker or other remote location that you've prepared, as in "3 Signs it's Time to Bug Out — Interview with Jim Cobb, Author of Prepper's Long Term Survival Guide."…”

So folks you will become the payara when the SHTF with your preps and your guns and your non collective attitude. Not unlike what I am seeing towards organized religion, the Confederate flag or not supporting whole heartedly the recent decisions of the SCOTUS.

You think it will never happen? Let’s look back into USA history o’ around 1917 and the Fuel and Food Act was passed. Here is a link to an article From the NY Times of it being implemented entitled“Navy Man indicted for Hoarding Food.” 

Get ready folks…Let the shaming commence!


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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #9 on: July 10, 2015, 10:24:49 AM »
That Navy man had a good start.  A bit more champagne and brandy than I do but I drink little of that anyway.

If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline sledge

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #10 on: July 10, 2015, 12:33:37 PM »
There are a great many more preppers now, members of both major political parties, than there were say 20 years ago.  Many started prepping during the run up to the much hyped Y2K.  (Remember that?)

JM, I very much predict a revival of this type of hoarding law in the not too distant future.  Actually, many states have such laws on the books now that go into effect in the event of a declared emergency.

So in addition to being called "nut jobs" by the leftest sheeple now, they will be calling us criminals when the time comes (sooner rather than later) that we are proved correct in our assessments of coming events.

Perhaps they will offer us both gun /ammo amnesty and food amnesty if we turn it all in.    :chuky:


In the pursuit of liberty, many will fall. In the pursuit of fascism, many will be against the wall..........   Courtesy of Xydaco

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #11 on: July 10, 2015, 09:01:36 PM »
molon labe


If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #12 on: July 11, 2015, 07:28:40 AM »
Yupper Sledge  :thumbsUp:
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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #13 on: July 11, 2015, 08:39:02 AM »
I keep coming back to the A. American books when I read this thread.

Try and survive alone and you are doomed in reality.

Banding together is the only way to go.

Just saying.

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2015, 09:18:03 AM »
Yupper Gadget  :thumbsUp:
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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #15 on: July 14, 2015, 07:19:49 AM »
It makes me mad too graynomad but what makes me madder is that many of the folks in their 30's and 40's here (USA) have no clue as to what is happening in the world, let alone at home.

I was at a neighbors house July 3rd watching as they tried to burn down their dock with fire works. At one point all of the gents found themselves in the house refreshing their empty glasses with appropriate adult beverages when I brought up the subject of Greece and Puerto Rico's default payment along with China's stock market taking a dump.  Everybody looked at me like I had two heads. In essence this auspicious group of lawyers, Doctors and other professionals hadn't have a clue. 

This is what makes me mad. And when the SHTF they will look around and say, "Didn't see that coming." Plus, "what are you (Collective you) going to do to help me and my family?"

Hey I'm in that age range Jonny! LOL!

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #16 on: July 14, 2015, 07:50:21 AM »
 :lmfao: Hondokov!

Well buddy, obviously you have your stuff together; after all you are a UP forum member  ;)
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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2015, 03:48:38 PM »
I'm confused.
Maybe it is because I live off the grid of mainstream society and my goals in life are more towards self support then trying to provide for a group of people.
My great grand parents were farmers, and my grand parents were part time farmers.
My parents only grew what we ate and everyone in my family hunted.
Then the Pinko white trash feminists decided hunting for food was bad and that you could go to work and make more money and buy food cheaper than missing one week of work a year and hunting deer with a rifle.

My Maternal grandparents never had an automobile, they walked everywhere they went, or they paid someone to drive them.  They always paid in cash and they never owed anyone anything.

My Paternal grandparents owned automobiles, did very little walking, but still had a very strong work ethic.

My dad only walked when he went hunting and he never missed work, even when he was sick!
My mom kept house, never owned anything of her own, not even a radio.
My mom was known to work from the time when she woke in the morning until she went to bed at night, and never complained.

As kids, we had very little.  The younger kids had toys and video games and luxuries, while the older children had to work from an early age, doing chores around the house and working for neighbors to make money for school clothes etc.

I don't understand people that have had everything handed to them, nor do I accept them into my small circle of friends.

Most people do not have a plan - WSHTF.
I think that many of them just figures if it gets that bad, either the government will help them out, or that they will just head north to the mountains and live off the fat of the land.

The mountains of Pennsylvania were devoid of trees by the 1920's, most all of it was timbered off to make the fat cats rich.  The animals in the woods were killed for food and furs and the streams were ruined by pollution.

The depression didn't do much to the people living in my part of the world, because they never had much to begin with!

As hard as you try, I don't know of anyone that can store one years worth of food.
No matter how much you store, you will always have a problem with refrigeration and freezing.
Animals and rodents getting into it, and things happening that you can't control.

If there is a global winter, you aren't going to grow anything in a garden for many years.
By that time, the seeds may or may not still be any good!
Depending upon if there is nuclear fall out, the fish in the streams may not be any good to eat, and the plant life may be contaminated.

You will have hoards of people that will roam, looking to steal what ever it is that you have to eat!

Having just one or two people that understands communications is a short term fix, but what if something happens to those people, who are you going to rely on?
Licensing people that doesn't want to learn anything isn't going to solve your problems.
Owning a radio that you don't know how to operate isn't going to solve your communications problems.

Not having power is probably going to be a big issue.
Even dry cell batteries will only have an infinite number of charge cycles before they quit working.
The price of those batteries has escalated into the hundreds of dollars.
Even if you had a producing Natural Gas Well, eventually you will run out of motor oil for the generator.

I don't know how many of you have lived in the woods before, but street clothes that lasts years in the 'burbs, will quickly turn to shreds in the woods.
Shoes will fall apart in a matter of weeks or months.
A lot of people misses the big picture when they talk about bugging out!

How many of you keep a full tank of fresh gasoline in your bug out vehicle and keep 50 gallons of gasoline, that you rotate on a frequent basis for your bug out needs?
How much motor oil do you have?
How big is your generator?
How many hours do you plan to run the generator a week?
How do you plan to resupply your stores once you get to where you are going?

There are a lot of "If's" in most peoples plans!
The hardest part is trying to get people to stop fishing off the breast of the dam, when you can see that the dam is failing, because the fishing is so good!
If people are making money and you know the world is going to come to an end, how do you get them to quit their jobs and leave?
< Most people will wait until it is too late, and then find out that the military and the police will have the main roads blocked, and the side roads will be full of automobiles that were stranded or disabled.>  You may not be able to get to where it is that you thought that you were going to go!
Or you might get there and find out that someone else has already beaten you to it!
There might be some grubby people sitting there, eating your food and reloading their rifles with your ammo and shooting you with your own bullets!!!!!!

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2015, 07:17:05 PM »
Interesting read Shadow. Much of what you wrote I agree with and can see what a true SHTF drama will cause. With that written I would venture that none of us are 100% ready. Heck most of us are only 50% prepared.

With that written even if a family was 90% prepared without a community circling the wagons to work together as an extended family, the isolationist would fail.

Now should we throw our hands in the air and become a isolationist? IMO, no.

It amazes me as I tour the country and peak to "preppers" it amazes me that there is a lot of folks with a "shit-ton" of stuff squirreled away but have no network of neighbors or family organized. 
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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #19 on: August 11, 2015, 11:56:22 AM »
Shadow,  it is a problem but you can only do the best you can.  I agree with JM, no man, woman or family is an island.  the other problem are variables like luck.  if a jet liner crashes into my house at night I really have no chance.  That can be said of a lot of things.  The general state of the sheeples would make things dangerous as they tried to adjust to a new normal.  If you and your's can survive long enough; those who can, adaptl and those who can't will not be a problem for long.  Then you have a chance to rebuild.  a single person can't rebuild society.  That is a simple statement.

if the problem is short term you will eventually find more motor oil and fuel for your generator.
If the problem is more serious, the generator might give you time to smoke and salt your game larder so it will last longer.  that is why you prepare.  The question becomes how many generations will we fall back?  to your dad's?  to your grandparents?  to the 1830's or even earlier?  each step back lowers the carrying capacity of our land.  The goal then is to survive the fall and try to come out the other side.

I suppose the question is;  If we survive, then what?

A strong community will protect you better than a bucket of bullets.

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #20 on: August 11, 2015, 09:46:15 PM »
You have to have like minded people to build a shtf community so if you live in an area like I do, a 90 home section in farm country is a little tough. Most people here are older than I am, I'm 74, there is maybe 10 kids here. No-one has more than a weeks worth of food. Most of them have thier head up thier butts. I have to keep my prepping to myself because I couldn't feed them all or fight them all.
I envy those who have at least someone to talk to about prepping, my wife thinks I'm nuts. 
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.


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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #21 on: August 11, 2015, 11:31:27 PM »
I envy those who have at least someone to talk to about prepping

JoJo, man you got us. Don't we count   :what:

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #22 on: August 12, 2015, 07:38:09 AM »
JoJo may I be so forward to suggest...

Check out your local church's to see which one lines up with your values and since you live in a rural community, maybe attend the local Grange meeting's. Trust me, between the two you will find some like minded folks.

On another note: I thought that brat and I were the old farts on this forum. At 74 I think you are our most senior member  :thumbsUp:

Thank you for taking the time out of your day to be part of this community.  :cheers:
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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #23 on: August 12, 2015, 11:01:35 AM »
Yes Brat you sure do. But I would like to sit down with a cool one and just gab to a like minded person. The area I live in is very close to the seashore resorts with people coming and going. I've only lived here for 12years and the locals keep to themselves, I'm still concidered an outsider. My 55year old neighbor across the street seems to be the only one I could trust but there is the generation gap. His wife started to prep and he put a stop to it, he knows about SHTF and is well armed. He thinks it will only happen in the cities. There is a very large gay community here, I have close friendsin it and they only want to be left alone.
So you see I have been trying to talk to people but they are infected with "Normalsy Bias"  This includes my wife.
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.

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Re: The Coming Persecution...What's a Patriot to Do? (10 Steps)
« Reply #24 on: August 12, 2015, 11:07:31 AM »
JMac after reading my email I come strieght to this forum. Other forums have to many so called experts spoutting, mumbling and just trying to look important. This fourm has a heart. 
« Last Edit: August 12, 2015, 12:21:24 PM by JohnyMac »
In principle, no less than in practice, socialism is the ideology of thieves and tyrants.