JM, Life Straw? John, whats it like to live in well watered country? Is there shade too?
I'm just messing about, I envy you for being able to make use of such a neat product.. In my world you need to be able to carry water and lots of it. The two quart bottles in my kit are not nearly enough if I have to go off route and back up onto the mesa.
I always have my Danner Work boots on or in the truck but I could make that walk in a pair of Chucks if I needed too and I did forget to mention that the Beo-Feng lives in the truck so I'll likely have that on me too.
Nemo, I'm really glad that you took that bag out for a long walk! I have a
Kelty Sling Bag for CCWin' and even with nothing more than a full frame pistol, extra mag and SureFire it will trash my lower back by the end of the day.. Who in their right mind issued Postal Carriers single sling bags?!
A really good way (as your finding) of paring down to the bare necessities is use.. load your bag and us it for its purpose.. a mile or two will let you know what you can live without

I like the script jar idea but just one time step on one of those sobs... they don't hold up.
Great discussion so far but no one has hit the magical mystery idem yet! I know it had idem x in it that day because I used it.
I've also attached a wonderful photo of me using said bag.