Good Class and Nice write up!
One of the things i love about teaching like that - even if you have the spiffy filters and lighters and shelter, knowing how they work and why they work makes you use what you have more effectively. Not to mention, how to improvise - its a skill that needs to be practiced.
several years ago, i used to work with a BSA troop - camping and hiking skills & various related merit badges.
at a joint day camp - related to emergency preparedness in 1999; I watched a person use a pump filter in muddy water - and she couldn't figure out why it wasn't putting out any water, it was just dripping. She was a first time user. I almost laughed out loud when a kid - she looked to be about 12 and the lady about 40- took the lady under her wing. The lady looked grateful.
I think i read it on this forum somewhere - skills trump gear and gear trumps style.