Hello all, Ron L here
I just don't know? I've heard all about and read so Much about 'Stopping Power" rea all the reports see the Vids and Mostly it seems the common sense Idea of 2 in the chest, 1 in the head still works? I like to stay with Common Calibers I know and trust and Ive seen work! If you look at the death reports in Federal stats as well as state records you wil see 22LR results in many many death, so, is that a stop9ng power round? I'd say dead is pretty stopped? Thier are reports and files of duded that took a chest full of 9MM or 38 or even 357 and still fought on? I don't adhear to wat others say, I go with that works! The few bad times in my life I'd ever shot anyone, I was happy to see the calibers I had Handgun or Long Gun, worked, need I say more?