Author Topic: Self Quarantine SOP  (Read 40010 times)

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Self Quarantine SOP
« on: October 22, 2014, 12:14:38 PM »
Below is a self quarantine SOP that i and a friend wrote up for our group of friends.
I invite anyone to use any parts of what we have hear. And any additional ideas are welcome.
we did not put this together with Ebola specifically in mind it is just a general outline for any pandemic level events. :zombitron:

SOP :  Self Quarantine

To provide the members with guidelines, and actions upon self quarantine measures, in the event of a pandemic threat.

In the event of a Pandemic threat, Mag group members should be prepared to shelter in place for up to three months.

This time frame should allow any viral, bacterial or biohazard threats to run its course or loose its efficacy. However final time frames should be determined by situation and available information

Requirements for implementation:
•   Confirmation of a pandemic threat.
•   Leave, vacation or sick time from employment
•   3+ months of food and water
•   Individual communication plans
•   Individual security plans
•   Individual sanitation plans
•   Individual egress plans and arrival plans

Confirmation of a pandemic event:
   First priority is to confirm existence of a potential threat. Means and methods of doing so as civilians are limited. We will have to rely primarily on news reporting and the actions of local, state and federal officials and agencies around the world. Potential indicators….
Reports of illness with high communicability
Reports of illness jumping borders
Extra news coverage (Excessive news coverage could be an indicator of a serious situation)
Suspension of travel to include
•   Air traffic
•   Ground
•   Oceanic or other water ways
Declaration of quarantine or contamination zones (specific language may differ)
Deployment of police, military or government agencies to population centers.
Use of independent and internet source information is also advisable.
(i.e.) Youtube, Drudge, Twitter or Face book to name a few.
(Final determination of threat is up to the individual)

Leave, vacation or sick time from employment:

   Members should attempt to maintain pre set amounts of leave from work.
Having at least six to eight days is recommended. If a threat is suspected or confirmed, members should consider an initial Leave period from work of three to five days. This period should allow the individual time to determine weather the threat is going to have a direct local impact.
3+months of food and water:

Members should be maintaining an emergency supply of food and water. For a pandemic threat, an initial three months plus, supply of food and water are recommended. A good self quarantine time frame is three months. All dietary concerns should be taken into consideration for the needs of the individual and their family.

Individual communication plan:

   All members should actively attempt to procure and train with several different communication platforms.
•   For members to have inter-group communication ability
•   Gathering information
•   Coordination
•   To be able to augment and utilize multiple communication platforms

Primary platforms and training should include
•   Small personal two way radios
•   Standard transistor type radios
•   CB/ scanners and HAM radio sets.

Secondary training should include
•   Field expedient antennas
•   Directional antennas
•   Phraseology and terminology (I.E. phonetic alphabet and simple code phrases)
•   Common Frequencies used by civilian, civil defense and EMS
•   Passive and active use of radio platforms

A commo plan should be instituted and standardized by the group to aid in clear concise communications between members. As well as use of an information gathering SOP with contingency plans and redundant systems.

Individual security plan:

   All members are responsible for formulating an individual security plan for them-selves, to enact during a quarantine level event. Considerations should include.
•   Early warning devices and techniques
•   Barricades and denial devices
•   Fire suppression
•   Self defense equipment and training
•   Sleep plan
•   Emergency escape and evasion plans ( suggest using the rule of three’s)

Individual sanitation plan:   

The importance of sanitation cannot be understated. Without a proper sanitation plans, other sickness and health hazards will arise. Members must have a plan for hygiene and bodily waste.

These plans should be made under the assumption that standard facilities will not be available. While electricity and services my not be compromised during a Pandemic level event, contingency plans should be made under the assumption that power and services will not be available.

Each member must develop an individual plan for the temporary or long term, disposal or storage of waste within their individual environments. This should include studying techniques like Slit Trenches, Home Made Chemical Toilettes, Absorption techniques and processing of solid and liquid wastes into fertilizers.

Some initial references
•   Army FM-4-25.12
•   Army FM-20-10

Individual egress plan:

The individual egress plan is the final element of the quarantine SOP. This element could be the most vital portion of an individual plan, while at the same time the least likely to be implemented. The chances of a pandemic level event causing a full breakdown of R.O.L. and essential services is slim, if that circumstance were to arise, a well thought out egress and arrival plan could mean the difference between life and death.


•   Go bag
•   Egress plan
•   Arrival plan

As each member will have their get out of dodge equipment and plan in place for all contingencies. This portion will concentrate on the arrival plan.
The arrival plan is unique to the pandemic level event S.O.P. While it can be adopted to other S.O.P`s It is essential for the protection of the group as a whole in a pandemic situation.

   Upon arrival at a bug out location, the members must be prepared to go into a minimum seventy two hour self quarantine. This action is to allow time for anyone who becomes infected during their egress to show symptoms. If the arriving members show no symptoms after seventy two hours, it should be safe to fully integrate and begin regular survival operations. If an arriving member begins to show signs of infection. Medical treatments and comfort measures should be initiated using full personal protective equipment and sanitation measures.


Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2014, 04:06:26 PM »
WOW WhiskeyJack that is great! A Karma point for that SOP!
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #2 on: October 23, 2014, 08:54:41 AM »
Agreed!  This is great!  I would add setting up some kind of decontamination and/or airlock system depending on the threat.
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #3 on: October 23, 2014, 09:15:06 AM »
GREAT idea Wellie! Pan filled with bleach to walk through.  :thumbsUp:

I am sure this is silly but what the heck here goes...MrsMac and I have been buying bleach, when on sale - For months now.
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2014, 11:54:36 AM »
Just be careful with the bleach - it won't last forever and the last thing you want is leaking bleach!  :)

However, a pan of bleach to walk through/decontaminate your shoes is a good idea.  Heck, just carefully removing your shoes in the mudroom or before going inside can help.  Having a tent or tarps you can duct tape to your porch in a pandemic to make an airlock with - outside clothes come off, inside clothes go on sort of thing - can be fairly easy to set up. 
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2014, 01:28:01 AM »
That is such a good idea WPW. So simple and would add a whole new layer of effective defence. An absolute must add ty soo much
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.

Offline Well-Prepared Witch

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2014, 07:05:55 PM »
Happy to help!
If that which you seek you find not within yourself, you shall never find it without.  - Charge of the Goddess, Doreen Valiente

Offline Felix

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Re: Self Quarantine SOP
« Reply #7 on: May 23, 2021, 08:11:23 AM »
A reminder to review an "old" topic?
Past year's COVID extravaganza implies many possibilities.
The video below (posted from American Partisan) underlines the modern threat, even as it focuses on decades-old technology and adversaries:

Yes.  Minimum 3 months supply store for pandemic isolation.   Minimum.
(and good luck to all of us regarding the "time" to determine whether isolation protocols are warranted or not)