This was a really interesting video. It's pretty much what I'd already decided to do in a SHTF scenario, though I'd not really thought about the military. I mean no offense to an Christians on this site, but I do know that there are as many crazy Christian groups here as there are "jihadi" (if you'll forgive the term) Muslim groups over in the Middle East. I figured in a SHTF people would be freaking out and likely to get real fundamentalist real quick - humans tend to blame the "other" for what's going wrong in their life. My Gods never issued an injunction about denying them in public - should the need arise I figure I'll join a nice, little local church and still go out to worship my Gods under the full moon. Great cover, no itchy trigger fingers pointed at me because I'm "different". I kind of figure I'd do the same with the military, whether I like them occupying my town or not, should it ever come down to it. Play nice, do what I need to do when they're not looking. True, it's risky, but better to live and fight another day, as the saying goes, than go down in a dumb-ass, public blaze of glory. Joan of Arc, I am not. Freedom of speech/assembly/etc. can't be guaranteed or even expected in a SHTF scenario. Maybe it makes me "fake" or cowardly or some such, but I'd rather be a live chameleon than a dead martyr.