Author Topic: Plum Crazy AR Lowers  (Read 4439 times)


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Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« on: September 09, 2011, 10:06:53 PM »
Note: This isn't meant to be a review, just an observation.

I'm surprised a thread hasn't already been created discussing these products. They've only been on the market for about two years. For those who have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the short version: they're based in Arizona and manufacture AR lowers made of composite material. Even fire control elements like the hammer are made of polymer, but not all of them.

When it comes to these you fall into one of two groups: you love or hate them.

There have been many positive reviews posted on other forums and Youtube demonstrating the lower as it functions with a variety of uppers. Some are leisurely plinking trips, others are half-descent torture tests (no I'm not one of them). Those who love them have nothing bad to say about a complete lower that only cost them $150.

But those who hate them really hate them. The biggest and most consistent complaint is that the lower is in fact composite and not metal. They completely ignore the fact that Eugene Stoner's original concept, the one they cling to so lovingly, was denounced by nearly everyone in the military and commercial shooting establishment as a cheap toy (plastic parts on a soldier's rifle?! YOU'RE INSANE!). That was fifty years ago. Twenty years ago the name Glock was synonymous with cheap plastic, a handgun that could blow up in your face. Worst of all, it was capable of sneaking past metal detectors at airports. (plastic frames on automatic pistols?! YOU'RE INSANER!)

Now, the M16 and the Glock are hailed as masterpieces of firearms technology.

So why not a polymer lower?

I can only speculate how they would hold up under combat conditions, but if Aimpoints and Eotechs (electronic devices) can withstand tours of duty in Afghanistan and Iraq, isn't it reasonable to assume we can make a polymer lower that could be just as tough? We're the best gun-makers in the world! Some people worry that it wouldn't hold up to the stress of serious shooting. What stress? It's a 5.56 for crying out loud!

Now what I'd love to see is a torture test like the one the guys at Daniel Defense put their M4 through. That, in my opinion, would settle the matter once and for all.

I guess I'm just surprised to see so much venom towards a company from a state we all respect.

Anyone want to weigh in on this?

southern patriot

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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 10:34:14 PM »
You post some of the best stuff....i love reading your threads on different history subjects. Sorry i never comment,but i dont wanna dumb down your
But to answer this post...people mock what they dont understand.
Now,you put that polymer rifle in the hands of bruce willis in the upcoming die hard 14 movie and people will swear that the right hand of God made it!
It will fly of the racks....sheeple!


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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2011, 12:21:05 AM »
You post some of the best stuff....i love reading your threads on different history subjects. Sorry i never comment,but i dont wanna dumb down your
But to answer this post...people mock what they dont understand.
Now,you put that polymer rifle in the hands of bruce willis in the upcoming die hard 14 movie and people will swear that the right hand of God made it!
It will fly of the racks....sheeple!

Thank you very much. I'm deeply honored by your comment. Please don't hesitate to comment on a post if you have a question or want to discuss something!


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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2011, 01:07:19 PM »

RON L here

While I have Not owned one of these lowers I know a few folks that do, so far the comments been Pretty Positive! Thats said, a few C9mplaiantes that were given,m were:

Magazine well too Narrow for some NON USGI 20 and 30 rnd mags I.E. P-mag and a few like Lanver fit standary alloy lower no issue!

Some Mis-fitting of Uppers to some Older series Colt made SP 1 Uppers

The Concern of Longevity of the Parts inside and outside Glock and a few other items have stood the test of time PLUM has not yet?

Those are the main concerns I have as well as have heard from folks that own them and have tried and use them?? Thats why as I see it ? Hope it helps, and Not trying to be a smart ass, just what I heard and seen???



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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2011, 01:51:35 AM »
Anyone want to weigh in on this?

Well, multiple shill accounts on many forums with so-called, 'actual user reviews' turns me off, for one. Yeah sure, marketing and all that but it's deceptive as hell. I can't stand sock-puppets for anything.

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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #5 on: September 11, 2011, 09:46:55 PM »
I looked into them. I searched " cracked plum crazy"
I then decided against it. Some yeilded photos of the lowers
cracked during shipping.

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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #6 on: September 11, 2011, 10:06:05 PM »
When I first started reading this I was thinking it was the same as Cavalry Arms.  I like my CavArms lower but in retrospect one not get another one.
Every citizen should be a soldier.  This was the case for the Greeks and Romans ans must be that of every free state. - T Jefferson


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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2011, 12:50:12 PM »
I have nothing against them being polymer, I own several Glocks, but I just do see the point? It's not like a milspec lower is heavy. Is it price? I'll skip a few meals and buy milspec if thats the case. I never saw cutting corners on firearms, but then again maybe thats why haven't had a date in 10 years lol.


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Re: Plum Crazy AR Lowers
« Reply #8 on: September 17, 2011, 03:00:26 AM »
I have nothing against them being polymer, I own several Glocks, but I just do see the point? It's not like a milspec lower is heavy. Is it price? I'll skip a few meals and buy milspec if thats the case. I never saw cutting corners on firearms, but then again maybe thats why haven't had a date in 10 years lol.

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Only cure? The test of "Time"
« Reply #9 on: September 17, 2011, 08:25:20 PM »
Hey all

RON L here

 Like it has been with so many things, ONLY THE TEST OF TIME will anwser this quandry?