Author Topic: OPSEC BLOWN  (Read 1267 times)

Offline SemperParatus

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« on: May 13, 2019, 10:44:38 AM »
Years of preperation, food storage, emergency operation plans, communications plans, medical plans, weapons and ammo storage, tactical training and bulding skills; great somes of money spent on building your survival cache and storage system can all be brought to naught by the betrayal from one of your own.  By one of your own I am not talking about a member of a survival group, but that can happen as well; I am referring to one of your inner circle, a family member that has gone off the chain and is now doing things that most of us would not even consider let alone think a member of our family would do.  Drug addiction, illegal activities and/or just hanging with a bad crowd can all present a major risk to your operational security.  Most of us when our children are comming of age will allow them greater access to thhe inner workings of our survival plans, therin lies the problem when one of them makes bad decisions therby putting the family and all of your preperation at risk.  Recently I have been face to face with this very problem.  By the actions of one of my children I have been force to re-evaluate my emergency plans and make many changes to ensure the the remaining family will be protected and that the systems I have developed and put in place over many years are secure. Changing locks on doors and access codes is the simple part of the problem.  How many and what type of weapons you have and where they are stored, how much ammunition you have in stock and tactical gear would be of great interest to many low life individuals that a wayward child may be in contact with.  How much cash on hand and precious metals as well as there location would also now be at risk.  The greatest risk I can forsee is a home invasion or burglary while we are not at home.  Luckily we have several large safes for storage of weapons, high value electronics, cash and prescious metals. Our tactical gear and the majority of our food storage is protected in a secure room with a high security door and locks. I have been told by local law enforcement that some of the bad actors that this child is hanging with think they are a gang and are into drugs and criminal activity.  We were informed by one of our other children that there is talk of these bad actors comming to my house.  My response to this was that these so called gang members don't even know what a real gang or gang life is and if they show up on my property with ill intent there will be alot of bodies soaked in blood in my drive and propery for the medical examiner to clean up.  Needless to say vigilance is high even though I believe alot of this is B.S. talk.  So now the process begins on determining which of my survival plans are now are risk and making the appropriate changes so that my new OP-SEC plan will remain intact.
Always Prepared

Offline JoJo

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« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2019, 02:08:07 PM »
 It's like having your identity stolen but more so. I don't have any advice to give you except be watchful. When it comes to drugs it is never BS.
 My step son was in basically the same position but his adopted son O.D..   
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Offline Jackalope

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« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2019, 04:10:47 PM »
    Family can certainly complicate a prepper's life.   It sounds like you're doing the best that you can to alleviate the problem.  Remain vigilant, prepare for the worst, and hope for the best.  I don't put all my trust in safes, you might want to find other locations for some of your valuable items(never put all your eggs in one basket).  Safes can be a high value target for those with evil intent.  Depending upon your AO, you might consider using anti-ballistic gear until the situation improves.

Offline pkveazey

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« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2019, 10:21:22 PM »
Hmmmmm..... If I had a situation where my situation was in jeopardy, I'd change the location where the endangered items were located, ie: Silver, Gold, Cash, Extra Weapons and Ammo. Then I'd make sure the person who caused the breach was informed that the items were now moved and unavailable. There are several situations that me and the wife have discussed and nobody, not even our children, know how we plan to react. I will reveal that one thing we have talked about is a hostage situation. If someone has one of us held hostage and orders the other one to disarm, that ain't gonna happen. The signal to open fire is the exact moment that the hostage drops to the ground. The logic behind that plan is, if you disarm, then the hostage holder now would have two disarmed people instead of one. OK, I'll share another situation. A warning signal that everything is NOT alright is for us to call each other by another name. For instance if my name is John Joe Dumbass and the wife always calls me John, then she will start calling me Joe.

Offline Nemo

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« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2019, 08:03:28 AM »
I will reveal that one thing we have talked about is a hostage situation. If someone has one of us held hostage and orders the other one to disarm, that ain't gonna happen. The signal to open fire is the exact moment that the hostage drops to the ground. The logic behind that plan is, if you disarm, then the hostage holder now would have two disarmed people instead of one.

My wife and I have worked that out also, near identical to yours.  She gets held hostage and I'm ordered do drop my gun, my response is-- she gets hurt-- you get killed.  A couple seconds later she lets out a big sigh and "faints".  As she goes down crook dies when her head is below his mid-chest line. 

Same if I am held and she is aiming at crooks face.

If either is held and crook moves to point his weapon at the more distant one, the hostage grabs his hand pulling it toward the ground and the other moves in for serious beating with all the fires and lightning ever seen on this earth.  Until contact shots can be made without over-penetration worries.


And something along with this to think about.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2019, 08:31:16 AM by Nemo »
If you need a second magazine, its time to call in air support.

God created Man, Col. Sam Colt made him equal, John Moses Browning turned equality to perfection, Gaston Glock turned perfection into plastic fantastic junk.

Offline JohnyMac

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« Reply #5 on: May 14, 2019, 10:14:13 AM »
Bummer SP! Bummer is not enough to write because what you fear is very credible. If not for immediate time but into the future.

Good friends, an integral part of our group, house was broken into. Guns and PM's were taken along with a few other things of value. Well it turns out that it was a boy friend of their daughter. The daughter is involved in drugs.

They got the guns back but not the other items.

SP, just take a moment to thank the good Lord that you found out before anything has happened. And like you wrote, you are prepared.
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