Author Topic: Observation and Reporting  (Read 23114 times)

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Observation and Reporting
« on: September 19, 2011, 07:49:05 PM »
Observation and Reporting

   This thread deals with the gathering of information. This is not a very complicated subject as it deals with very simple and easy techniques that most every one uses on a daily basis without even realizing it. These simple concepts are taught by the U.S. Military in basic training and couldn't be simpler. This is one of the first things any Soldier, Sailor, Airmen and Marine learn. and they are used constantly throughout ones military career.

   Observation's and reports are used to make threat assessments. We all do this. for instance simply looking both ways before crossing a road is observing and assessing any potential threats. Simple right? Well it gets better. the Military has offered up a very simple and easy method for getting its personnel to look for and report the most important information. The equipment you will need
   A good memory or a pencil and paper.( I prefer pencil and paper)
   A method of communicating this info to those who need it most. A radio or even a good route of travel back to your AO. the first messengers did it via shanks mare and so can you.
   The S.A.L.U.T.E. Report

Yes, that's salute as in what any enlisted types do when they meet an Officer.  It is called a salute report to make it easy to remember the basics.

S-size/ How many people are there

A-activity/ What are they doing

L-location/ Where exactly are they

U-unit or uniform/ who do they belong to

T-time/ what time is it when you see them

E-equipment/ what kind of stuff do they have with them

   You see its really just so damn simple. But I cannot overstate the importance of this simple pneumonic devise. If you can gather just this basic information. You and yours can make a more informed decision that can mean success, rather than failure for your community. What's really great about this system is its so damn simple to that you get to start looking at some examples almost right away.

   You are now in a post collapse scenario. Your community has banded together for mutual defense and support. You as a group have decided to begin patrolling your new borders and ranging farther a field to see just what's out there now. Your team has spotted a group that you cant immediately identify as friend or foe.  You go into hide and observe mode, using natural cover and distance to maintain your own security. Remember you don't want those you are observing to see you. They will stop acting naturally, and any good nature show host can tell you, that's not good for studying your subjects.

   You begin to take your notes.
S- 12 people
A- working in a field
L- 2miles north of the abandoned Lincoln high school ( an exact grid location is preferable. But as long as     you can identify the location that's good too)
U- unknown ( they may not be part of any identifiable group. if that's the case report it as such.)
T- 14:35
E- assorted small arms and hand tools ,shovels, rakes, hoes and an unidentified burlap sack.
And bam! You have a basic salute report. Now if time allows you want to expand your Intelligence on this situation. So you simply stay, observe and write more. Hears what it might look like.

S- 12 people/ 5 men 4 women 3 kids

A- working in a field/ Preparing the soil for planting

L- 2miles north of the abandoned Lincoln high school ( an exact grid location is preferable. But as long as     you can identify the location that's good too)/ Base camp or community not visible. Field is surrounded by hardball road(shillings RD) to the west and dirt roads to the north and east

U- unknown ( they may not be part of any identifiable group. if that's the case report it as such.)/ Appear to be civilians, Unsure at this time

T- 14:35 /Monitored until 16:20

E- assorted small arms and hand tools ,shovels, rakes, hoes and an unidentified burlap sack./ 3 AK type        2 AR type 5 shotguns pump action 2 hunting type with optics.

   So you decide to return with and report to your community with this information. It is determined that this group most likely doesn't pose a serious threat to your community.
And the determining factors in that assessment could be.
They are in a rural area that was sparsely populated before the troubles. Suggests low numbers.
they do have weapons but are out in the open with children, which might suggest that they have no one to defend them at their camp. Suggesting limited numbers and poor security. And their activities are self reliant and sustainable, not greedy and immoral, like stealing from neighbors.

So now you and your community can now decide your next course of action confident that you made a good initial assessment.( Pssst.... I would go back and survail the group a few more times though. Just to be sure.)

   Now you may be asking. Would i want to write that down every time i do a salute report? the answer is no a salute report can be as quick and dirty as you want it to be or a clear and indepth as a post doctorate paper. Its up to you and the situation.

   An example of what a emergency and  hasty salute given over a radio may go a little something like this. (Situation) You are the over-watch for one of the barricades on the west side of your community. You have an excellent position with the kind of elevation that gives you command of a broad panorama. You see something a little over a mile away. You put optics to eye and grab your radio. The call could sound like this.

You: Barricade 1, this is over-watch

B-1: B-1 here go ahead.

You: Contact!  12 men, moving toward your position, less than 1 mile west by southwest of you, Possibly gang members I see the color blue, arrival ETA 6 minuets, carrying tactical weapons and gear. OVER

B-1: roger calling for help from town readying defenses.

   Now this is a work of fiction, but the principles are still sound. and anyone who practices just a little can rattle off an understandable salute report in 10 seconds. The idea is to gather good information and do not embellish or add opinion. Report what you can observe and use the guidelines of S.A.L.U.T.E. to get your basic info and to expand upon your basics to get your detailed info. So that should get you started on intelligence gathering for now. there's more to come. and remember i invite every one to add to this thread with their own knowledge or questions. [url=http://www.freesmileys.or 
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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #1 on: September 19, 2011, 08:14:40 PM »
Another great post mate (I was actually getting some shit together to do something along the lines of this just now, but you beat me by a mile lol). [URL=

Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2011, 08:17:45 PM »
then add to it Frosty. All contributions are welcome and needed. [URL=
Good whiskey, makes Jack Rabbit smack da bear.


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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2011, 08:28:49 PM »
All I was going to do was just run over SALUTE and a basic rundown on how to use it, but you hit a homerun on that lol.

Offline sledge

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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2011, 08:54:27 PM »
Whiskey, you really know your shit.   Good post!

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Offline EJR914

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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2011, 02:29:09 AM »
Another great post, sir!   [URL=

Offline rah45

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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #6 on: September 20, 2011, 10:51:47 AM »
I agree, excellent post! Now say it five times, fast...SALUTE...SALUTE...SALUTE...SALUTE...SALUTE.

Offline Reaver

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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #7 on: November 04, 2011, 03:05:16 AM »
Excellent post.

I must add that Uniform in the Salute report is very very key. If you do not know all the local National Guard units jobs in your area. You better get on that shit. And quick. You go fucking around with an Infantry platoon your going to get fucked up hard core.
Now I would not hesitate to engage the fuck out of the medical battalion or HHC FSC
Pog ass bitches like that. Make them your lunch. But know your patches and Know your uniforms.

Great post. Again BTW.

( I do not condone attacking NG units. I am simply saying, if something stupid happens and you engage an Infantry unit. Your probably going to die )
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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #8 on: March 16, 2014, 11:39:48 PM »
With good glass and binocs you can get unit patches - but you have to know what they are, that is key.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Observation and Reporting
« Reply #9 on: March 17, 2014, 08:55:48 AM »
I do not remember this post. Thanks Whiskey for starting the thread and thanks to 1000M for bringing it up from the archives.  :thumbsUp:
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