Author Topic: need help... reloading info!  (Read 5074 times)

Offline NOLA556

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need help... reloading info!
« on: September 09, 2011, 08:47:07 PM »

powder info, crimping info... someone help.
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southern patriot

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2011, 11:06:55 PM »
If you put that cig make me nervous!
but is that the shep i hear in the background telling daddy "sumns up?"
What my bud tells me,its crimped for a reason...think about it...thats all i got out of him b4 he passed out...its tequila night at the sp homestead....sorry!
But nola...ask ron....he seems to have his shit together on weapons.

Johnny Tremain

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2011, 11:35:22 PM »

Before you blow yer self up, post anything your gonna be doing for reloading first.

You can NOT use a powder thats over 20 faster on the burn chart in your 270. Well you can, but you have to use very little, and can still blow yer piece up. So make us all happy DON'T.

There is the burn chart, every swinging richard should know every powder they use.

Let me school you on a few things:

Powders are used for bullet weight ranges. I use 3 different powders for the same firearm. DI'mending if Im loading 100gr varmint grenades, 152 gr AP, or 180 ballistic tip.

You just cant hodge-podge shit together. Well, and live to tell about it.

Ive been reloading since I was nine, and am approching my 6th decade on the planet, and have not blow myself up.....YET.

The powder you want to try is Ball C lot 2. Trial and error is the only way to find how they will group. Atleast you wont blow yer stuff up.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2011, 11:52:19 PM by Johnny Tremain »

southern patriot

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2011, 11:46:12 PM »
Tough crowd nola...

Offline NOLA556

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2011, 12:26:03 AM »
If you put that cig make me nervous!
but is that the shep i hear in the background telling daddy "sumns up?"
What my bud tells me,its crimped for a reason...think about it...thats all i got out of him b4 he passed out...its tequila night at the sp homestead....sorry!
But nola...ask ron....he seems to have his shit together on weapons.

no... that's shep barking at every freakin blade of grass in the yard...

and johnytremain... HELL YEAH... that's the type of no BS answer that I've been looking for...
no worries bud, I'll be pulling those bullets and loading them up right. thanks man.
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Offline themighty9mm

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2011, 01:25:40 AM »
If you can get yourself 2-3 loading manuals. I say 3 because in each manual some variences in charge may occure and can help find a comfortable range. Hornaday speer and lyman are some good ones. Stick with exactly what the manual says. Obviously you will most likely have to do a bit of experimentation to find a powder charge that will work for you. If you go below what the manual stats you could risk a squib load, above and you risk to much pressure. Once you get comfortable with that and find a load range that works for your gun, that is within the limits of the manuals (at first you are looking for a charge that functions in your gun).
After that if your are in need of more accuracy then begin experimenting with OAL. DO NOT go shorter than what the manuals state. You risk creating higher pressure than the gun can stand, and thats bad. If you go to long you risk the bullet jamming hard against the lands and grooves. This will also create abnormally high pressure.

As far as powder goes (this is another handy reason to have a few manuals) try to find a powder all your manuals have. Use that one untill you are comfortable. As a general rulle of thumb, only used published data. Some powders can do a variety of caliber. Such as unique. Unique for pistol loads is very versatile. Some powders are much more specific.

Have fun with it and be safe.

Offline themighty9mm

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2011, 01:31:29 AM »
Forgot to actually address a question (diddnt watch the whole video at first) As far as the crimp goes, for a bolt action its not needed. Often times, bench shooters wont crimp at all. The important thing is you have good neck tension. Basically for a bolt gun as long as the bullet doesnt move you should be fine. You may try adding a bit of pressure to the bullet to make sure. If you go without a crimp I would suggest handling the round a bit more carefully. When you pack them up, place bullet up instead of down ect ect

Offline NOLA556

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2011, 02:27:52 AM »
thanks mighty9... this is all actually very helpful.
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Offline themighty9mm

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Re: need help... reloading info!
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2011, 03:25:47 AM »
No problem.
Something else that may be worthy of mention for when you get to this point. Provided you will only be using this ammunition in only 1 gun. For best accuracy you will want to fire the brass so it expands to the dimensions of your chamber. Then for sizing you will only want to neck size only so you retain bullet tension. As for OAL you want the bullet almost touching (within 1 thousands on an inch. Or less if you can pull it off) the lands and grooves. The idea is to reduce the gap from brass to barrel as quickly as possible without adding pressure. Now by doing this the bullet may or may not feed for whatever style of magazine you have. Making your gun a single shot. If you are ok with that, great, if not you will have to find the happy medium. With your gun this may not be the case and longest OAL may very well feed from whatever style mag you have (internal or external)

Before you worry much about any of this. First things first. Get a safe and functioning round. Once thats acheived and you are 100% comfortable with everything then start tackling accuracy.

Something else about powder. Do not start with maximum charge. At most, start somewhere in the middle and work your way up looking for over pressure signs. Signs, such as stretched brass or flattened primers. However flattened primers wont always mean too high of pressure. A decent rule of thumb they will, but not always. IMO unless you own a cronograph I would avoid max charge if possible