Author Topic: My 72 Hour pack  (Read 46628 times)

Offline Kentactic

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My 72 Hour pack
« on: March 29, 2012, 01:10:09 AM »
Hey it was brought up in another thread about Bug-Out-Bags and i dont claim to know anything special but perhaps this could be worthy of posting. this is just my version of a BOB and im still buttoning up the final details so heres what ive got going so far:

List of Items for Bug-Out-Bag

Quality backpack atleast 2000 cubic inches of storage space and Has a camelback water pouch in it. also look for one with a chest or waist strap with good shoulder and back padding.
10 or more yards of Toilet paper
2 hand wipes
1 Compass/Map
1 Chapstick
1 Waterproof notepad
1 Pencil
1 Thick 100% wool blanket
1 Thin 100% wool blanket
1 Green Tarp
1 Roll of #12 tarred nylon twine 106lb
3 disposable toothbrushes
1-2 spare pair of socks
1 spare pair of underwear
1 multi-tool
2 good flash lights with spare batteries
2 glow stix
2 Bic lighter
1 ferral rod
1 handfull of laundry lint
1 Fresnel lense
1 Altoids can
6 fishing hooks
20 yards of 6lb fishing line
1 suntan lotion/bugspray combo .5 oz
1 water purification tablets
1 Water filter
Appropriate ammo for guns on hand
Dry duck Rain gear
1 Small container of gun oil
1 Small container of gun solvent
1 Remington gun oil rag
Other basic requirements for firearms care
1 hat
1 metal Cup
1 metal canteen
1 Space blanket
3 days worth of Meals Ready to eat "MRE's" with a heating eliment in them
1 Small knife For small cutting and wood work jobs
1 Large knife atleast 9 inches with some weight to it for big wood processing etc
OR 1 All steel hatchet instead of the big knife
1 Metal spork
1 Small Bastard Mill hand file
1 Blow-Out Kit also holding bandaids etc for simple medical needs
2 Snares

Then also Think about what clothing youll need to add and remove with the different seasons. Jacket, Gloves, Beanie, Thermol, etc.

With everything listed and 3 liter camelback full your lookin at  28-38lbs depending on exact quantities and individual weights with a minimal amount of ammo... so yeah it gets heavy quick.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 09:55:21 PM by Kentactic »
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Offline WhiskeyJack

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2012, 11:56:02 AM »
Not a bad load out ken. Just a question. do you think a couple of small game snares would be a good addition, or would you make them from items you already have packed?
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #2 on: March 29, 2012, 01:08:52 PM »
you're forgetting medical

here's my loadout as of right now.

5.11 Rush24 bag

-Israeli bandage
-1 roll waterproof medical tape
-bottle of miscellaneous ibuprofen, naproxin sodium, antibiotics
-small tube of Neosporin (lol)
-EMT sheers
-2 25g QuickClots
-5 4" gauze pads
-dozens of regular bandaids
-4 packets of EmergenC

CamelBack (don't know what model but it's just one of the basic ones)
Katadyn sport bottle and filter
iodine tabs

USGI stainless steel mess kit w/ stainless fork/spoon/knife set
5 MountainHouse meals

2 Zippos
12oz Zippo fluid
2 Bic lighters
small Pelican case with 240 waterproof matches
2 magnesium bricks w/ ferrocerium rods
small handful of 0000 steel wool
small handful of dryer lint

1 pair of impact resistant sunglasses
1 set camo (top and bottom)
1 set of street clothes
2 pairs socks
1 pair heavy wool socks
2 pairs underwear
2 handkerchiefs
1 pair Mechanix gloves
1 pair USGI wool gloves
(during winter I have another small canvas bag that I attach to the outside of the BOB to carry spare clothing like a heavy jacket, knit caps. thermal underwear etc.)

USMC Ka-bar
Buck 110
Leatherman Surge
Victorinox multi-tool
1 small sharpening stone
2 Cobra 2-way radios

field cleaning kit
-small bottle of CLP
-small packet of patches
-1 oil rag
-1 .223 bore brush
-1 AR15 chamber brush
-1 nylon brush

200 ft. 550 cord
1 carpenter's pencil
1 regular pencil
1 pair of disposable earplugs
1 headlamp
1 mini-Maglite
1 SureFire G2X
1 wind-up flashlight
10 lithium AA batteries
2 CR123A batteries (for the SureFire)
1 disposable Bic razor
1 rat trap
1 map compass
1 handheld compass
65 ft. toilet paper
small Bushnell binoculars

fishing kit
-100 yd. 10lb line
-20 clamp-on lead weights (various sizes)
-a few dozen small hooks
-5 small bobbers

200ml. Jack Daniel's

these things aren't technically inside the bag but go along with everything listed above. everything else hangs from the bottom of my actual BOB:
small one person nylon tent (it has it's own bag, and I keep the whole thing inside another canvas bag. the canvas bag could be used for other things once out it the field. the canvas bag is also easier to attach to the BOB and isn't bright blue, lol)
US Army heavy wool blanket
extra clothing bag
1 pair jungle style boots hanging by the laces
« Last Edit: March 29, 2012, 09:00:43 PM by NOLA556 »
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Offline NOLA556

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #3 on: March 29, 2012, 01:44:38 PM »
I'm going to go ahead and sticky this topic. I even though BOB's are an old topic that most of us have discussed ad nauseum, this thread will be a great reference for any future members that are new to prepping.
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #4 on: March 29, 2012, 09:46:23 PM »
Not a bad load out ken. Just a question. do you think a couple of small game snares would be a good addition, or would you make them from items you already have packed?

excellent idea. i have it on my "to buy" list it just didnt make it on to this list for what ever reason i shall edit that now thanks.
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Offline Kentactic

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #5 on: March 29, 2012, 09:48:14 PM »
you're forgetting medical

Right sorry this list originated as a list of things for my bro to buy and i seemed to have forgotten to add a few things that are in my kit. good catch thanks man.
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Offline TheBugOutKid

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #6 on: March 20, 2013, 09:10:02 PM »
That definitely gave me some ideas!

I only just started really working on my BOB.
Here's what I've gotten together so far:

First Aid
An assortment of allergy/cough medication
An assortment of Tylenol/Ibuprofen
An assortment of band-aids :)
1 - roll bandage wrap
A good amount of gauze
2 - sterile gauze pads
A small tube neosporin
Baby powder
Toothbrush kit (small brush, small toothpaste)
Tampons (personal and barter... in a SHTF situation, they will fairly valuable)

I'd like to make a more thorough wound care/trauma kit for the whole home but for just my personal 72 hour pack I've kept it pretty simple.

Mess Kit

Fold up pot w/ lid
Bowl & Fork/Knife/Spoon

Everything in my mess kit fits inside the pot and lid is clasped on with the pot handle.
I also have three Backpacker's Pantry meals as well.

Spare Clothing:

Long sleeve shirt
Long underwear
2 - Men's boxer-briefs
2 - thick socks
I am NOT wearing my cute girly underwear in a bug out situation. Men's boxer briefs can be layered for warmth during the colder months or worn alone in the summer. That can not be said of ladies undies. Sorry RS...  :P

Repair Kit:
Fold up scissors
Safety pins
I'll be adding a good amount of duct tape to this small pouch

Magnesium Starter
Waterproof matches (4 boxes)
Bic Lighter
Small mag light

Fishing Kit:
Half a dozen hooks
Fishing like

Wool Blanket


50 feet poly-chord
Fold-up camp saw
Work gloves
Space Blanket
Spare Batteries
Water bottle
Camelbak bag and hose
Small notebook and pencil
And the obvious, ammo

I need water purification tablets, a sleeping bag cover, and I've been drooling over this Ka-Bar.

I'm open to suggestions if there's anything you think I'm missing anything.


Offline Kentactic

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #7 on: March 26, 2013, 05:12:23 PM »
My list is way outdated to me now. But TBOK id say throw in another bic lighter or two and ditch the magnesium for flint, and charclothe or laundry lint. In my experience magnesium kinda sucks. Laundry lint catches very easily with flint, its free and it burns pretty well to get fires going. Downside being its not waterproof. It can get wet and be dried but its worthless while its wet. Next id get some "cover" in the bag. Personally im carrying a large heavy duty poncho with eyelets in the corners so i can use it as a lean-to etc.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2013, 05:37:47 PM by Kentactic »
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Offline NativeSon

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #8 on: August 18, 2014, 08:48:50 PM »
You've got a good concept, but allow me to refine a bit for you. I'll explain; a 72 hour pack is designed to be used for just that amount of time. It should be small, lightweight, and literally just the essentials. While it seems like a great idea to try and cover all of your bases, you should really be focusing on streamlining instead of complete preparation. Save the super packing list for a ruck/10 day pack.

When I was out on field ops while in the Army, we carried a 3 day assault pack and a 10 day ruck with us. Reason being, you burn through your super expendable items from your 72 hour pack first, and by the time you need more, you should be at a resupply point, right? I know that I will have to change my loadout a bit because I'm not running missions of any specific nature, but the concept remains the same.

This is very bare bones and designed to allow you to cover ground quickly in a SHTF scenario.

2 tourniquets
4 packs of Combat Gauze
Israeli dressing
1 large roll of gauze
2 cravats
2 rolls of tape
1 14-gauge needle
Trauma shears
4 packets of honey (antimicrobial wound sealer)

Main bag:
3 pairs wool socks
3 changes of under shirt
3 changes of underwear (optional)
Body/foot powder
bug spray
2 lighters
2 boxes of matches
10 chemlights
20' of paracord
USGI poncho liner
Mylar blanket
10 candy/granola/protein bars
Extra glasses/sunglasses/goggles
Hearing protection
2 extra liters of water
All wrapped in a trashbag then put in your assault pack.

In total, excluding ammo, everything should weigh no more than 20-25 pounds. The candy is calorie dense and will give you that needed boost of energy and a slight morale boost. No need to carry a mess kit and freeze dried rations around. You're not trying to set up camp, you're escaping and evading. You should have resupply points set up ahead of time.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #9 on: August 19, 2014, 08:20:32 AM »
All good points NativeSon!

I never heard of using honey though on open wounds. Interesting.

In my AO I would shine the extra water and carry (Well I already do) a "Life Straw." Living in S.Cal carrying water is probably more important. 

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Burt Gummer

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #11 on: August 19, 2014, 10:19:21 AM »
In my AO I would shine the extra water and carry (Well I already do) a "Life Straw." Living in S.Cal carrying water is probably more important.

You know Jmac so do I, but now that I've used it several times in succession it keeps becoming harder to use as time goes on. And will likely end up going with something that includes a hand pump.

Offline thedigininja

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #12 on: August 19, 2014, 11:31:40 AM »
Although it may be uncommon honey as a wound dressing isn't unheard of. I have a small plastic jar in my BOB because it has a ridiculously wide range of uses but I haven't actually put any into my 72 or "get home" bag as I call it. I also agree with the candy bars. Although I wouldn't live off of them the box full of sports bars in my 72h (which I rotate monthly) should keep me and the mrs going until we get to our cache.
All round I like the sound of your pack.

I would like to expand on your "all wrapped in a trash bag" idea. I have gone over the top with this one. In part because I have edibles, toxic compounds and components that may become less stable if they come in to contact with one another. Anyway I have most of my stocks in my bag sealed individually and then sealed together in larger bags based on their primary uses. It's also much easier to find what you're looking for if you have everything categorised in this way other than just clumped together in one big bag. Still on the look out for a good but cheap vacuum sealer to make it all a little bit tighter and cleaner.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2014, 06:34:14 PM by thedigininja »
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #13 on: August 19, 2014, 11:58:02 AM »
Thx for the honey link NativeSon. :thumbsUp:

Burt, I am not 100% sure of this comment however i read somewhere that once used, the life straw has a expiration date of X days. I think a small hand-pump is better any way if you pump directly into a 2 qt canteen.

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #14 on: August 19, 2014, 01:25:26 PM »
Doesn't the Lifestraw have a replaceable/cleanable prefilter??

I've never owned a Lifestraw... but I've always thought their claim of 200+ gallon life expectancy to seem exaggerated. 

I do own other brands of straws that have carbon filtration... the Lifestraw does not.
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Offline JohnyMac

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2014, 02:09:19 PM »
My favorite straw was an umbrella straw you use to get in a Mia-tie in a Tiki Bar at Marina del Rey CA.

This wasn't just a normal paper umbrella straw - No sir! You used the umbrella straw to draw your cool Tiki Bar drink to your trembling lips to quench your unbearable thirst.  :cheers:

Oh and the Poo Poo platter was great too!  :thumbsUp:
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Offline NativeSon

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2014, 09:45:55 PM »
Isn't the lifestraw activated charcoal?

You can make your own charcoal filter with a bandana.

Anyways, the trash bag idea is for waterproofing, but separating contents is a good idea. I've use that method before in a 10 day ruck. I'll get around to posting what I'd pack for a ruck. I would love input for that.

Also, who has ideas for a 3 day winter pack?

Burt Gummer

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2014, 02:03:23 AM »
Isn't the lifestraw activated charcoal?
No, it's a bundle of splined micro tubes that do not allow micro particulates to pass through

Also, who has ideas for a 3 day winter pack?
all I can advice on is a Wisconsin winter and it's harsh.

Burt, I am not 100% sure of this comment however i read somewhere that once used, the life straw has a expiration date of X days. I think a small hand-pump is better any way if you pump directly into a 2 qt canteen.
I'd love a link to that article/source.....
Ideally I'd like a filter that attaches to my 2L Platy bag for grey water so I don't have to stand over the water source.

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #18 on: August 20, 2014, 02:52:56 AM »
all I can advice on is a Wisconsin winter and it's harsh.

Let me see that. I can edit accordingly.

Offline DMCakhunter

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #19 on: August 20, 2014, 08:25:49 AM »

Burt Gummer

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #20 on: August 20, 2014, 12:45:52 PM »
all I can advice on is a Wisconsin winter and it's harsh.

Let me see that. I can edit accordingly.

Last winter camp I did just happened to be the coldest winter in a decade.
Most of these things are learned through mistakes.

By the time me and my partner reached camp location night was falling and we were freezing. Try striking a ferro rod when you're shivering...
Also standard bic lighters were useless.
- zippo / match / exelarant.

Even without rain the heat from your body will continuously melt the snow that it rubs up against and you'll get wet.
- Use absolutely NO cotton, it takes for ever to dry and you'll be instantly cold.
- A good set of high rise gaitors are a god's sent.

Snow that's been laying for a while becomes course and abrasive so don't use footwear that relies on polish for it's water proof/resilient properties. This will be rubbed off. Also soaked wet leather boots freeze over night making the morning extra fun.
- So no USGI boots, use a modern boot where the leather is able to be impregnated with silicone spray.

The ability not to wear a set of super boots for a few minutes and still be able to move around is amazing.
- The lightest weight foam flip flops/moccasins you can imagine.

Imagine -40 you're next to a fire and you're still freezing in your super sleeping bag. You've taken off your outer layer to dry, now you've got to piss.
-A wide mouth Gatorade bottle. (sorry ladies)

The majority of the heat from the fire will go up in a cone shape if you can get the awning of your shelter in proximity of that and line it with a reflective sheet you'll be able to radiate a good portion of that back to you.
- A Mylar blanket with (home made) attachment points

You can decrease your distance from the fire (desirable) by covering your synthetic bivy bag with a wool / canvas sheet. to protect the fagile shell from fire sparks.
- A thin wool / canvas blanket.

Flat terrain was HARD to find and everything was covered in snow. for moving snow and leveling terrain.
- shovel with rotating head. E-tool type. I think i'm getting this one to replace my oldie

while possible hiking through snow is exausting, Snow shoes would have been nice (i'd actually like some purchasing advice on these.)
- A set of snow shoes rated for the weight of your pack

While we were next to a river we couldn't break through the ice to get the water so we used snow melt as our sole water source which melts faster if you've got a wider heating base. then that of a canteen cup.
- Stainless steel pan/pot

The route back was on Forrest roads. while plowed they were every bit as difficult as trekking through the snow. because maintaining balance on that inclined ice rink with a heavy pack sure was interesting.
- crampons for snow/ice mix

I made the mistake of carrying a long gun with a 1 point sling. Fuck 1 point slings...
- 2 point sling

If you're planning on doing this "tactical" a set of non cotton snow cammies are ideal.
- Vertex Overwhite's & Eberlestock Snow pack cover (water proof)

Offline thedigininja

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #21 on: August 20, 2014, 06:53:26 PM »
Snow sounds like a real bitch. I spent a short period of my earlier life on the streets in one of the coldest parts of the country mid winter and even though your eyes could probably freeze shut if you weren't careful we never had snow to contend with. I need to replace the old synthetic full length coat that saved my ass. Line one of those with mylar (a cut up emergency blanket) and you have a priceless piece of winter hardware. Not exactly designed for stealth though and you look like a right crack pot with your shiny jacket but you don't really care when the very dirt you've dug in to for the night is below freezing.
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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2014, 09:21:18 AM »
Snow  :P

I just heard on the telly that the farmers Almanac is predicting North American, NE part, will experience colder weather then normal along with more then normal SNOW!  :zombie:

If this prediction is true, start putting extra fuel and saving your pennies if your fuel is delivered to you. I was at my neighbors pub last week and I overheard a discussion between two patrons concerning that they had just finished paying off last years fuel bill. OUCH! 
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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #23 on: August 21, 2014, 12:02:40 PM »
Yeah John as the chemists learn how to pull more gasoline out of a barrel of crude it leaves behind less Diesel/Heating Oil... maybe they should start looking at waste oil conversions. Sure it's a pain in the ass but what isn't?

Burt, the lighter the snow shoe the better. The USGI Magnesium are a fair choice, they lack claws and climbing bars but on good flat snow they are the bees knees. I've got shit snow and steep hills to climb so I went with the Tubbs Wilderness 30.. I am going to get the 25 this year too for when I am day hiking as the 30 is simply too big unless you are carrying a pack.

If you want to walk on ice the Kahtoola Microspikes Traction System is a must.

But Price Point does become an issue. Mountain Safety Research does have shoes in the 25in range that are lighter than the Tubbs (weight is a killer with shoes) and a pretty nifty screw on 5" tail but they are proud of their product. My best advice is to try before you buy a modern shoe because nothing grinds gears like $200-250 spent on gear that doesn't work!

Burt Gummer

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Re: My 72 Hour pack
« Reply #24 on: August 21, 2014, 01:11:06 PM »
I need to replace the old synthetic full length coat that saved my ass. Line one of those with mylar (a cut up emergency blanket) and you have a priceless piece of winter hardware. Not exactly designed for stealth though and you look like a right crack pot with your shiny jacket but you don't really care when the very dirt you've dug in to for the night is below freezing.

There's capitalism for that!  :D

I feel I should have mentioned that you need to make sure to layer your clothes. And that they are easy to take off if need be. When it's sub zero and you are exerting yourself you can go T Shirt or bare chest without any issues. It's when you stop moving, a little wind picks up and you're slightly damp you need to start worrying.

Which reminds me: Shamwow! I've got a generic and use it as a camp towel. also works to dry out your clothes.

Burt, the lighter the snow shoe the better. The USGI Magnesium are a fair choice, they lack claws and climbing bars but on good flat snow they are the bees knees. I've got shit snow and steep hills to climb so I went with the Tubbs Wilderness 30.. I am going to get the 25 this year too for when I am day hiking as the 30 is simply too big unless you are carrying a pack.

I've got a mix of everything here except for mountains.

If you want to walk on ice the Kahtoola Microspikes Traction System is a must.

Already got'm and they are great! After a freeze or snow fall I'm the only cat walking to the store whit a big grin on my face.

But Price Point does become an issue. Mountain Safety Research does have shoes in the 25in range that are lighter than the Tubbs (weight is a killer with shoes) and a pretty nifty screw on 5" tail but they are proud of their product. My best advice is to try before you buy a modern shoe because nothing grinds gears like $200-250 spent on gear that doesn't work!

Those are some sweet and modular snow shoes and. not to mindbogglingly pricy so perfect for a new guy like me.
Thanks TG