Thanks for is good to see a video that addresses safety. I think he is bringing in too much technique and target acquisition/engagement to a safety brief. A safety brief should be the fundamentals then the techniques for keeping you are addressed based on the activity/surroundings. He never even addresses the big one----TREAT ALL WEAPONS AS IF THEY ARE LOADED.
It sounds like common sense, but no training ever involves you shooting yourself, your team mates, or anything other than the target.......if you follow 4 simple key LIFE safety rules then you can focus on situations/techniques as they are applied to the training you are doing.
No need to complicate such an important thing.
1. treat all weapons as if they are loaded
2. never point a weapon at anything you are not willing to kill
3. keep your finger straight and off the trigger and weapon on safe until coming up on target with the intent to fire
4. know your target foreground and background
Everything he went over, or you will come into contact with in training fits into these 4 simple rules. getting complicated about basic movements gets really complicated when someone asks "what about high-port?" or "what about in a vehicle?". Easy refer to the basics.