Author Topic: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario  (Read 2007 times)

Offline JohnyMac

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Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« on: June 14, 2014, 07:54:43 PM »
Max posted a OP/LP scenario (Exercise) tonight titled, Planning Exercise: Observation Post (OP) Patrol.

Who here might want to give it a whirl?
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.

Burt Gummer

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2014, 01:23:57 AM »
I was waiting for the descriptions to stop...
... but they never did kind of like it was with my old CO.
I'll type this up tomorrow.

Burt Gummer

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2014, 11:26:33 PM »
taking longer then I thought.
almost done.

Offline JohnyMac

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #3 on: June 16, 2014, 09:31:47 AM »
Cool Burt, I can't wait to read it  :thumbsUp: If you want, you can post it on his blog  ;)
« Last Edit: June 17, 2014, 09:29:47 AM by JohnyMac »
Keep abreast of J6 arrestees at Donate if you can for their defense.


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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #4 on: June 17, 2014, 06:49:23 AM »
Yeah Burt, please post it. I read the scenario and since I was not in the military, I'd be very interested in reading. If you don't post, could you pm or email ? Thanks.

Burt Gummer

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #5 on: June 19, 2014, 01:34:32 AM »

a) Concept of operations:

        Patrol Commanders Intent (what do we want to achieve?)
Covertly establish a Three day OP of Objective Wasp in order to establish EF routine, troop strenght & Organization.
        Scheme of Maneuver (How, outline of the patrol in phases etc).
1. Route to RF Link up point
2. RF Link up & transport phase rehearsal.
3. Transport to DOP.
4. Dismount at DOP and route to OP
5. OP Establishment and fortification.
6. 72hr rotating observation schedule.
7. Once CCIR's have been achieved disassemble OP
8. Route to rendezvous with RF
9. RF Pick up and route out at 2nd DOP
10.Route back to FF

b) Preliminary Moves:

        Method of movement
Low ready, single file, blackout, noise discipline, normal rate.
        load plan
1. TL  - AR15&opt, MREx4srip, PVS14, Camelbak3L, ThermalShield, PlatyBag3Liter, Poncho, AT4, Scope, Ranger Finder, Signal
2. COM - AR15&opt, MREx4srip, PVS14, Camelbak3L, ThermalShield, PlatyBag3Liter, Poncho, Radio, Etool,
3. CON - AR15&opt, MREx4srip, PVS14, Camelbak3L, ThermalShield, PlatyBag3Liter, Poncho, Bateries, CamoNet+TarrTwine,
4. SUP - AR15&opt, MREx4srip, PVS14, Camelbak3L, ThermalShield, PlatyBag3Liter, Poncho, AT4, Batteries, Etool,
Required mission specific packing list, rest is by choice. Wide mouth gator-aid bottle suggested.
        Order of march
See above.
        route to DOP
Exit George Washington National Forest SW of Mt Solon. No start location makes route difficut.
        location of DOP
At the intersection of Stover Shop Rd & Stribling Springs Rd
        action at DOP
TL seperates from main body and signals RF with light/laser, RF secures location. TL Exits consealment and exchanges safeword/phrase, unique matching item, past event mention. In order to have it matched by RF TL. Once RF contact has been verefied TL signals team to exit.
        actions on
Pre RF mission meating, exchange favors with personel. Ensure radio frequency & time for both teams for pick up. Discuss dimount at DOP. Contact Actual of sucessfull link up and Opp commencement.

c) Route Out:

        Navigation legs
Stribling Springs Rd {N} - Free Mason Run Rd {E} - Mossy Creek Rd {E} -Iron Works Rd {S} - Fadley Rd {E} - Wise Hollow Rd {N} - DOP before 698 & 697 intersection at north side property boundry.
RF Opperation described in scenario. Recon vehicle, covert carpenters van.
        rally points: locations/descriptions/actions in

d) Occupation of the ORP:
        ORP Recce Group: method of recce, signal to move off, time on recce, return to remainder.
Roling dismount on DOP location. vehicles keep moving to location north of objective wasp as QRF. Pick up Opp is backtrack of route.
        Remainder: return of ORP recce group, cut off time.
If no contact at link up location/time rear RF van performs a 15 minute grace period acted out as lost equepment at DOP.

e) Initial Action on the Objective (OP site):
        Cover group: signal for fire support

No contact is made.
        Recce group: method of recce, time on task
OP is established west of "wise hollow" marker intersected with "Long Glade Creek" marker (Google Maps)
Successful OP depends on Eyes on internal of Obj Wasp, and Hesco Barriers would prevent that. The SW OP is on high ground furthest away from local population. also the entry control point routine needs to be established
        ORP protection party (if applicable): cut off time
N/A ORP/RF act as break contact diversion only Fire/Explosion/Contact. Due to mobility

f) Occupation of the OP:
        OP Group: initial task: observation, radio, sentries, construction, state of equipment, report OP ready.
Establish line of sight of Key point indicated in CCIR's 2 men establish temporary screens man plots 4 separate ground recesses. 1 maintains security.
2 men excavate recess (thermal/cover) 2 pull security.
alternate men create individual thermal / camo recess covers. Followed by dis assembly of front camo cover and is placed in rear.
Range cards are created as well as a "tug" system of cross foxhole notification with tarred twine. Security/OP schedule commences.
        Base group (if applicable): as per OP group.
g) Routine in the OP:
2 2 man 4hour stagered shifts This allows for cross communication between shifts.
Day1 [A][A][A][A][A] [C][C][C][C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C][C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C]
         [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D] [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D] [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D]

Day2 [C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C][C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C][C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C]
         [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D] [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D] [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D]

Day3 [C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C][C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C][C] [A][A][A][A] [C][C][C]
         [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D] [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D] [E][E][E][E] [D][D][D][D]

        OP Group: observation, logging and reporting, changeover procedure, sentries, food and water, defecation, clothing, kit/equipment.
        Base Group: Changeover procedure, sentries, food/water. defecation, clothing, kit/equipment.

Shifts are changed by Tug method, This removes need for noise/movement/cold water.
Foxholes are wide enough to rotate in while remaining at deflate.
1 log book is maintained and passed onto shifts.
Water is what you brought or can gather from rain.
Urination is in those bottle's I mentioned.
Shitting is only at night in a thick plastic bag. And buried at opportunity.

After this I cut it off as most of it would not apply to PL planning/scenario or was just... :deadHorse:
Good scenario though, credit to the author.

Map used for planning...


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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2014, 09:22:20 AM »
Shitting is only at night in a thick plastic bag.
You don't see that in the movies :)

There's a lot of planning for this stuff eh?

Burt Gummer

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2014, 01:04:04 PM »
You don't see that in the movies :)

No you don't... I've never needed to be on a multi day OP on foot. But i've had plenty when mounted (vehicle). And one of my NCO's needed to shit and only had the cheapest possible shopping bag lining inside a 50cal ammo can. Needless to say it ripped and made the entire vehicle nearly unbearable 110+* for the remainder of the day and night. Try and sleep while holding down a gag reflex.

The running joke the rest of the OP was that we didn't have to maintain noise & light discipline because the HVI could smell us.

There's a lot of planning for this stuff eh?

Look at it like layering your clothes. You wear several items regardless of the weather they are what you'd consider standard. From there on you adjust according to task and conditions.
So before every mission the TL won't look his men in the eyes and asks whether they have their shit bag's and piss bottle's it's understood that they do.


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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2014, 11:45:25 PM »
it ripped and made the entire vehicle nearly unbearable 110+*
Pretty funny now I guess, not so much at the time :)

before every mission the TL won't look his men in the eyes and asks whether they have their shit bag's and piss bottle's it's understood that they do.
At a less serious level that's the advantage to bushwalking with known experienced people, you don't have to ask everyone if they have X and Y, you've been with them before and you know that they know their stuff.

I made the mistake of leading a group that included 2 unknowns once, up into the high country where it gets very cold. I never checked on their gear before the walk and when the sleet came it turned out that they only had cotton clothes and $10 nylon spray jackets. They got so cold we had to erect a tent and bundle them into sleeping bags. No harm done in the end but a major fail on my part as the leader and we all learned from the experience.

Burt Gummer

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #9 on: June 22, 2014, 02:13:38 AM »
I made the mistake of leading a group that included 2 unknowns once, up into the high country where it gets very cold. I never checked on their gear before the walk and when the sleet came it turned out that they only had cotton clothes and $10 nylon spray jackets. They got so cold we had to erect a tent and bundle them into sleeping bags. No harm done in the end but a major fail on my part as the leader and we all learned from the experience.
You get snow in Australia?! Nightmare spiders, Lord Humongous and now snow... you guy's really get it all. ;D
I'm glad to hear they are ok. Out of curiosity where is "the high country"? just wondering if there's potential for natural insulators there.


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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #10 on: June 23, 2014, 06:52:16 AM »
Roughly speaking the "high country" is anywhere in the mountains of east Victoria and south NSW.

You get snow in Australia?!

Taken of my tent while camping up in the high country in the middle of summer.

My camp was up in that fog

Nightmare spiders

Nah, they're cute.

Burt Gummer

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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #11 on: June 23, 2014, 04:08:20 PM »
Roughly speaking the "high country" is anywhere in the mountains of east Victoria and south NSW.
That's Ned Kelly country! Ha, always considered going up there and perhaps scoop some gold off the ground.

Taken of my tent while camping up in the high country in the middle of summer.
My camp was up in that fog
Google images is lying to me again, it's telling me it's always sunny and has people smiling all over the place.
None of below 0* mist on an alien planet landscape. When I did a Middle O' Nowhere winter camp I had access to fuel and forms of insulation. what you've got there is a whole other layer of harshness.

Nah, they're cute.
There's no amount of fuzz and beady eyes that make up for it's hunter killer instinct paired with those two massive fangs in the center of that photo.  ;D
I know that's a wolf spider and probably one of the most harmless to humans, it's the others that worry me. I spend some time in Kentucky and foolishly took a nap under a bush without checking it out first, woke up to be surrounded by brown recluses darn near soiled myself.

PS I think we're derailing the thread again... ::)


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Re: Max Velocity OP/LP Scenario
« Reply #12 on: June 30, 2014, 09:10:07 AM »
Yeah Ned Kelly country, and it's not all beaches and bikinis :)

OK, back OT.